Bali Stories - NUSA PENIDA - Heaven on Earth

in travel •  7 years ago 

Dear friends! Welcome to one of my
"Bali Stories".

Nusa Penida


Very close to Bali, and yet pretty much undiscovered by tourists until last year, lies Nusa Penida.

When I first got there more than a year ago, the island was incredibly silent. Foreigners were kind of a rare sight, especially compared to Bali, even though Penida is situated only 45 minutes by fast boat from the island of gods.

I immediately fell in love with that place. I felt like I was visiting Bali 30 years ago. Quiet yet paved - most of them - roads, only very few guest houses and restaurants, and a landscape that would make me and my camera wanna cry in joy.


The island has everything: Lonely Beaches, diving spots where you can see whale sharks and mola-molas, beautiful hills, natural pools and - most importantly - simply incredible view points. Wherever you go, you will arrive at some view point that will blow your mind.

Just look where I arrived last time I was there and got lost.


I cannot describe how much that island amazes me. I guess I will just show you one of my favorite places there. On the left, you see Kelingking Beach!

During the last 15 months, Nusa Penida has started to become a destination for tourists visiting Bali. I believe first and foremost because of some kind of hype on Instagram, people start visiting the island.

On the one hand, that is awesome news for the inhabitants and their economy. On the other hand, obviously, it will take away the magic at least partly. When I went there last time last month, I couldn't believe how much it had changed.

Don't get me wrong, Penida is still my favorite place in all of South East Asia, but if you want to visit this gem and experience its beauty without too many others around you, you gotta be fast!

Atuh Beach.jpg

I hope, some of my excitement for Nusa Penida came across and maybe someone reading this will go there and be amazed on his/her own. If you liked what you read, please drop me an upvote and follow me for more travel stories and photography!

Till then,
keep wandering and wondering,



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Good post


Wieder tolle Bilder...aber was seh ich da 0.32 upvote das geht garnicht...resteemed.. hoffe da geht noch was.

haha danke dir. Ja, die Gewinne sind sehr sehr verschieden. Etwas frustrierend, gerade wenn ich einen längeren Text über etwas schreibe und mehrere Bilder bearbeite. Aber auf der anderen Seite freuts mich auch, wenn Leute wie du es lesen, unabhängig davon, wie viel Kohle das jetzt bringt...

Ich denke das wird auch wieder besser,ist hier gerade etwas down.Ich bin seit Dezember dabei und seit dem hier alle Höhen und Tiefen miterlebt und war auch schon gefrustet,wenn gerade wie in letzten Wochen nichts bei rum kommt.Aber Du hast absolut recht,schieben wir mal die Thematik Kohle an die Seite,wir sollten es als Hobby sehen und ausserdem lernt man so tolle Menschen wie z.b wie Dich hier kennen und das ist doch auch viel Wert.Wenn dann noch etwas dabei raus springt,freut man sich auch.Wünsche Dir noch ein schönes Wochende mit den hübschen Mädels auf Bali😉..

Ich stimme in allen Punkten zu! Ich finde nur, dass das System auf steemit etwas dazu neigt, dass "geld-klumpen" entstehen. die reichen werden reicher blablabla eben. Die Leute, die am Anfang dabei waren und sich gegenseitig kennen, kriegen teilweise 100SBD für einzelne gepostete Bilder, die auch noch grottenschlecht sind hahaha. Das hat ja alles mit der Idee "guter Inhalt wird belohnt" nichts mehr zu tun. Versteh mich nicht falsch, steemit ist ne geniale Plattform, nur etwas ausgeartet finde ich. Hat was von nem Schneeball-System bzw. Pyramiden-Schema...

Your posts always blow my mind man

haha thanks, that's a compliment!

it is :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends!
You made me dream with this article! I can already see myself :-)
I note all these infos

that's my goal, happy to hear that!

Thanks for bringing back some lovely memories, I visited a Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan almost 20 years ago and there were no roads to speak of, just dirt tracks but the beaches and reefs were spectacular. I remember the locals farming seaweed on the reef flats at one village. All these neat squares of black, bright green, red and orange.

wow man, that must have been totally amazing! so much has changed...

Nice place - I remember all that views!


This post is beautiful place

thank you!

Very wonderful natural beauty


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

good post