My Video Diary #15: Strange Noises near the Beach

in travel •  7 years ago 

I have found this noise to be very annoying. It's not a frog but a insect which looks like a huge fly. Anybody know the name of this insect?

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Hola amigo, parece ser un cigarron o abejorro, son muy molesto por su ruido. acá se dan mucho en la vegetación de las costas. muchos saludos amigo. algo asi. @konozaki2015

Hola Perlana como estas? Es posible que es uno de esos animales que tu dices. Sabes en ingles como dice abejorro?
Saludos a ti :)

bumblebee. amigo @knozaki2015

Sound a bit like a Cicada.

Its possible, it was super weird, I had never heard it

that's what I do not know mr. where do you know the other fellow knows what the insect is. best regards mr.@knozaki2015

Dear Dani, its okay, maybe some day i'll find out :)

It sounds like what I know is called the Christmas beetle. Horrible little creatures that live in trees and make annoying sounds.

Hahah I will do some research about them, its quiet possible!

Sounds like a broken electric engine :)

Hope you enjoy your travel anyway.

Best regards from Berlin @seelc

I agree, it was super strange!!
Regards from the world dear @seelc

I think it's a cicada... maybe...

Hmm you are the second one that tells me about Cicada! I'll do some research about them!

well done for this post.Thank you very much for sharing this kind of post among us.

Dear @akikur100 its nice that you found it interesting :)

I do not understand with this Vidio, but his voice sounds like a cricket. Actually what is the purpose of this video buddy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

dear @knozaki2015 this is the sound of dedekhung

if this aceh language is a cricket its name, i upvote and resteem yes.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In my place this insect is called Tonggeret or Vampire tree, @ knozaki2015.

Very annoying noise brother @knozaki2015