RE: Tribesteemup QOTW- Can We Unite The World? Let's ALL Be Cucumbers

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Tribesteemup QOTW- Can We Unite The World? Let's ALL Be Cucumbers

in tribesteemup •  7 years ago 

Unity is by the spirit of God and not by nature or soul. Hence, we do not have it when we think by soul and not by a graceful heart. Only a heart established with the Grace of God can think of unity and see unity within and outside. Nature is destructive and God's Grace is constructive.

God is not natural or supernatural, He is truly spiritual. People generally boast about spirituality without even knowing anything about it. However, Grace of God generates awareness, the true one within us, so that we may remain united within our heart. Unity within is Unity outside. I have seen many plants that embed themselves into the barks of another trees. Once you are embedded in the Grace of God, you will see nature also in unity. We see what we have within. That's it!

Pure Grace -> Pure Mercy-> Pure Peace
Pure Grace Within ->Pure Mercy Within -> Pure Peace Within
Grace World Within -> Mercy World Within -> Peace World Within
World Within = World Outside

The so called peace-makers of the world are yet to Know the Truth and the Truth is that we cannot have World Peace unless We have First the Grace Within that comes from ABOVE.

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