WHAT BEING AWARE MEANS TO ME. (My answer to TribeSteemUp's current bi-weekly question.)

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Like a lot of independent thinkers, I am slow and reluctant to join...
anything, really. Without deep alignment, groups are easily
counter-productive, and can pull you off your personal course.

But WITH alignment, tribing can build wonderful momentum
that benefits all participants. TribeSteemUp is an example of that,
and I'm grateful to be weaving with a group of visionary and talented
people who share similar quirks and values. 💜
This is Aishlinn's perfect description of TSU:

The TribeSteemUp project, was created 10 months ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world. The authors that are supported are writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics: Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness | Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism | Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture

I'm not vegan (but respect and practice many of the compassionate ideals).
I don't make original music (but ADORE musicians!)
And I'm exploring community empowerment (but will probably always
be more hermitic, even within community).

The other 10 topics have my whole-hearted interest,
and (imperfect) participation.
It is soul-satisfying to align with a project that holds
so many of the things I value most.

✨🌟 Many gifted hands now work on and in TSU,
and I want to give special honor to @kennyskitchen for having
the executed vision that got this successful endeavor started.
And to @jamesc who generously funded it. 🌟✨

Thank you, both, for helping previously marginal content, become less marginal and more visible. Thank you, both, for endowing the creators of such content, with the material support that earthly incarnation still requires. TSU is proving that the sweet, harmonious, visionary life we dream of, is not only optimal, but is also POSSIBLE. 🙏


TSU's current bi-weekly question was offered by @enjoyinglife.
This is my first time contributing an answer. The question is:

What Does Being Aware Mean To You?

I tried to think of a question that's bigger than this one, and I could not!
I mean, even the other usual mind-benders, like:
"What's the meaning/purpose of life?" or
"How does one really become free?"
... even those allow you to just place your focus
directly on the question-at-hand, and then try...

But this one gets meta.

It makes me aware of my awareness.
Which feels a little like trying to drive a car, from the back-seat.
It's really hard to explain! Trying to describe awareness first scrambles,
and then detonates, my mind. My brain just kinda...

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Trying to eff the ineffable, as Alan Watts, would say. :-)

So since my brain wasn't up for the task,
let's see if my heart can do better with that question.
According to my heart, awareness (to me) is:


(When familiar words aren't working, make up a new one!)

Knowticing is the knowledge and perception of water on your skin as you
shower, and it is also noticing the water's multiple effects on you.

Knowticing -- being aware -- asks you to live and move slowly enough
that your shower-time is not so rushed and 'hoppy,' that it can't unfold
into a lavish outpouring of spontaneous thanks for potable water...

...and to 'seeing' a world with not a single thirsty mouth in it.
From Cape Town, South Africa... to Flint, Michigan... and all between.

Knowticing asks: Why shouldn't my lips feel dry, too?

Your shower-water can connect you to the thirsts of others,
and in mindful solidarity, you can carry others' thirst with you
every time you hydrate your own self, with ease and convenience.
And please don't let that overwhelm you in any way, because...

... awareness of a thing, does not dump guilt. It invites responsibility.

And invitations can be refused. Everything is voluntary.

Plus, there's an upside.

The same knowticing awareness that 'burdened' you with images
of waterlessness, and dystopic worries of Mad Max becoming real,
also reminds you of the genius that indwells each person.

It might be dormant, or damaged, but that genius is THERE.
In each person.

And so you wonder how you might say, do, or write something
that could inspire the genius in another person, and in your own self.

If a needed solution wanted to drop itself inside a ready-head, are you willing to be the mother-vessel that brings it into the world?

There are showers.

And there are showers.

Knowticing, being aware, is the difference.


Click this sentence to read an awesome post from TSU fam, @ elamental. He answers this same question, and I love it. I think you will, too. 💙💜

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Thanks for always helping me to think more deeply and to knowtice. 🙏🏻🌺💕

Aw, ::blush::... My pleasure, @stillwatersart. Thank YOU for always helping me to see beauty and art in breath-taking ways. xoxo

@erikaharris always pouring the Water in our cup when we need a Drink. Thank you for keeping me from not getting Parched...................

Mmmm fresh water... Thanks for drinking with me, @stokjockey. :-)

Nice post Erika! And nice meeting you here. All the best, Wahido

Thanks, @wahidomarata! Nice to meet you, too :-)

"Knowticing." I like that term. I also like your extending your awareness to others.

Thanks, @meaningfullife :-)

this is great, it is such a huge question for sure, you answered it really well and I love Knowticing it is perfect for describing awareness, big hug right back at you xx

Great project so nice to seem things like this showing up on Steemit is surly is a great community 💯🐒

Awesome!! I really know its hard to put into words, but I also think it means this!!

Thanks, @vegan-niinja :-)

KNOWTICINGis an absolute fantastic word, and don't be suprised if we all start using it now - you're channelling Shakespeare and you dont even know it - haha, or maybe you do. Love love love your take on this, mind explosion or not - it's just perfect xx

Aw, @riverflows. So sweet. Thanks for your encouragement. I appreciate you! xo