in tips •  4 years ago 

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Here are Top 10 Tips for Keeping Kids Healthy.

Set a good example. Parents need to set a good example for their children and this involves living a healthy lifestyle. If your children see you eating fruits, vegetables and exercising, they will understand these things as normal aspects of life. There is no more effective role model for a child than a parent.

5-a-day. It is very important for your children to get in the habit of using their 5 portions of fruits and vegetables. Encourage them to have fruit snacks instead of crisps or other sweets and start early in the day. If you can get them to have a fruit smoothie for breakfast, they’re going to have 5 parts of them very soon. Try to include some fruits or vegetables in each meal.

Drink plenty of water. Water plays an important role in many of the body’s daily processes. Staying hydrated is important for optimal health and future foresight levels. Encourage your children to drink at least 5-6 glasses of water a day while limiting their consumption of sugary drinks.

Active Family Day. Many families with busy schedules may find it difficult to make time for family days, but having one or two days a month for active family days is a great way to keep the whole family healthy. Good healthy days include going for walks, cycling or horseback riding.

Sit together for lunch time. Meal time should be viewed as a time of celebration when the whole family and family spend time together. With a busy lifestyle, there is a temptation to ‘eat and drink’ and it doesn’t take long to enjoy a meal with the family. Try to eat at least one meal every day.

Friendly. Being socially active and making lots of friends is associated with good health. Encourage your children to join sports clubs or dance groups, combining physical activity with making friends.

Involve them in cooking. A great way to get your kids interested in cooking is to encourage them to get involved in cooking. One temptation to do this is to make cakes and desserts with your children, but try to cook healthy alternatives with them, such as home-made pizza or healthy pasta.

Exercise with them. Get involved in your children’s games and activities. Kids love to fumble and exercise with their parents so find something you want to do and take the time to sit together.

Offer a variety of games. Children have different likes and dislikes and this includes games. It is important for your child to find a sport that they enjoy. From an early age, introduce them to a wide range of sports and activities so that they can find out which sports they enjoy the most. Prefer from

Let them try all the food. Offer a variety of foods to children from an early age. Don’t limit their diet to just the foods you want to eat. Children are forced to try more foods, and studies have shown that the more flavors and tastes they get at a young age, the more likely they are to eat a variety of foods as they get older.

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