Jagalah Gigi Anak Anda Semenjak Dini

in tips •  6 years ago 

On this occasion I will give a few tips on how to keep your child's teeth properly maintained.
Clean your child's teeth since his first teeth grow and train so that the child is used to brushing his teeth at least 2 times a day. Also reduce consumption of sweet foods, such as sweets, soft drinks, cakes, and chocolate, especially at night. Remind children to brush their teeth before going to bed, especially after consuming all of them at night. Visit the dentist at least once every 6 months to just check the condition of the teeth. If the teeth are already hollow, immediately fill the child's teeth.

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan sedikit tips cara menjaga gigi anak anda agar terjaga dengan baik.
Bersihkan gigi anak sejak gigi pertamanya tumbuh dan latih agar anak terbiasa menyikat giginya minimal 2 kali sehari. Kurangi juga konsumsi makanan manis, seperti permen, minuman bersoda, kue, dan cokelat, terutama di malam hari. Ingatkan anak agar menggosok gigi dulu sebelum tidur, apalagi usai mengonsumsi semua ini di malam hari. Kunjungi dokter gigi setidaknya 6 bulan sekali untuk sekedar memerikasa kondisi gigi. Jika gigi telanjur berlubang, segera tambal gigi anak.
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