Travel with Kris to the United States #3 -Los Angeles Part 3 美國落杉磯旅記 Part3

in travel •  7 years ago 


Hi Steemit Friends, hope you are doing good today! Today I am going to share my third part of travel experience in lalaland. As you may remember, I ended my last post with Malibu. Around that area, there's another beautiful beachfront city, _Santa Monica _worth visiting in LA. Let's begin our journey with Santa Monica today :)

Steemit的朋友大家好,在加州洛杉磯Part2的遊記跟大家分享了Grand Central Market和Malibu ,很多朋友留言和Upvote了我的遊記,謝謝大家的支持,大家如果有什麼美國旅遊有關的問題想問我,歡迎留言給我喔:)今天Part3想跟大家分享一下Santa Monica 和Griffith Observatory,那我先從跟Malibu比較近的Santa Monica開始吧。

1.Santa Monica

Driving 20 minutes along the coastline from Malibu, we get to a beautiful beachfront city_Santa Monica_ in West LA. Santa Monica is a heaven for people who love shopping as Santa Monica has three main shopping district Montana Avenue on the north side, the Downtown District in the middle, and Main Street on the south side. But the most popular among three is the Third Street Promenade, which is a pedestrian-only, outdoor shopping area with more than 100 shops and restaurant in the Downtown District. Many specialty boutiques are worth seeking out and my favourite boutique is Brandy Melville.

說到加州,我想Santa Monica這個著名的觀光勝地,應該很多人都不陌生。有購物慾的朋友一定會很喜歡Santa Monica,因為這裡有很大的户外購物區,多達一百多間商舖,餐廳,書店,戲院等。其中以Third Street Promenade(第三街購物徒步區)最受歡迎,一邊逛街,還可以一邊欣賞街頭藝人的表演。而我最喜歡的店鋪是Brandy Melville,喜歡歐美簡約時尚的女生,不要錯過喔。

Santa Monica Place, a three-level outdoor shopping mall featuring with Kitson, Nordstorm and bloomingdale etc..


Open Shopping area of the third street Promenade


A group photo with my friends. We had a great time shopping around.


2.Santa Monica Pier

You may say you are not a big fan for shopping, what else can I do in Santa Monica? Here's another popular spot in Santa Monica, the Santa Monica Pier. It has become a national icon of LA which provide a nice opening view of pacific ocean. What's more, it contains an amusement park, Pacific Park packed with rides, a ferris wheel, games combined with a plenty of restaurants and souvenir's shops. During the summer, the pier provide a venue for weekly outdoor concerts, movies, and other family friendly activities.

來到Santa Monica當然不只逛街,欣賞街頭藝人表演這些節目。當然還要朝聖一下知名地標,Santa Monica Pier。Santa Monica Pier是美國市政府為了掩蓋延申到太平洋的污水管而興建的第一個水泥碼頭。1909年開放給市民使用,更成為當時熱門的釣魚碼頭。其後市政府通過法例,擴建碼頭建造了遊樂場,令Santa Monica成為當地最受歡迎的觀光景點。Pacific Park是首個建於碼頭上的遊樂園,有11項不同種類的機動遊戲和攤位遊戲,包括過山車,摩天輪,海盜船,等等。不過最吸晴是那個太陽能摩天輪。在夏季的週末或假日,碼頭還會舉辦户外音樂會。

Iconic Santa Monica Pier Entrance that attract visitors and residents to take photos



Beautiful sunset at Santa Monica Pier

在Santa Monica的碼頭欣賞美麗的夕陽也是我在美國其中一個最難忘的回憶。

Pacific Park at Santa Monica Pier

首個建於碼頭上的遊樂園,Pacific Park

The world's first solar powered Ferris Wheel.

這個太陽能摩天輪在碼頭上真的很吸晴,入夜的Santa Monica真的美不勝收。

3.Sunny Blue

When I thinks of the food in Santa Monica, Sunny Blue inevitably comes to my mind. They have very simply and short menu focusing on a few kind of Japanese rice balls—also known as Omesubi. Omesubi at Sunny Blue are filled with different ingredients like miso beef, spicy salmon, toriyaki chicken and (my favourite) Mentaiko etc. Each rice ball is shapped in triangular topped with topped with some crunch sesame seeds and bonito. They are freshly made on the spot you order. The seaweed is still crispy when you get it. It's a perfect place for quick lunch or dinner.

有美景,當然不能沒有美食。如果提到Santa Monica的美食,最令我難忘不是海鮮也不是西式的餐廳,而是這間賣日式飯團的小店,每次到Santa Monica都會來買一兩個,所以都差不多嘗遍了所有口味,我最愛的是明太子,味噌牛肉和辣三文魚這兩款口味也很推薦給大家。每個飯團都是現場製作的,熱騰騰的飯團包著不同的配料,加上香脆的紫菜,一口咬下去真的很滿足。

2016-04-19 (1).jpg
The worker on the left is making fresh Omesubi and the right is placing order for customers


The menu


*From left to right, Mentaiko, Miso beef, Spicy salmon)


4.Griffith Observatory

Last but not least, I would like to introduce the Griffith Observatory to you. It's a popular LA attraction that offers a spectacular view of Los Angeles and the Hollywood Sign. Not only a observatory, it's also a planetarium which provides an educational experience for tourists and locals .It opens from noon to 10 p.m. Tuesday to Friday, with extended hour during weekend. The parking are free but limited along the winding roads leading up to the observatory that usually packed with car an hour before sunset. Btw, do anyone recognise this place? It's a location seen in a movie La La Land where Ryan and Emma spend the night dancing and wandering throughout the planetarium.

如果大家想看洛杉磯夜景,我會推薦大家到以夜景著稱的Griffith Observatory天文館。座落於山頂的Griffith天文館視野相當廣闊,可以俯視遼闊的洛杉磯,還看到出現在電視無數次的Hollywood地標看板。建議去看夕陽的朋友,早大概一個半小時到達Griffith的山頭,因為差不多到太陽下山的時候,整個山頭都會泊得滿滿的。天文館星期二到星期五的開放時間為下午12:00到晚上10:00,週末會延長開放時間喔。

A scenic viewpoint of the observatory

Inside the observatory





A huge expanse of grass area for people to sit on and enjoy sunset


I think I will end this post with this beautiful night view of the observatory today


Hope you enjoy this post today!


Thanks for your time. Wish you all have a wonderful day.

Please Upvote and Follow Me and Be friend

Much Love! Kris xx


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Beautiful views. Specially the last 2 pictures are simply speechless.

This post received a 5.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @codebreaker! For more information, click here!

Thank you!

The night view is beautiful.

the night view (last picture) is very impressive

Great post. You definitely hit all the hot spots in LA! Hope you enjoyed the trip. If you need suggestions from a local let me know ;)

so cute~

Nicely presented! But.. who doesn't like shopping? :P I just returned from my latest travel and can't wait to go on another jorney. Just started blogging about it as well. :)

Some guys just don't like shopping around 🙈 They know exactly what they want and just buy it and leave. But women, we just like shopping around. That's why many guys sitting on the sofa in the shopping mall and waiting for their girl friends LOL

I am not one of them guys.. When I go on a shopping spree I go bananas.. also I go broke.. so I restrain myself from certain areas (Regent, Oxford st.. 😄)

Folback :) Thnks :)

nice snapshots,

Traveling is very rewarding, want to visit california soon.. I follow you

Thank you😊




真不错。 LA 是个向往的地方。



Wow are you typing out your translations manually? Or is that some awesome translation tool you're using cos it seems perfect lol.

Singaporean chinese here, enjoyed your post, keep'em coming!

Thank you. I just type them out manually🙈

WOW, kudos for the hard work!!

thanks your post is very helpful
follow me @hattaarshavin

Thank you!:)

Some guys just don't like shopping around 🙈 They know exactly what they want and just buy it and leave. But women, we just like shopping around. That's why many guys sitting on the sofa in the shopping mall and waiting for their girl friends LOL
thanks for sharing @krischy

Amazing pictures and you look very pretty @krischy. Upvoted and Resteemed!
Check out my post too!
Exposing The Real Beauty OF Pakistan!!! (Part 1-Lahore)

nice post

Thank you

Great post with great pictures. We went on a trip through California last year and I loved it! I am also writing about it here on steemit. Check it out if you are interested :-) You got my upvote and follow.

Wow!!! That looks absolutely amazing :) You took some great photos!! Happy Sunday my Steemit Friend - SUNSHINE247



Thanks for share @krischy

Thank you!

@krischy the sunset looked amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you!

No problem

Great post !

Thank you!

Welcome !

upvoted and follow my friend ...... if you want support me too as i am new here but i am a good photographer check my travel to Iceland, thank you

Congratulations, enjoy your trip, excellent post

Thank you!☺️

在西岸沿海開車,遊下來就這麼好玩!晚霞的farris wheels 還有LA夜景圖真美!



Thank you!

这是my journey, 一起分享!


Love L.A especially Santa Monica.

Same here, Santa Monica is captivating 💓

I upvote you so please help me .

Great places, i like your photos so much!

Thank you

Lovely Post :)
Thanks You

love beeing on travel especialy with a good company

Interesting! 😃 I've never heard of Omesubi before. Looks good though. I wonder how its different than Musubi or Onigiri.

Can I follow in your footsteps and take a stroll in such a beautiful city. I want to know what the uniqueness there. I want to know the culture there. Can you take me there? 😳😁 but it seems impossible I can get there. Because the economy is so difficult.

Beautiful! This looks like a great place to go!:) Please check my little journey that I made soon. I hope you enjoy my photos. @nakedchef89

Lovely fotos. i hope your enjoyed your shopping. I do not like to shop but I love to go sight seeing. THanks for all the great shot especially of the great views and the sunset.

Lovely post, extremely well presented. Thank you.

Thank you

Great post, great pictures! ☺

Thank you!

good post!I love travel too. See my journey in myblog!I followed you :)

Thank you!☺️

Cool I lived in LA for 5 years. Check out my blog about it. And follow me 🍯

Nice Pictures

Well hello there. Very nice photos and some good looking food :D

Yes the photos are very nice to my especially the buildings

好棒喔!! 我喜歡購物天堂!!! LOL

  ·  7 years ago 


awosome place
Thanks for share..

Thank you☺️

amazing pictures