in travel •  7 years ago 

Dear friends! Welcome to one of my
"Java Stories".

Goa Jomblang

Two weeks ago, I spent a week traveling in and around Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia. One of the first stops was a cave called "Goa Jomblang".

When me and my friend first got there 10-ish in the morning, we met a crowd of approximately 50 people who wanted to visit the cave. Everyone was handed climbing gear and a helmet.

Then, two people at a time were let down 70m into a huge crater-like hole using a rope. That alone already was an exciting experience.

As soon as everybody had arrived down there, we started walking towards the entrance of a cave.

The cave's entrance as seen from inside.

Then, for a few minutes, our torches were the only light. When we turned them off, it went pitch black. We kept walking and then suddenly this incredibly beautiful headlight came from a hole in the ceiling of the cave.

The light rays gave the inside of the huge cave a dreamy, gloomy look. It was just unbelievable. I cannot really describe it.

But what I can do is show you what is I think one of my three favorite shots ever taken in my life. What do you think?


Being in that dark cave with the only light coming literally from the sky in single rays of sunlight was just so amazing. There even was a little "river", humidity was ridiculously high and there were drops of water falling down on me from everywhere.


I hope I was able to get at least some of the excitement I felt in Goa Jomblang across to you guys. Give me an upvote and follow me for more photography and travel stories if you like!

Till then,
keep wandering and wondering,



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Nice shere..


U are welcome..

WOW 😱😱 The place, your photography, just wow. The third photo is very powerful.

I hardly ever resteem but this is well worth it.

Hey Eve, happy to hear that from you, I love it, it is my favorite shot ever!

what a stunning place and the light you found there ! awesome silhouette images

it's incredible, isn't it, never saw something like that before. thanks for the support!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Incredible images, mate. Particularly the light ray ones. Just a note, probably best to reduce the size of your images for uploading. They took ages to download. ;)

thanks for the advice, I already scaled them down a lot, but maybe not enough :-) I guess I will do another 1000 pixel less on the long side next time. thanks !

Very wonderful publication
Good choice, my friend

thanks a lot!


Wow your photos are really amazing! Follow you for more news

thanks for the compliment and welcome to my blog!

Really incredible place and super powerful images of the cave ! I miss Indonesia ......sometimes 🙄 I have to look for my photos I took in Yogiakarta.

do that and share them! I know, this country is so beautiful...

So powerful!

thank you very much!

That looks awesome! Brilliant shots

thanks a lot man!

Wie geil ist das denn...das 3 Bild ist echt abgefahren...100 % upvote und Resteemed mein Freund

Genauso soll es sein...der Post ging grad ab wie Nachbars Lumpi...freu mich für Dich..wohl verdient für diese geilen Bilder

vielen vielen Dank mein Freund. Ja, ich bin auch sehr erstaunt wie der Post abgegangen ist. Hat mich sehr gefreut, vor allem weil ich in letzter Zeit nur noch sehr sehr selten selbst über 1sbd gekommen bin haha. Danke!

its like shining from heaven haha
so beautiful and awesome photos!

thanks you...!

Das sieht toll aus! Ist ein Besuch auch für kleinere Angsthasen bezüglich Klettern zu empfehelen? 😄 Du schreibst ja von einem Seil für den Abstieg. Wir planen in absehbarer Zukunft eine Reise nach Indonesien und ich sammel schon Ideen für unsere Besuche :-) Danke!

hey, das ist gar kein Problem, wirklich. Fahrt da auf jeden Fall hin, die Höhle ist unfassbar toll.

Alles klar ;-) Dann kommt es auf meine Liste.

The volumetrics of that light are incredible. It almost looks like a special-effect, except its all real.

Thanks for sharing this, exceptional pictures.

i couldnt believe it when I first saw it - like you said, unreal!

Awesome shots, man! The last two look like scenes from Aliens :)

thanks a lot, yes they do :-)

Quite intense and rather exceptional photography! NICE!!

thanks for the compliment!

Such a beautiful cave, and what a great shot again in colour! 👏👏👏👏👏