Transitious horribilus and missing my niece...

in travelfeed •  6 years ago 

Well, the inevitable happened...Our vacation came to an end and the transitious horribilus (horrible transit) began yesterday...Or the day before, or tomorrow...Hell, we’ve crossed that many time zones I have no idea what day or time it is back in Finland.

So far the journey hasn’t been too bad except for a one and a half hour wait in the plane out on the tarmac after boarding in Helsinki. Apparently there was no one to remove the steps from the plane so we could push back. That made us an hour and a half late to Heathrow and so getting from T3 to T2 for our flight to Singapore was more hurried than I would have liked. Heathrow is a big airport and it takes time to get around. We made it though and are now at Singapore’s Changi airport awaiting our flight home to Adelaide.

Leaving Finland was difficult. My niece @smallsteps was just about to go for her afternoon nap and as soon as the goodbye process began I got emotional (which is code for I cried). In the time we were there I became very close to her and although she is only two I believe we bonded. On the two hour drive to Helsinki airport my sister-in-law messaged me to say that my niece woke from her nap and the first thing she said was, “where’s Galen and Faith,” which made me tear-up all over again. Saying goodbye to @tarazkp, my youngest brother, at the airport was also difficult however a little easier because as adults we can communicate more effectively. We did the bro-hug thing and mumbled some stuff and then we were on our way home. I’ll miss the three of them very much!

It’s 2030 Saturday night here and wheels go up at 2335 (11:25pm) and after about 7 hours we’ll touch down in Adelaide, our home town. We are looking forward to seeing our cats of course as we’ve missed them so much however from now on a part of us will be in Finland with our niece. No matter where we are we will miss her and look forward, impatiently, to the next time we see her. The image you see here was taken after we left and whilst she was having a bite to eat as evidenced by the yoghurt on her nose. Apparently my sister-in-law @momone was working through the alphabet with her and when she came to the letter U my niece said, ”U for Uncle Galen!” which made me smile and tear-up at the same time.

I’m not always very open with my emotions however with my niece I don’t seem to care. I miss her and I don’t really care who knows it. It’s going to be difficult over the next few weeks or so however I’ll work through it, besides, it won’t be that long and we’ll have our next trip scheduled and booked so it’ll give me something to look forward too.

For now I better get going and help Faith work on our post-holiday diet plan...Don’t judge, but maybe I put on a kilogram or two...

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You're all thoroughly adorable.

Hope it's not too long between visits :)

You've got me crying now @galenkp! I know how you feel; I've lived long distance from my family and cry my eyes out when my godson especially comes for a visit...and then inevitably has to leave. Your niece is so darn cute too!

Words are difficult right now; I'm happy you and Faith were able to meet her and spend time bonding; kids remember fyi. I'm sorry they're so far away, I'm sorry you had to leave, I'm happy you'll see your cats. I'd send you a box of tissues if I could. Hugs to you and Faith.

And to insult to injury, you need to diet now too :)

Just got home and copped the silent treatment from our cats for about 15 minutes. They're all good now. It's been a long transit of 36 hours from my brothers place in Finland to home here in Adelaide. We're tired as we've had little sleep but need to stay awake to try and get back in our regular sleep pattern.

Yes, it was very hard to leave, more also because she won't understand why we are not there. I was so upset and then add on the bloody diet and well...I've had better times! :)

aww @galenkp, I've been thinking of you guys a lot today. Now that she "knows" you two, between phone calls and her parents talking of you and Faith, she'll remember you for next visit. Oh, I'm sure she'll understand that you have your own home; kids don't seem to harbor the nonsense we do ;)

haha I wondered if your cats would be mad at you two for a while! They're so funny. Mine yells at me if I forget him out on the balcony for a bit 😅

Don’t judge, but maybe I put on a kilogram or two

Umm, I think I need help. All I read was "kilogram" and I got really excited that you had bought so much silver. Yeah, I think I have a problem. :P

I'm sorry your vacation came to an end. Overall sounds like it was a glorious trip though! And you really got to bond with your niece which is such a treasure. Relationships are what make things worth it and for you to be able to invest in someone as young and sweet as her means that she'll have a better shot at succeeding in the world.

Cry away, man. There's no shame in that. It's one of the ways you know it meant something to you. And who could blame you for caring about such a nice little girl, especially one who is your niece. :)

Safe travels on the rest of your journey!

Umm, I think I need help.

The first step is realising you need help they say! :)

Thanks for your reply...We're home now, safe and sound but bloody tired! 36 hours in transit makes for a grumpy me! Our cat's were glad to see us although gave us the silent treatment for a bit. Little buggers! Good to be home with them though.

I've got a lot of work cut out for me. Better get on that... tomorrow. ;)

Glad you made it back safely. I hope the cats are able to forgive you. They are probably just hurt that you didn't explain what was happening in Meowanese. Get some rest. And enjoy the last few days you have off while you readjust.

Your niece looks very sweet. When you travel so far you get confused with the time. So have a nice time and enjoy your trip.

Its really a great quote


what a lovely baby regards

You got a 32.22% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @galenkp!

It was a long overdue reunion and very needed. You and your niece look super cute together and tears there were bound to be man. Nothing wrong with having feelings hey.
So now back to the saving for the next trip. How are the cats?

The cats gave us the cold shoulder for 10 minutes and then couldn’t get enough of us. :)

Sweet man. So between the mints and the cat love you shoud be okay then?