Travels Through Morocco - The City of Fes, Part Three

in travel •  6 years ago 

If you ever visit Fes, be sure to climb as high as you can for some rewarding views.

The one thing I love about Moroccan cities is it's shear number of roof terraces! You can find them absolutely everywhere, each providing a unique perspective of the Moroccan skyline. My favourite rooftop was at Restaurant Sekaya, which was suggested to me by a fellow traveller over a pot of succulent peppermint tea.

A short walk away in the main route through the medina, I stumbled upon a small sign with an arrow Restaurant Sekaya which pointed down a inconspicuous alleyway (one of the many thousands in Fes!). I cautiously followed it and came across a small door with a staircase going up, again with an arrow pointing upwards. Having gone this far, I followed three sets of stairs to the top of the building, and boy am I glad I did...

I was rewarded with a stunning panoramic view of the city, gazing with awe at the city of Fes that seemed to stretch for miles and miles. It was a sea of buildings of different colours, with minarets and towers piercing the skyline, almost like landmarks from the alleyways beneath. I was speechless. I stood there at the top of the terrace for what seemed like hours when someone behind said to me "Great view, right"? That's when I met Leo, a lone traveller from Brazil who had just ordered lunch. He then invited me to join him for a delicious mix of lamb tagine, sweet potato, kebab sticks, delicious seasoned fries and a beautiful relish. And of course that wonderful mint tea! All the while, gazing at the awesome view in front of us. It was heaven.

With our bellies full, we finished up the last morsel of food and stared up again at the view. That's when I noticed some ruins at the top of a hill to the north of the walled city of Fes (3rd photo). I pointed it out to the waitress who said it was called Tombeaux Des Mérinides, or the Merinid Tombs in English. She also said climbing to the top of the hill where the tombs were located yielded even better views than from the terrace we stood on. With that in mind, my newfound companion Leo and myself felt it was only right that we climbed the hill north of the city to make it to the Merinid Tombs, not only to explore the mysterious ruins but also to find an even higher point upon which to gaze at Fes from.

Excited, we dove straight into the hectic alleyways of Fes once more, weaving in and out of the markets and taking some photos along the way. I'll make a promise that my next post will be featuring the stunning view from the top of Tombeaux Des Mérinides - hope you keep posted! <3

The City of Fes, Morocco








🌏 | Fes, Morocco
📷 | Samsung S8
🎨 | Lightroom Mobile edits used

Over the next few weeks I'll be trekking through Morocco and I'll be share with you my thoughts, feelings, tips and warnings about visiting each place along the way. Being a photographer, I will be doing this while sharing my photos with all of you too! I sincerely hope you all enjoy.

Please do follow if you want to keep up with my travel through this wonderful country <3

Any upvotes or resteems are hugely appreciated! Much love, everybody.

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This is amazing, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to put this together! I've used Salam and Shukran a lot but not the others, I will definitely try to employ these new found words and let you know how it goes :) Completely the agreed, the more you can prove that you're prepared the less they'd try to mess with you. That goes for any country I think, but I'll use these words and fingers crossed I don't say them wrong. Thanks!

What about your next trekking site?
Good captures.

Next adventure I will post is going to be Chefchaeoun. And after that I'll be back in Asia!

What the awesome eye touching photography you shared. So fantastic view .. I am also fond of to observe and enjoy such natural scenes. It is really a wonderful spectacle. Thanks for sharing.

Really appreciate that, thank you :) Thanks for stopping by!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Completely agree with you.. awesome photography

Thanks very much friend.

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Great ! what a life i think every one deserve for it , Travel where you want , enjoy yourself with your loved one when ever you want , not decided by others .
A Kind of life may not create uncertainty and provide freedom for every one , as of today time freedom of each individual controlled by the politician or big money bunkers.

Travel is the only thing that some big institution does not control over you. It's what makes you free and I think that's so important for your wellbeing.

The only way to stop this is to be part of the politics or the welfare of your community. When you get involve in your community you can stop bad politicians from getting into office.

Ah, you are inspiring me to go back again to Morocco, I have only been to Marrakesh, we stayed within the medina and had some marvellous meals. Fez sound just as inspiring. Great pictures. Hidden behind each of those doors are amazing buildings.

Yesss please go visit! Truly makes me happy that my blog is able to inspire you to go travelling there again. If you do, good luck, and hope you have a wonderful time and maybe feedback here how you found your experience :)

Nice & Fantastic

This is great! I went to Tangier, Morocco early this year...Lovely place. Everyone was very nice. I did get ripped off by a cab driving within 5 minutes of being there however. ha28872283_10155333940708202_1039862022457524224_n.jpg

Some people will defo try it won't they! Awesome photo btw bud, which hotel is this?

He was nice about it at least ha! I was just not use to the bartering way of things. This was at the Grand Mogador Hotel. Great hotel; the staff were very nice and they had a wonderful breakfast. Great photos, by the way!

Beautiful view.


very beautiful country.. I have a friend in Rabt... the capital city of Morocco..

Rabat! I want to visit there...

Best of luck

[-]seetheworld.sgp you will love visiting there..


nice post

Thanks friend.

Morocco is a gateway to Africa, and a country of dizzying diversity. Here you'll find epic mountain ranges, ancient cities, sweeping deserts – and warm hospitality.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely agreed. Need a taste of that sweeping desert soon!

Welcome Sir your visit to be enjoyable

Posted using Partiko Android

@seetheworld How the experience of your desert travels , Share your experience Sir .

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Thank you. Very beautiful experience. I'll follow you. I also have a samsung S8 and I'm very impressed by your

Pro mode is an absolute jewel!

yeah it is. I'm trying also to learn how to use better my S8 camera

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I added you to good bloggers
Please help project to survive. I've been making it 7months.
Server cost a lot. I am in debt because of this server.

Thanks for the add! I'll have a look and see what this entails.


Ancient one....but beautiful toooo

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Very ancient indeed


Beauty <3

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nice postt

Thanks very much friend.

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Terrific travelogue and photo essay

Thanks very much @momzillanc!

So colorful :) wonderful photography!!
All look really pretty! You captured the colours really well :D

Really appreciate it! Hard not to get vibrant colours when Morocco is just so colourful.

you always do the wonderful job!! Keep up the great work ^^

Thanks :) You're such an avid follower!

I love morocco, i have to visit chaouen someday again. really chill city, this brought back memories.

I have a feeling Chaouen will be my favourite city too.

Ive been to morocco last month! Fez was too touristic for me. But great post! Keep it up!

Where was your favourite place? :)

I liked Chefchauoen the most. Its quite touristy too but i stayed at an awesome hostel! So the people there made my stay!! :)

Great to hear :)

Awesome post @seetheworld.sgp

Thanks very much @shadabprince

Morocco is a beautiful place I'd love to visit.

You totally should if you get the chance :)

I swear I will 😄

Morocco is a beautiful place I'd love to visit

Just you wait til I get to Chefchaeoun!!

Can't wait to see that

Can't wait to see that

Morocco is a beautiful place I'd love to visit

Morocco is a beautiful place I'd love to visit

travel is my fav hoby...good concept sir.. thanks for share..

Its a fantastic hobby that's for sure!

Morocco is one of the places I want to visit, thanks for sharing a little experience in visual form. remarkable.

I'm glad you were able to have an insight into how Morocco is! Hope it spurs you on to visit one day.

That's a dream travel destination for me 😄 Morocco! astounding views and nice looking food! thanks for sharing 😊

So glad you approve @funtraveller! If you do go hope you enjoy the food and views as much as I did! :)

Thanks for sharing looks like a very interesting place that I would like to visit one day

I hope you can too.

Those are really stunning views. And your description also wonderful.

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Hehe thanks very much @hafiz34!

Amazing review, its big dream of mine to travel to Morocco one day :)

I hope you manage to get there one day!

Nice captures buddy.

The pictures are amazing you are exploring Morocco thoroughly. Keep up with good content.

It's remarkable.... superbly done by you

**Thanks **

Will be waiting for your nexts posts :)

Glad to have you on my journey :)


Wow! I love your photos!

It should be more the country you love :)

jajaja and why not the country through your photos?

wonderful city

Looking at the city from top is definitely good view , like I got opportunity to look Hong Kong from helicopter , amazing experience , would like to visit Morocco also if I get opportunity , let’s do it and work together

Great! I love this series of stories!!!

So glad you're keeping up with my journeys :)

Awesome photography

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks so much.

awesome photography

Not a word about the dishes, at least it was delicious?

I did say it was a delicious mix!

just wow post

wow i have never been to marokko but this is one of my biggest wishes to go there! nice post

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Interesting photos! I like this post!
(I have new drawings and hope you look at them;)

Such great pictures! Thank you for sharing them. Looks and sounds like Fes is definitely worth a visit. Looking forward to read and see more about your trips.

Wow that authentic food looks divine. Making my mouth water! Great post, I'd love to visit one day.

3 things.

  • Love how you write, makes it interesting for your audience to read.

  • The photos look amazing, i'am intrigued and will be your newest follower.

  • The food! Oh goodness gracious. That food! Am a foodie okay, and i swallowed as though i was tasting it in ny mouth by just looking at the photos. I'am sure it was delicious.

Hugely appreciate your kind comments @purpletanzanite! Glad to have you on the trip with me and more food photos to come :) I've got Asia coming up soon and there's going to be a hell of a lot of delicious food to share with you guys!

An incredibly lovable region. you beautifully choose places to your rest, I love. the dish you have got tasted appears heavenly and mouth-watering. I believe that their look is completely encouraged via the taste further as scrumptious as it's miles lovely. Based on your depiction, it's extremely tasty. Exceptionally else, I loved crabs and fish within the closing picture.

Por un momento me introduje a Marruecos a través de tus fotografías, logre percibir esa atmósfera llena de historia, especias y colores, gracias por hacer tan buenas publicaciones!!!

You got a 30.79% upvote from @brupvoter courtesy of @seetheworld.sgp!