Môžu regulátori vypnúť Bitcoin..??

in threespeak •  5 years ago  (edited)

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I do not agree with mister John McAfee in that. I prefer to hodl my few pieces of BTC until it goes to the moon xD

Nemyslím si, že v tejto dobe je najmúdrejšie míňať Bitcoin..Naopak ľudia by si ho mali nazhŕňať čo najviac kým je ešte “lacný”...a myslieť trochu na buducnosť a zadné dvierka :) Môj názor :)

Bitcoin is already regulated.
It's the most regulated technology ever.
Each node does the work to keep it that way and to change the regulation a long process of achieving consensus is required.
Government norms have no place here.

Governments globally are catching up to the crypto revolution.
Will regulation benefit the crypto space?
Or will it impede progress and stifle innovation?

Regulation is all about control and taking away our freedoms!

True I agree that regulation are just for controling people well unlest now. Intention in begining maybe was good but reality... Baaad

Jsem hlavně zvědav, jak se bude chovat Bitcoin v době recese. Nejspíše půjde dolů, jako všechno, ale altcoiny z velké části části podle mě vychcípají.
Rád bych ještě jeden bull run před recesí :-)

Posted via @threespeak. This is a comment proxy account. The comment above was written by a 3Speak user that has no Steem account yet. To learn more about 3Speak visit our blog @threespeak and our website https://3speak.online. This comment was posted through 3Speak on behalf of: Google User skyhlik (108757928145943999950)

Noo na to som teda zvedavý aj ja a poriadne. Uvidíme v čase recesie všetko je dole

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Dúfam že sa to čoskoro otočí do plusu. 😁

Posted via @threespeak. This is a comment proxy account. The comment above was written by a 3Speak user that has no Steem account yet. To learn more about 3Speak visit our blog @threespeak and our website https://3speak.online. This comment was posted through 3Speak on behalf of: Google User lubomir.klanica (115739289659786949106)

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  ·  5 years ago 

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/18)

Thank you very much

Thank you very much

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Dakujem veľmi pekne