Trump Won't Stop Until the Whistleblower is Killed

in threespeak •  5 years ago  (edited)

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--Donald Trump continues to endanger the life of the Ukraine whistleblower, this time with Senator Rand Paul, who called for the media to print the whistleblower's name during a rally in Lexington, Kentucky

Why would Rand Paul do this?

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You, once again, are ill informed. It is NOT against the law to publish or identify publicly the name of a whistle blower who is not a COVERT AGENT of the United States.

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 forbids interfering with or denying federal employees a right to furnish information to lawmakers. The Inspector General Act of 1978 prohibits officials from threatening the jobs of or making other reprisals against federal employees who complain or disclose information to an inspector general in good faith.

That's where the whistle blower's status lays, within those two acts. He is not a COVERT AGENT and therefore does not qualify under The Intelligence Identities Protection Act that makes it illegal for anyone to disclose an intelligence officers identity. He would literally have had to been working UNDERCOVER for the United States government to qualify under that act.

OK boomer

Close but no cheese cake, I am not a boomer.

The idiot is endangering his own life taking money from democrats in connection with such a nefarious business. Democrats use people like that and then dispose of them.

It's called the 6th Amendment.

A Guide to the Sixth Amendment The Sixth Amendment, or Amendment VI of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that guarantees a citizen a speedy trial, a fair jury, an attorney if the accused person wants one, and the chance to confront the witnesses who is accusing the defendant of a crime, meaning he or she can see who is making accusations.

It's not a criminal trial, it's impeachment. There's a separate part of the constitution for that.

Great content. Trump is a fascinating character.