Travel Panama by Sunscape Capturing the local flora around town, so beautiful!

in travel •  7 years ago 

I love being in a tropical area. I just fall in love with all the flowers that I never get to enjoy in our colder climate of NY. There are so many colorful, vines, gingers, birds of paradise, bougainvillea and so much more here. I love the huge variety of hibiscus I see being sold at some of the local nurseries too.

Here are a few of the flowers and vines that I have managed to photograph so far.

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed seeing my visit to Panama as I travel with @hilarski and @anahilarski.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Does flowers in Panama bloom all year round or just seasonally? being in the sub-tropics I would image to see blooms everyday of the year.

I am not sure, although I have seen where the dryer season the flowers are less probably due to lack of rain.

Love all the pics you're posting of your trip! We visit a friend weekly who has her driveway lined with hibiscus. All different varieties. So many different colors. I can't decide which is my favorite. I think the blood red colored ones some days and other days I love the tie-dye looking ones! Panama does have some amazing flowers all around. Love orchids too. We have some growing wild in our neighborhood. All different colors and sizes. I found some tiny yellow ones recently. I did a post about Panama's natural beauty and I already need to do another one! We have rainbow eucalyptus growing in our neighborhood and I know I need to do a post on that as most people haven't seen them. We have quite a few trees even!! Love living here.

Oh my goodness the foliage and flowers are so amazing. Everyone would love to see your posts, get out there and take some pictures, I would love to see the eucalyptus. It was great to get around the country and see so many of the areas. I sure loved going up into the mountains. The views were spectacular through the rainclouds. :-)

So cool. Where did you go in the mountains? We usually have a pretty foggy afternoon daily. We live in the clouds. I will get a rainbow eucalyptus pic on my blog soon and let you know. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope I get this right, Chame or Coronado area, Randy took side roads and we drove up to the tops of the mts in those areas. One day it started raining as we were reaching the top to stop at the lookout area. We could only see clouds and mist. When we went back down the mist started to let go and we got to see some of the views. The second time was much better and we took a different road farther down the highway towards Coronado. We went to the beach that day too and it was very rough and windy. lol I found the name of one place it was the national forest at alto de campana

Oh nice! Thanks for sharing. Need to add those to my list of places to check out next time we are near Panama City. Sounds like a great adventure!

Beautiful flowers! Nature is so amazing!

It sure is amazing @crissimoes I love the contrast of all the flowers on their foliage here. Panama has beautiful plants.

Lovely images of tropical flowers! It sounds like you are enjoying being with family too. I had not realized you had family there when I asked on an earlier post if you were on a cruise. I was out of things for pretty much the whole month I was in Scotland, and am now just catching up! I know what you mean about the flowers as I enjoy most of those flowers here in Florida, although being in the northern part of the state we sometimes lose them to frost until they pop back to life in the springtime again!

Wow, a whole month in Scotland! That sounds fabulous! I could so visit that part of the world. Yes my son @hilarski lives in Panama and I try to go visit every few years. It was so colorful at this time of year so I had fun taking some photos. It is the beginning of their rainy season so everything was green.

I was visiting family too, so tried to stay away from the Internet as much as possible! At my Dad's house, the connection was great, but out and about I did not have good connection anyway!

Such beautiful flowers!! Enjoy and now you have all the photos to take home :)

Hope you don't get tired of seeing them all from Panama, lol

No!!! Bring it on!

was just telling a friend how beautiful it is there ty

It really is beautiful, I love the mountain areas and seeing the livestock too.

I like your post. @sunscape I have followed you

Thank you very much.

Nice to see these beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome, glad you liked my photos

it's quite amazing.....

Beautiful flowers..great potograph

I love being in a tropical area. I just fall in love with all the flowers that I never get to enjoy in our colder climate of NY. There are so many colorful, vines, gingers, birds of paradise, bougainvillea and so much more here. I love the huge variety of hibiscus I see being sold at some of the local nurseries too.
Nice post. If you visit my country Indonesia especially Aceh,you can get many flower. You can see beautiful flower and unique


Beautiful picture @sunscape

Thanks love!

Love those eye-popping reds on greens!

That Bourgainville just says tropics! Enjoy the rest of your time in Panama!! 🇵🇦

Thanks @braveboat I love the bold colors here. But it sure is hot and humid!

thank goodness no bees to chase you .. lovely photos

hahaha I know right! That wasp was so determined to get me before.