Sjennon almost didn't see Spain - Have you ever missed your flight?

in travel •  5 years ago 

I woke up. With hazy vision and heavy eyelids I looked at my phone

07:30. Damn, that's early.

Let me just close my eye..- wait. Isn't my flight leaving at-..... God fucking shithshitshitSHIT.

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I jumped out of bed and looked at my bag which was supposed to be packed. I had done laundry the night before which wasn't dry at the time. I rushed over to my drying rack and grabbed and flung the first things I saw which seemed necessary. Underwear.. Pants.. Shorts and tanktop? I tossed them quickly in my bag, closed it and booked Uber as I was jumping around my living room trying to put on pants.

I left 10 minutes after I woke up and I looked like shit.

"Tegel Airport?"
"Yes, can you please hurry? I am very late for my flight."

And he went off. Took a detour and ended up driving 70km/h where he was allowed 80km/h. This is not hurrying up pal. I texted my colleagues - freaking out.

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Once arrived at the airport, I dragged my bag out of the car. No tip for you, cab driver. You could've done so much better. Very disappointing.

I hurried through security, asking people if I could just go in front of them because of my flight. They let me. I ran to the gate and...

"Can I please still come in?"
"No, the plane has left."
"I see it standing right there." (Seriously, it was right in front of my face).
"Oh. Yes, but the door are about to close."

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I walked away - defeated. My lungs were burning from the running (because my stamina is amazing) and I was simply stressed out. Couldn't I join the company trip to Malaga now?

The plane stood there for another solid 30 minutes because they have to wait for fuel. Motherfuckers.

Luckily, our company had booked two different flights and two people had cancelled to join - therefore there was a seat for me! They managed to re-book me to the second flight which was two hours later. I was just simply happy that there was another solution.

So I made the last one :D


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My name is Shannon, I am a digital designer. Born and raised in Amsterdam, living in Berlin.
I write about travel, Steemit, design, food, life and any thoughts I have!

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Happened to me once. We had landed in Chile and had to get a connecting flight. It was just on the day of switching summer/winter time. But the time tables were not showing the right time at Santiago de Chile we thought, meh, we have over two hours, no need to rush. When we arrived at the gate after having a snack and some cigs, they looked at us and said with an amused look: "Look behind me. See that plane ready for take-off? That's yours."

Our confused looks and our "but, but..." must have been priceless 😂

Well, we were not the 1st passengers who fell for the wrongly set time tables. We got seats on the next flight without paying a peso extra. 😧

Btw, the analogue clocks that were hanging on the walls had the right time. But who cares, when the digital system shows you have more than enough time left? 🤗

Airline companies are too strict on their rules. I never missed a flight like that but once I left a Discplayer at my seat in a RyanAir flight. I had just walked 3 or 4 steps away from my seat when I realised it and tried to get it back. The flight attendants told me I couldn't go back, only forward and when I explained, they said they would grab it and give it to me when we were out of the plane. They lied and I never saw my Discplayer again so I got mad and never booked another trip with RyanAir ever again. And I won't ever will. Now, I'd rather pay 200€ more and avoid RyanAir altogether because I hate liars. 😠

I'm glad you've managed to catch another flight...

I totally get your decision not to fly with RyanAir ever again. That is just pure stupidity on part of the flight attendants. Were there any free seats nearby? You could've sat there and waited until everyone had left the plane.

Yes, I tried, they didn't allow me to. 😶

That's grounds for boycotting the airline. What if you had forgotten a bag where there was something important?

The RyanAir crew are idiots - with orders to treat people as if they were worth less than insects. I will never use their services again.

This type of thing is one of my nightmare scenarios. That is why I leave nothing to chance if I have to be somewhere like a gate at an airport at a certain minute and I cannot be late for one minute. The same thing applies to not losing my keys, my wallet, my passport or my tickets. I'm a total neurotic about those things but laid back when it comes to non-critical things.