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It's been a lot more difficult to go up the ladder in bronze because I'm so used to all the monsters having their abilities, but it's been humbling to say the least. Is everyone liking the new battle formats? I really wish we could save teams for each format/mana cap combo.

Steem Monster Forum FTW!


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I love the new format, makes it way more engaging. Saving decks is a nice thing sure, but to be honest there will soon be so many combinations taht it hardly matters which one you have already saved. I rather build a new deck every time.

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I really like it personally but it's so much more difficult to go up the ranks. I bet the robots will have a hard time competing with that!

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I really like it personally but it's so much more difficult to go up the ranks. I bet the robots will have a hard time competing with that!

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@redpill I swear the robots play like 1 monster in their teams. I oddly love matching up with them haha

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@reggaemuffin true points! I'm just thinking about saving myself like 10-60 seconds every battle by pre-picked teams

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@cryptoctopus I've yet to use it cause I'm not high enough level, but I love using the dragons with earth mixed in.

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@kevinli I really like dragon mixed with life, that is my goto most of the time

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@reggaemuffin nice, life is super annoying with all the heals and armor at max levels

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Definitely been interesting with the bots who are posting up insane teams (like they're used to 25 mana cap) or just a single monster lol. I've been keeping track of the teams I use in an excel spreadsheet for right now, along with the ruleset, but I'm planning on figuring out a better way to track it. Haven't checked out holger's update to steemmonsters but he has it working on already for tracking apparently.

I've been going fire or death mostly, still don't have a selenia and not planning on buying one, so we'll see if I ever get a dragon drop from a pack

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Reply to #@£$%^&*()

I don't understand what any of you are saying

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Is editing outside possible?

Reply to #@£$%^&*()

This is normal

This is header 1

This is header 2

This is header 3

This is header 4

This is header 5

This is normal

This is bold

This is italic

This is underlined

This is strike through

  1. This a numbered List
  2. This is a numbered List

  • This is a bullet
  • This is a bullet

  • Check 1
  • Check 2


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Reply to #@£$%^&*()

<IMG SRC=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))>

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Topic: Making a new topic

Testing new topic updates category meta by incrementing +1 topic count and adding last action.

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Reply to Making a new topic

Lost the last action. odd.... Let'st ry now?

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Reply to Making a new topic

User @eonwarped wrote at 21.03.2019 18:55:41 UTC:

Testing new topic updates category meta by incrementing +1 topic count and adding last action.

This is me testing the blockquote

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Hello everyone! Here is the alpha testing phase of the future SM Forum! Have fun, try to break it. Feel free to leave your review in "Support" or send our review over on discord to @cryptoctopus.

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We definitely need to parse the markdown at some point

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@glitterbooster we will improve the editor to allow images very soon :)

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There is a support saw that right?

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Complete Markdown Test ## Now With 34% More Dragon... DRAGON! * Headings * Paragraphs * Blockquotes * Lists * Horizontal rule * Table * Code * Inline elements *** # Headings # Heading one Sint sit cillum pariatur eiusmod nulla pariatur ipsum. Sit laborum anim qui mollit tempor pariatur nisi minim dolor. Aliquip et adipisicing sit sit fugiat commodo id sunt. Nostrud enim ad commodo incididunt cupidatat in ullamco ullamco Lorem cupidatat velit enim et Lorem. Ut laborum cillum laboris fugiat culpa sint irure do reprehenderit culpa occaecat. Exercitation esse mollit tempor magna aliqua in occaecat aliquip veniam reprehenderit nisi dolor in laboris dolore velit. ## Heading two Aute officia nulla deserunt do deserunt cillum velit magna. Officia veniam culpa anim minim dolore labore pariatur voluptate id ad est duis quis velit dolor pariatur enim. Incididunt enim excepteur do veniam consequat culpa do voluptate dolor fugiat ad adipisicing sit. Labore officia est adipisicing dolore proident eiusmod exercitation deserunt ullamco anim do occaecat velit. Elit dolor consectetur proident sunt aliquip est do tempor quis aliqua culpa aute. Duis in tempor exercitation pariatur et adipisicing mollit irure tempor ut enim esse commodo laboris proident. Do excepteur laborum anim esse aliquip eu sit id Lorem incididunt elit irure ea nulla dolor et. Nulla amet fugiat qui minim deserunt enim eu cupidatat aute officia do velit ea reprehenderit. ### Heading three Voluptate cupidatat cillum elit quis ipsum eu voluptate fugiat consectetur enim. Quis ut voluptate culpa ex anim aute consectetur dolore proident voluptate exercitation eiusmod. Esse in do anim magna minim culpa sint. Adipisicing ipsum consectetur proident ullamco magna sit amet aliqua aute fugiat laborum exercitation duis et. #### Heading four Commodo fugiat aliqua minim quis pariatur mollit id tempor. Non occaecat minim esse enim aliqua adipisicing nostrud duis consequat eu adipisicing qui. Minim aliquip sit excepteur ipsum consequat laborum pariatur excepteur. Veniam fugiat et amet ad elit anim laborum duis mollit occaecat et et ipsum et reprehenderit. Occaecat aliquip dolore adipisicing sint labore occaecat officia fugiat. Quis adipisicing exercitation exercitation eu amet est laboris sunt nostrud ipsum reprehenderit ullamco. Enim sint ut consectetur id anim aute voluptate exercitation mollit dolore magna magna est Lorem. Ut adipisicing adipisicing aliqua ullamco voluptate labore nisi tempor esse magna incididunt. ##### Heading five Veniam enim esse amet veniam deserunt laboris amet enim consequat. Minim nostrud deserunt cillum consectetur commodo eu enim nostrud ullamco occaecat excepteur. Aliquip et ut est commodo enim dolor amet sint excepteur. Amet ad laboris laborum deserunt sint sunt aliqua commodo ex duis deserunt enim est ex labore ut. Duis incididunt velit adipisicing non incididunt adipisicing adipisicing. Ad irure duis nisi tempor eu dolor fugiat magna et consequat tempor eu ex dolore. Mollit esse nisi qui culpa ut nisi ex proident culpa cupidatat cillum culpa occaecat anim. Ut officia sit ea nisi ea excepteur nostrud ipsum et nulla. ###### Heading six Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. [Top] # Paragraphs Incididunt ex adipisicing ea ullamco consectetur in voluptate proident fugiat tempor deserunt reprehenderit ullamco id dolore laborum. Do laboris laboris minim incididunt qui consectetur exercitation adipisicing dolore et magna consequat magna anim sunt. Officia fugiat Lorem sunt pariatur incididunt Lorem reprehenderit proident irure. Dolore ipsum aliqua mollit ad officia fugiat sit eu aliquip cupidatat ipsum duis laborum laborum fugiat esse. Voluptate anim ex dolore deserunt ea ex eiusmod irure. Occaecat excepteur aliqua exercitation aliquip dolor esse eu eu. Officia dolore laborum aute incididunt commodo nisi velit est est elit et dolore elit exercitation. Enim aliquip magna id ipsum aliquip consectetur ad nulla quis. Incididunt pariatur dolor consectetur cillum enim velit cupidatat laborum quis ex. Officia irure in non voluptate adipisicing sit amet tempor duis dolore deserunt enim ut. Reprehenderit incididunt in ad anim et deserunt deserunt Lorem laborum quis. Enim aute anim labore proident laboris voluptate elit excepteur in. Ex labore nulla velit officia ullamco Lorem Lorem id do. Dolore ullamco ipsum magna dolor pariatur voluptate ipsum id occaecat ipsum. Dolore tempor quis duis commodo quis quis enim. [Top] # Blockquotes Ad nisi laborum aute cupidatat magna deserunt eu id laboris id. Aliquip nulla cupidatat sint ex Lorem mollit laborum dolor amet est ut esse aute. Nostrud ex consequat id incididunt proident ipsum minim duis aliqua ut ex et ad quis. Laborum sint esse cillum anim nulla cillum consectetur aliqua sit. Nisi excepteur cillum labore amet excepteur commodo enim occaecat consequat ipsum proident exercitation duis id in. > Ipsum et cupidatat mollit exercitation enim duis sunt irure aliqua reprehenderit mollit. Pariatur Lorem pariatur laboris do culpa do elit irure. Eiusmod amet nulla voluptate velit culpa et aliqua ad reprehenderit sit ut. Labore ea magna Lorem consequat aliquip consectetur cillum duis dolore. Et veniam dolor qui incididunt minim amet laboris sit. Dolore ad esse commodo et dolore amet est velit ut nisi ea. Excepteur ea nulla commodo dolore anim dolore adipisicing eiusmod labore id enim esse quis mollit deserunt est. Minim ea culpa voluptate nostrud commodo proident in duis aliquip minim. > Qui est sit et reprehenderit aute est esse enim aliqua id aliquip ea anim. Pariatur sint reprehenderit mollit velit voluptate enim consectetur sint enim. Quis exercitation proident elit non id qui culpa dolore esse aliquip consequat. Ipsum excepteur cupidatat sunt minim ad eiusmod tempor sit. > Deserunt excepteur adipisicing culpa pariatur cillum laboris ullamco nisi fugiat cillum officia. In cupidatat nulla aliquip tempor ad Lorem Lorem quis voluptate officia consectetur pariatur ex in est duis. Mollit id esse est elit exercitation voluptate nostrud nisi laborum magna dolore dolore tempor in est consectetur. Adipisicing voluptate ipsum culpa voluptate id aute laboris labore esse fugiat veniam ullamco occaecat do ut. Tempor et esse reprehenderit veniam proident ipsum irure sit ullamco et labore ea excepteur nulla labore ut. Ex aute minim quis tempor in eu id id irure ea nostrud dolor esse. [Top] # Lists ### Ordered List 1. Longan 2. Lychee 3. Excepteur ad cupidatat do elit laborum amet cillum reprehenderit consequat quis. Deserunt officia esse aliquip consectetur duis ut labore laborum commodo aliquip aliquip velit pariatur dolore. 4. Marionberry 5. Melon - Cantaloupe - Honeydew - Watermelon 6. Miracle fruit 7. Mulberry ### Unordered List - Olive - Orange - Blood orange - Clementine - Papaya - Ut aute ipsum occaecat nisi culpa Lorem id occaecat cupidatat id id magna laboris ad duis. Fugiat cillum dolore veniam nostrud proident sint consectetur eiusmod irure adipisicing. - Passionfruit [Top] # Horizontal rule In dolore velit aliquip labore mollit minim tempor veniam eu veniam ad in sint aliquip mollit mollit. Ex occaecat non deserunt elit laborum sunt tempor sint consequat culpa culpa qui sit. Irure ad commodo eu voluptate mollit cillum cupidatat veniam proident amet minim reprehenderit. *** In laboris eiusmod reprehenderit aliquip sit proident occaecat. Non sit labore anim elit veniam Lorem minim commodo eiusmod irure do minim nisi. Dolor amet cillum excepteur consequat sint non sint. [Top] # Table Duis sunt ut pariatur reprehenderit mollit mollit magna dolore in pariatur nulla commodo sit dolor ad fugiat. Laboris amet ea occaecat duis eu enim exercitation deserunt ea laborum occaecat reprehenderit. Et incididunt dolor commodo consequat mollit nisi proident non pariatur in et incididunt id. Eu ut et Lorem ea ex magna minim ipsum ipsum do. | Table Heading 1 | Table Heading 2 | Center align | Right align | Table Heading 5 | | :-------------- | :-------------- | :-------------: | --------------: | :-------------- | | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 | | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 | | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 | | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 | | Item 1 | Item 2 | Item 3 | Item 4 | Item 5 | Minim id consequat adipisicing cupidatat laborum culpa veniam non consectetur et duis pariatur reprehenderit eu ex consectetur. Sunt nisi qui eiusmod ut cillum laborum Lorem officia aliquip laboris ullamco nostrud laboris non irure laboris. Cillum dolore labore Lorem deserunt mollit voluptate esse incididunt ex dolor. [Top] # Code ## Inline code Ad amet irure est magna id mollit Lorem in do duis enim. Excepteur velit nisi magna ea pariatur pariatur ullamco fugiat deserunt sint non sint. Duis duis est code in text velit velit aute culpa ex quis pariatur pariatur laborum aute pariatur duis tempor sunt ad. Irure magna voluptate dolore consectetur consectetur irure esse. Anim magna <strong>in culpa qui officia</strong> dolor eiusmod esse amet aute cupidatat aliqua do id voluptate cupidatat reprehenderit amet labore deserunt. ## Highlighted Et fugiat ad nisi amet magna labore do cillum fugiat occaecat cillum Lorem proident. In sint dolor ullamco ad do adipisicing amet id excepteur Lorem aliquip sit irure veniam laborum duis cillum. Aliqua occaecat minim cillum deserunt magna sunt laboris do do irure ea nostrud consequat ut voluptate ex. go package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:]) } func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", handler) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) } Ex amet id ex aliquip id do laborum excepteur exercitation elit sint commodo occaecat nostrud est. Nostrud pariatur esse veniam laborum non sint magna sit laboris minim in id. Aliqua pariatur pariatur excepteur adipisicing irure culpa consequat commodo et ex id ad. [Top] # Inline elements Sint ea anim ipsum ad commodo cupidatat do exercitation incididunt et minim ad labore sunt. Minim deserunt labore laboris velit nulla incididunt ipsum nulla. Ullamco ad laborum ea qui et anim in laboris exercitation tempor sit officia laborum reprehenderit culpa velit quis. Consequat commodo reprehenderit duis irure esse esse exercitation minim enim Lorem dolore duis irure. Nisi Lorem reprehenderit ea amet excepteur dolor excepteur magna labore proident voluptate ipsum. Reprehenderit ex esse deserunt aliqua ea officia mollit Lorem nulla magna enim. Et ad ipsum labore enim ipsum cupidatat consequat. Commodo non ea cupidatat magna deserunt dolore ipsum velit nulla elit veniam nulla eiusmod proident officia. Super wide Proident sit veniam in est proident officia adipisicing ea tempor cillum non cillum velit deserunt. Voluptate laborum incididunt sit consectetur Lorem irure incididunt voluptate nostrud. Commodo ut eiusmod tempor cupidatat esse enim minim ex anim consequat. Mollit sint culpa qui laboris quis consectetur ad sint esse. Amet anim anim minim ullamco et duis non irure. Sit tempor adipisicing ea laboris culpa ex duis sint anim aute reprehenderit id eu ea. Aute excepteur proident Lorem minim adipisicing nostrud mollit ad ut voluptate do nulla esse occaecat aliqua sint anim. Not so big Incididunt in culpa cupidatat mollit cillum qui proident sit. In cillum aliquip incididunt voluptate magna amet cupidatat cillum pariatur sint aliqua est enim anim voluptate. Magna aliquip proident incididunt id duis pariatur eiusmod incididunt commodo culpa dolore sit. Culpa do nostrud elit ad exercitation anim pariatur non minim nisi adipisicing sunt officia. Do deserunt magna mollit Lorem commodo ipsum do cupidatat mollit enim ut elit veniam ea voluptate. Box Reprehenderit non eu quis in ad elit esse qui aute id incididunt dolore cillum. Esse laboris consequat dolor anim exercitation tempor aliqua deserunt velit magna laboris. Culpa culpa minim duis amet mollit do quis amet commodo nulla irure.

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Topic: lets get this party started

hey hows it going fellow steemmonsterians hope your having a kickass day i look forward to testing this forum out and making sure its in top shape for the masses in the near future. if you're not having a good day though feel free to let me know and i'll do my best to listen to whatever you need to talk about.

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Reply to lets get this party started

hmm thats a tough one i started with water and it has been pretty fun to use but after creating a new account and trying phoniex for the 1st time ive kinda been bouncing back and forth between them.

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Reply to lets get this party started

Let's get it started! (testing comments :D)

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Reply to test

User @reggaemuffin wrote at 28.05.2019 10:53:47 UTC:

some quote


User @tokentestanon wrote at 28.05.2019 10:36:20 UTC:


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Reply to test

some quote


User @tokentestanon wrote at 28.05.2019 10:36:20 UTC:


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Topic: 產生沒有意義的文字組合(文章?),供排版時填充版面用,但不會因為字義而左右版型的判斷。文字、標點符號出現機率大致符合台灣文章習慣


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Reply to What's your favorite Splinter?

fire and water has been my go to splinters

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Reply to What's your favorite Splinter?

Water and Death definitely. Having a bunch of magic cards is always sweet when using the water splinter. They become utterly lethal.

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Topic: 產生沒有意義的文字組合(文章?),供排版時填充版面用,但不會因為字義而左右版型的判斷。文字、標點符號出現機率大致符合台灣文章習慣


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Reply to Show me your best replays!

Imagine if we could embed replays in the forums ... I know I'm so annoying with by bug testing. Instead of testing I come up with feature ideas. Sorry!

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Topic: 產生沒有意義的文字組合(文章?),供排版時填充版面用,但不會因為字義而左右版型的判斷。文字、標點符號出現機率大致符合台灣文章習慣。聽說很多學排版的都會用這個工具。


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Topic: Testing Embedding Videos

Let's see if this works

Above is youtube, seems to work ... could be a bit bigger though.

Let's see if D.Tube works

For D.Tube it uses a frame of the entire page.

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Reply to Testing Embedding Videos

Hmmm seems like we are stripping out the iframes. I was pretty sure that youtube was allowed. dang it!

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Reply to Testing Embedding Videos

Also I noticed that I can't edit posts.

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Reply to Testing Embedding Videos

But now For91days is connected, that worked

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Reply to Testing Embedding Videos


The youtube video did show up in the editor though.

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Reply to Testing Embedding Videos

What about embedding pictures?

wanted to post this screenshot:

Some of the formating is off when trying to embed to videos via the URL form

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Reply to Testing Embedding Videos

Okay I have to rework that editor at some point :/ media is not yet well supported

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Reply to topic of what

Let's see how this editor works. Can I bold stuff and use italics? # Header 1 ## Header 2 ++underlining for fun and profit++ 1. bullet point 1 2. bullet point 2 chart | heading | column 3 --- | --- | --- 1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 | 6 bt_logo_3.PNG

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Topic: Testing out the new Forum

WOW!!!!! I love the new text editor! Are links works? YES!

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Reply to Testing out the new Forum

they still need some work to be rendered in the viewer, but that is currently in progress

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Topic: Testing Editor

This is bold

This is italic



  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2

  • B1
  • B2
  • B3

  • Tick 1
  • Tick 2


<div class="testing">

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Topic: Test for a Topic title

Normal topic content

multiple lines etc

and more

Topic: Really fast comment

Reply to Really fast comment


Reply to Really fast comment

Reply to Really fast comment


Reply to Really fast comment


Reply to Really fast comment

extra test

Topic: Test for fast comments

Topic: Testing Title

And more content

Reply to Testing Title


Reply to Testing Title

Let's see how it goes

Topic: Trying new permlink feature

More content

Topic: Test test.. this test's the best!

I used the general category as opposed to uncategorized.. I can confirm it looks good in Google Chrome!

Reply to Test test.. this test's the best!

Test testing I test ^^

Some content

Reply to monsters


Page Title

My First Heading

My first paragraph.

Reply to Test Topic

working on it

Reply to re-test-topic

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>



<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>



Reply to re-test-topic





  1. e
  2. i
  3. el

  • ee
  • i
  • e


Reply to monsters

reggaemuffin Page Title

My First Heading

My first paragraph.

Reply to re-test-topic


trtrying some htmn

end or

Reply to Test Topic

Test a reply

Reply to Test Topic

Test for reply

Reply to re-test-topic

more test

Reply to Test Topic

@redpill so far that is not yet implemented, working on it :)

Reply to Test Topic

More test

Reply to re-test-topic

Lookie lookie I see a regmuffin a redpill and a cookie!

Reply to re-test-topic

Hello Folks

# how is everyone today

  • checking markdown


Reply to re-test-topic

Is this the new vogue?

Reply to re-test-topic

How about a grammerly spellcheck?

Reply to Test Topic

> How can I quote you @reggaemuffin?

Reply to Test

Reply that I will quote later.

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Topic: 產生沒有意義的文字組合(文章?),供排版時填充版面用,但不會因為字義而左右版型的判斷。文字、標點符號出現機率大致符合台灣文章習慣。聽說很多學排版的都會用這個工具。


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Topic: This is cryptoctopus! Trying to break this stuff!

So I'm also curious about the SSO

Reply to This is cryptoctopus! Trying to break this stuff!

Interesting, haven't had issues with categories in a that normal?

Reply to This is cryptoctopus! Trying to break this stuff!

I was wrong...I got it again

Reply to This is cryptoctopus! Trying to break this stuff!

IS it broken yet?

Topic: Test topic

Give reg things to do!

Reply to Test topic

<a href="">test</a>

Reply to Test topic


#something more

Reply to Test topic

<a href="">test</a>

Reply to Test topic


Reply to Test topic


Reply to Test topic

test once more

Reply to Test topic

Do you mean that I can reply now?

Reply to Test topic

well...but it doesn't jump to the top

Topic: Another Test

Reply to Another Test

and more

Reply to Another Test

Some reply test

Reply to Another Test

now another test

Reply to Another Test

extra test

Topic: Testing #3

Thisi s another test to see :-)

Can I post via ?

No you can't, that is blocked off :) that way @steemitboard did not create topics :D

Topic: Are we almost ready to launch?

This is me trying this out again and looking for bugs. Do you think we are ready to launch this forum?

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Reply to Are we almost ready to launch?

there are still a few things that need to be done in my opinion. But getting closer!

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Reply to Are we almost ready to launch?

I don't think it is ready to launch yet @redpill maybe close but definitely not ready yet.

The interface isn't completely centered on my screen and the Steem points lapses to the right of the forun background.

I also don't think it's possible to upload images yet.

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Topic: GREAT! We can't post under "uncategorized"

This is really great work man!

Topic: Interesting, I'm seeing the oops category

Hello! Testing it out!

Reply to Interesting, I'm seeing the oops category

hope you are testing good!

Reply to Interesting, I'm seeing the oops category


Reply to test test




  1. 111
  2. 222
  3. 333

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