House Fire Tragedy

in tragedy •  7 years ago 





I am alive because the universe or my guardian angels were on shift this evening. I had a good day until 5 pm when fire broke out inside my single room while I was inside it. I saw fire consume everything on my house walls within less than five seconds trapping me in the smoke.

I was being given first aid as these pictures were taken by my small siz. Then rushed to a hospital to decongest my chest of the smoke that might have been trapped in and get some painkillers.

Though I am in severe pain... I am so very lucky to be alive. I missed an early grave today.

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Sort Order: sorry you had to go through glad you're alive

Thank you so much.

I am so sorry to hear this, I hope you will be okay, sending you loads of healing xx

Thank you so much.

I missed this post.

Damn that must be a scary experience waking up in a fire..

Goodluck there.

Thank you. I am just a lucky soul :)

Oh, no! So happy that you were being watched over and that you are safe. Now, sending you healing thoughts in regards to your burns.

Thank you Kim :)

I hope no one goes through that nightmare. You are very lucky!
Stay safe!

Thank you thank you :)

Oh my goodness, @tezmel, that sounds awful! I am so glad you're okay. ❤

Thank you so much love :)

Wow! I hope you are okay, smoke kills more than fire ever does.

Yes, old friend... the doctor mentioned I should go back tomorrow (today) for another check up on my chest. Thank you.

Hope you are okay

Cant sleep but I am so very glad to be alive. Thanks.