How to check sanitary napkins?
Tear off your sanitary products, take part in the core.
Take a glass of water. Try to use transparent glass so it is clearer.
Take some of your core sheet and dip it into the water. Stir with chopsticks.
See the water color change (because if hygienic and clean, water should be clear).
See if the product remains intact or crumbling like a pulp. If it is crushed and the water is cloudy, you are using less-qualified products, and many contain bleach (bayclean).
And from the less qualified products that often cause in the intimate women always experience many problems: - Whitish - Itching - Irritation - and others.
The less qualified products are actually made of paper waste that is recycled and dibleaching or bleaching process using chemicals containing chlorine. The bleaching process creates a new compound called Dioxin.
At the time of menstrual blood falling to the surface of the dressing, dioxin is released through the evaporation process, entering through the vagina is passed to the cervix or the cervix then to the uterus and ovaries. This process continues every woman gets her period and wearing the wrong pads.
Research in the United States and WHO states that Dioxin can cause cancer. Not only in sanitary napkins, dioxins can also be found in other products such as baby diapers. So beware of the sanitary products you are wearing! BEWARE