Dedication to tourists!

in travel •  7 years ago  (edited)


  It was the first summer after graduation. Then even my future husband and his friends gathered in a hike. And he called me with him. There are people who are afraid to stay without civilization even for one day, to be afraid of dirt, to sleep in tents, but I'm not one of them! As soon as I was called, I knew that I was going to like it!
I did not know the friends of my future husband, but everyone took me well) The campaign gathered guys and 2 girls, including me.

  A week before the hike, we all gathered in the yard on the bench and pretty quickly decided that we would eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks for each day. Who will be responsible for what, where we will buy products. In general, such a concentration of the guys I just was impressed!
Products were all purchased and the day before departure we also met in the courtyard. All the food was packed in packages. Everyone had packages of equal severity, except girls) We packs made a little easier and even clarified whether it's hard for us. I met such good and adequate people for the first time) Therefore, there were very vivid memories of these moments.

  I did not have a backpack at that time and lent me an old Soviet backpack of someone's mother. They explained how to properly fold the backpack and at home I with it, though not quickly, coped.

  The train departed at 7:20. At 7 am everyone was already in the assembly.

A trip in the train

  I then not only went for the first time on a campaign, but also for the first time went in an electric train. For me it was unexpectedly funny! While standing at the station was empty, we came first. 5 minutes before the arrival of the train, the station began to be filled with the same tourists with backpacks as we) Until they left the city on the train was quiet enough. As soon as they left the city, they all started to get food, alcohol, guitars. We started to form groups, sang songs by the whole carriage! And so it was in the whole train) There was a feeling that we were one friendly family!
We went on 71 km, on time somewhere 3 hours, but I at all have not noticed these 3 hours. I believe that the most important part of the trip is a trip in the train)

Going through Inzer

  The guys knew a good parking lot, but it was necessary to get to it first, at this station we went not alone, but a whole crowd!

  The parking lot was on the same side as the station, but the point is that you can reach it through the Inzer River, or through thickets and swamps. One of the friends almost ran forward and climbed through the thickets of grass that were above it and took the first best parking lot) It turns out they also agreed in advance.
We, the rest of us, went slowly along the river. Inzer at that time was already not very deep, in places the maximum on the hip, but the current there is wild. And do not forget that there was a backpack weighing half of me from behind and pulling me back. The backpack was very uncomfortable, old and not to fall back had to go bending completely forward) (Then I bought myself a good backpack and more so did not go))

  So, first we moved to a small islet, the distance to it was small and it was not very difficult to walk. From the island to our parking distance was decent. For me, a clumsy man, the first time a river passing and with an old backpack behind him turned out to be a whole test!

  I reached the very last, but never fell) the difficulty is that you carry away the current, and the legs are unstable on large, slippery cobblestones covered with mud. Having reached the camp, they immediately changed into swimsuits and began to settle.

Camp arrangement

  Here I was also amazed at how much the guys knew their business. Several people immediately went for firewood, others took out foodstuffs, arranged a table, others put tents to everyone. So it did not take us much time to do it) We quickly arranged everything, cooked lunch and went swimming)

Games by the fire

  In the evening we just sat around the campfire on foams, on logs and played different games like associations.
And at night mosquitoes came to us! And a whole herd of horses) Horses are wonderful animals! But we had to drive them further, because they began to get to our food.

  And yet, so that at night you can sleep peacefully, it is necessary to keep the tent closed, and climb there at the speed of light) Otherwise you will be eaten by mosquitoes)

  2 days flew by! Honestly this is better than going to the sea! Have you ever bathed at night naked, under the croaking of frogs?) Try it!
In the evening of the 2nd day, half the guys left home, and half remained. That night I ate the most delicious pasta in my entire life!
And the guys went to the bath). Those who built this parking lot before us made a bath and a solid overhang over the table!


  The third day was already a bit lazy. We just rested, sunbathed, bathed) Gathered quickly, and most importantly remove all the garbage! Well, for the past tourists, too. I do not understand how you can leave garbage behind, after all, in a week, a month, a year you will return to this place and it will no longer look so clean and attractive, but all because when you were too lazy to remove one bag of garbage!

  The return trip on the train was calm, everyone was sitting quietly talking or playing games.
At 11 pm we were already at home) Tired, but very pleased!
So my devotion to the tourists passed!

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photos are really nice, great post, thank you for posting

Thank you! glad you liked it

очень красиво!

@hadasegunda спасибо)