As described by the Tibetans, the hungry ghost is one who continuously seeks pleasure yet fails to realize lasting fulfillment. Myself included, this pattern seems to affect so many of us today. This drive to achieve when rooted in lack, scarcity or incompleteness positions us to perpetually seek the feeling of wholeness outside of the now moment; be it consciously or subconsciously.
The truth I uncover is this: The key to realizing lasting happiness, fulfillment and abundance is to become fully at peace with what’s right in front of us, in this now moment. It is to feel whole and complete in the now moment, and allow the overflow of embodied abundance to inspire creativity, passion and love. Whatever is standing in the way of us feeling abundant, whole and complete in the now moment may be the most important thing we can be working on for ourselves.
This is the inner work.
Do I have this mastered? No. Though I am I willing to sit with the discomfort that arises when challenging myself to embody more presence and completeness in the now moment.
My invitation is for us to come into this now moment, to breathe and to relax into our innate wholeness. From here we can take inspired action rooted in wholeness, rather than perpetuating cycles that keep us chasing the carrot on the end of the stick.
I have teamed up with a group of people who share my vision to provide healing in the world. We believe it starts with cleaning up our food system. I am supporting an “Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation” where we work on reducing body inflammation, detoxification, weight loss (or gain if that’s what you want) better sleep, balanced hormones and more. I have a $100 gift card for you if you are interested.
Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching - Get in touch with me directly for your free 45-minute consultation!
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