THE DIARY GAME : Aug 1st, 2020 : I Was Able To Sleep This Early Morning And It Means That the 700 mg Caffeine Was Washed From My Body

in thediarygame •  4 years ago 


My dialysis probably went great today because I was able to sleep considering that I ingested about 700 mg of Caffeine. Well I am happy about that because I will be able to sleep this afternoon too or this evening without any trouble anymore.

I guess that I will be doing the same thing on what I did today which is to eat prior to my dialysis, and then I will go to the bathroom and before we head on for my dialysis I will take two capsules of my Caffeine.

Then immediately after being hooked-up I will again take one capsule. After that I will have to consume my energy drink which approximately contain 100 mg of caffeine in itself.

One crucial factor was how much fluids that have to be taken out before my blood pressure reacts and go to hell levels. I think that I have the idea in doing that but I just have to make sure that I will not overdo my fluid consumption lest I will wreck everything again and not get the best treatment possible for my own well-being.


Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

Regarding my Tuberculosis treatment I am still on my anti-TB drug therapy. I do hope that I will benefit from it and still wondering if I do have a tuberculosis then I will get cured because I am taking a medicine from it.

I mean what will the effect be? Will I get fat? Will I gain weight? It feels exciting considering that months goes by very quickly, even years goes by and I have less than four months to complete my anti-TB medication.

My pulmunologist also wants me to take B-vitamins which I am refraining to do. I had seen a dialysis patient who took such relatively high doses and busted his liver because B-vitamins must not get too high in the body lest you will inflame your liver and die after, I do not want that to happen to me. I can just rely on my foods where I can source my B-vitamins.

Right now I feel much better, some of my body pains was nipped by Gabapentin and it just means that most of my body pains is nerve-related otherwise maybe no pain will get relieved.

I felt much relaxed also because the dose that I took today was more than 300 mg because my mother actually made a mistake when cutting the big tablet in two, I just took the bigger piece because my dialysis God-willing will still be on Wednesday afternoon.

I am still hoping for many things to happen in my life and I hope that my body would not conk-out before I could realize even one of them. I still wanted to live if I can reach my crazy dreams but if I could not then I just wanted to die.

It is just 50/50 ratio now if I wanted to live or die immediately. Whichever happens I would gladly accept it because sometimes things are beyond our control but I still wanted to see the light of another day too because of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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