ROAD trip to Edmonton - WITH A 5 MONTH OLD!

in travel •  6 years ago 

Our trip 1st started out where we live in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Which for a normal, straight drive to Edmonton, Alberta it would take someone about 13 hours to drive, but when you have a 5 month old... it takes a little longer!

Surprisingly, Heidi did VERY well for being in a car for almost 16 hours, and minimal stops (we mostly stopped cause mama and papa wanted to be "tourists" he-he!) It was a really great drive, a little boring at times, but we managed to make it fun and enjoyable.


the 1st province to pass through was Saskatchewan, and if you have EVER driven through it... it is not the best drive ever, me and my partner like to joke how if your dog ever went missing you could see it running away for 3 days, as the prairie, flat province makes you able to see faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar faaaaaaaaaar away. We stopped at the most touristy spot ever... the border sign and just had to take a few photos

we are now an "interprovincial" family!


one other thing we did was stop in a small town just off the Yellowhead HWY 16, where they have the "worlds biggest SEE SAW" named Goliath, which was made back in 1984. This piece of … basically farm equipment, weighs a WHOPPING 4,000 LBS and is 33 feet tall! we were disappointed to see it was chained down, but I'm sure there are valid reasons for them to have to do that!



Next stop, ALBERTA! which was our final stop! few more hours of driving until we made it to Edmonton. We stayed in a town just outside of the city called, Nisku. According to google in 2005, the population was only 30, but that's likely because it's a industrial park mainly. The hotel we stayed at was the Comfort Inn & Suites, which was reasonably priced at 89.00$ a night (Canadian) and a lovely hotel it was equipped with HOT continental breakfast every morning, 25 hour coffee bar, & last but not least, a pool area WITH a hot tub! the pool area was fairly basic, and the only downfall of the entire hotel was that the pool area was a tad dirty and messy mostly, but you can't win em' all eh.



Baby Heidi had her 1st McDonalds visit and Chinese restaurant visit and both she did very well, and as you can see... "SHARE WITH ME PAPA!"


While we were there we thought it would be a good idea, since we drove and can bring things home, was to check out a local farmers market and support some of the local businesses in the are. The highlight of our farmers market adventure was the ALCOHOL! here in Manitoba, our Government controls our liquor & they are very strict with it. So, seeing some local wineries and breweries set up at a farmers market was the greatest thing EVER! we splurged and stocked up for the remainder of the summer!


Finally, the main reason we went to Edmonton was because of my partners cousin who was getting married. it was a beautiful, outdoor wedding with lovely Hymns and beautiful scenery. The night was full of dancing and delicious food.

my forever wedding date


The thank you gift were these cute little jars of honey with the most adorable saying on them "meant to BEE". The honey is Manitoba made by the grooms mother herself. We dressed up and took lovely photos and played a game of Giant Jenga!

Papa & Heidi even got to have their FIRST Father/Daughter dance <3

Well, I think it's safe to say little miss Heidi had a good time and was pooped out the day we left! I will also be making a post of our trip to the West Edmonton Mall, some of the alcohol items we purchased and the Royal Alberta museum! stay tuned, give a like and see you soon!



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What a great family trip! That see saw is crazy!

Posted using Partiko Android

It sure is!

thanks for sharing your family trip with us! you guys have a really cute child! the last photo is sooooo adorable!