There’s a scene in the new Star Wars (I won’t give you any details because if I had to suffer through that entire mess of a “film” without forewarning) where an overwrought example of the infinite mirrors recursion trick is included in the scene.
It was not well done. And it doesn’t even deserve to lick the dirty befouled undersides of the boots worn by the creator of the most masterful video of recursion ever to grace our existence.
I belive the computer became sentient and ate him. R.I.P Comedy Gold Master.
But it made me think about all these interactions across the internet and in real life with the non crypocrazies (I include myself in the crypto-crazy population obviously...I mean, I’m blogging on a blockchain...that’s the way of it it seems...we’re going to be living in the Future when the blockchain is spread out across all sectors of the economy where it logically fits.)
I said logically fits! Go home Long Iced Blockchain Island Tea! You’re drunk!
We’re all just clamboring around trying to figure out the best spots to pick, solid entry’s, pre-planned exits. Jargon’s flying all around like we’re first year grad students in a continental philosophy class.
Oh, I’m just hyping FUD to the n00b potential bag holders who FOMO’d?
Well, the semiotic structure if your signs and play leaves me to believe that you have no grasp of Differance.
We can all keep mouth-blasting each other with that kind of gibberish until our ear drums collapse and leak down into our spines.
Or...Or!!! We can stop pretending that the path-dependent determined positive reinforcement we are giving to people who are on the brink of losing their shirts is actually something beneficial for them.
Because come on!!! Everyone’s trying to make a buck. Me included.
But we can do that all while helping other people too!
Ohhhhh who am I’m kidding...that would go against all the things we hold dear as a society. Laughing at the DUMMY bag holders for being too STUPID and better too much. And glorifying the newly wealthy as crypto-prophets, even if outside of crypto they may be complete garbage, or, even more funny, neutral personalityless blobs.
Complete garbage? Yeah I’m here.
That sweet, sweet schadenfreude
is always worth it isn’t it...crying Business Guy shouldn’t have been so stupid to bet his entire mortgage payment. Ha! Now the kids will have to listen to Mommy and Daddy act how their never have before, yelling, throwing things. They’ll have to live in gramm’s bonus room for a while, while Dad goes out to work the Kroger cash register night shift to make ends meet and pay for mom’s blossoming Percocet habit.
But schadenfreude!!! Hooray! Free Market and all that! Perineal Responsibility!
What a fun game these financial markets aren’t, no?
To be fair, though, if only Karen hadn’t panic-flushed that bag of...talcum powder...there wouldn’t be any reason to panic.
Which should be a lesson to us all, pumpers, holders (I’m not flipping the “l” and the “d” you heathens) and losers alike: Never flush the dope. Ever.
Umm, no seriously Karen, why did you do that. There was a party planned for tonight. You ruined it. Might as well take a plea with the cops. It won’t be that bad. Its not like I’ll become one of those joke characters on a shock jock radio show or something, right? Wow...Shkreli got a way better deal