My Newest Foraging Discovery Right In My Own Backyard: Plantain Tincture

in tribesteemup •  6 years ago 

Plantain Tincture & Benefits



When made into a tea or tincture, plantain can be consumed internally for the following ailments:

  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Ulcers
  • Chest congestion relief
  • Treatment of mouth sores and sore throats (gargle tincture or tea)

When made into a poultice (using a mortar and pestle), plantain can be used to help the following:

  • Broken bones
  • Snake and insect bites
  • As an anti-inflammatory
  • Help with healing of wounds and cuts
  • Pain or itchiness caused by skin conditions
  • Treatment of acne
  • Relief of sunburn

The reason(s) I have decided to have this tincture on hand is for a few reasons listed above. I suffer from digestion issues and I will be foraging for more plantain in the next few days to make a plantain infused oil; which I can turn into a salve. Summer is here and I have been chomped on by mosquitoes, bugs and constantly feel the need to itch my skin. I wish I had known about this weed a few years ago when I fractured my femur. The PAIN was excruciating and, of course, the ER doctor wanted to prescribe me some prescription Schedule 1 opioids; to which I said no and stuck with taking over-the-counter Motrin and dealt with the discomfort.

Over the weekend in my down time (hubby is back on the 12 hour shifts plus weekend 8 hour shifts so I had some free time for myself) I watched tons of Dtube and YouTube videos about gardening, cannabis and some cooking recipe videos. I found myself watching a few about plantain and EVERY SINGLE person said... "You can find plantain EVERYWHERE". I shook my head and thought... "I have NEVER seen it HERE!"

So I went outside in the evening to check on the plants and greenhouses and low and behold, guess what I found? YUP- plantain! While it was only four plants, I still found it! I even used my cell phone app to double check the leaves identity.

plantain 3.png

So this morning before heading out for my weekly errands excursion, I harvested the four plants I found, washed them and let them air dry a little then made the tincture.

Plantain Tincture Recipe

  • Plantain leaves cleaned and macerated in a clean glass jar
  • 80-100/percent proof Vodka

Store for 4-6 weeks in a dark cupboard. Then transfer to a dark-colored glass jar and seal.

I have had a few conflicting usage amounts from various places online and from YouTube channels. Some say a few drops under the tongue as needed; while a few others said up to 1-2 teaspoons a day as needed.

NOTE: So please research and use at your own discretion

I will be out over the next week looking for more so I can make the infused oil for the salve.

I JUST LOVE foraging and discovering new plants, leaves, flowers and weeds to use for medicinal purposes!


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I get heartburn often ill have to try this. Thank u for sharing friend 🌺

Please let me know how it works!

I have never heard of the, might search a bit, thanks

Fascinating. We have plantain all over the place but ours is the longer leaf. I've never known what to do with it, although I love my herbs and weeds as natural remedies. I must admit my goats don't eat it although they eat the other less appealing looking weeds, like thistle and castor

There's i think two varieties. Both are similar in uses. The telltale sign is the lines in the leaf parallel to the middle line.

Thanks for the tip!

Yes!!!!!! Great find!! Let me know how useful it is for your digestion issues! I used it in place of spinach though it has more bitter flavour which is usually the needed medicine.

hey there @goldendawne! Isn't it amazing to find helpful plants all around us if we just knew what to look for! great plant and great post!

Is there a phone app that can identify plants from the leaves? Or do you just do a reverse image search? If there is an app, that would be really handy! Often we see plants that we might like for our garden, but just don't know what they are... Of course, just taking a photo and taking it to the nursery works as well!

I use the app called "Picture This" through Google play store.

Thanks, I will look it up!

I have never heard of it, but, then again, I have been learning so much about foraging lately.

I have also been watching a lot of youtube videos on the subject and I am totally fascinated. Why did we ever wander away from this kind of living?

Thank you for sharing this!

What's odd is that I have heard of plantain (but the fruit like banana looking plantain) from watching Food Network cooking shows..I NEVER knew there was a weed until last year. Two entirely different things and both edible if prepared the correct way.

I'll tell you... once you find something while foraging it hypes you up for the next discovery!


I so need that! Mosquitos look at me and think it's snack time. Thank you!

I used to have plantain in my backyard, and have known about it medicinal benefits, but I was not too sure about making things for myself. Afraid I don't know enough!

what a great ally! happy to see you making herbal medicine. way to go!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Dear @goldendawne, I owe you one for bringing this to my attention! I know this plant since I was a kid but haven't seen it for a long time. While searching for its Hungarian or Romanian name I remembered that might have a box in my kitchen cupboard 😀 and voila, here it is! Must have bought it and forgotten about it. So 😘🤗 for this post! I'm going to use it now.
There's no place to forage it but I'm going to try to gather some when I'll go to my dad's, to the countryside. image

I really enjoy your mix of botany, personal anecdotes, and practical use cases.

Cool. Very cool.

Namaste, JaiChai