The Truth About Gossip Mags

in truth •  4 years ago 

The Gossip Factor with Jon Stewart proved to be a ratings hit with audiences last year. The new comedy series on Fox Network is based on the same premise. The show follows the antics of a family in the small town of York, Pennsylvania who live a gossip-filled life filled with lies, accusations, and personality conflicts.


The truth about gossip is more than just sharing stories to pass the time or put a little humor in someone's face. Gossip in all its forms has a detrimental effect on human evolution. It prevents peace by creating negative gossip mongers. The human mind has an incredible ability to store false information and create a need to share it. The truth about gossip is that gossip destroys relationships and it can destroy the social standing of those who gossip.

One of the primary causes of gossip is the negative gossip monger. The gossip is often started by someone who wishes to criticize another person, a group or a business entity. The gossip then develops from the fact that someone feels their opinion is not being listened to, or they are not getting their "way" in the relationship. Gossip feeds on negative gossip and spreads like a virus, damaging human evolution.

One thing I have found interesting about the nzme and the gossip that come with it is that all gossips are equal. Everyone has their own opinion of what the best qualities of a person are. Everyone also has different perceptions of what is negative and what is positive about a person. I have heard more criticism of the x-factor than praise for the show, but that is because some of the gossip posted online is very positive and uplifting while others are very negative and destructive.

The truth is that the x-factor is not much different from the gossiper in that they both thrive on negativity and spread negative gossip to others. The difference is however that gossipers are more subtle about their negativity while the x-factor is out there blatantly. A gossiper is probably not thinking twice about telling someone that they look old. However, the x-factor will be, "I will tell you this is why you look so old, and here is how you are ruining my career." These are two very different types of gossip.

While I was doing research for this article I noticed that the internet is full of examples of positive gossip. The definition of positive gossip is, "A gossip which praises another person or an organization". A perfect example of this type of gossip is an interview with a popular business woman in the UK, where she is criticized for her small physical appearance but is still highly admired by her peers. While it may seem trivial to some it is in fact the ultimate form of flattery. This type of gossip thrives in all environments and is not limited to a specific social group.


In contrast there is the x-factor, which is another kind of gossip which attacks an individual (usually a public figure) for perceived faults. The original x-factor came about as a result of one man's obsession with another man's lack of physical appearance. While there are many instances of the x-factor being used to attack a public figure this does not apply to the gossip industry.

As you can see both positive and negative gossip have their place and both should be encouraged in today's society. The most important thing is that people should be able to communicate without inhibitions and without fear of being judged. If everyone had to toe the line then we would be so boring. In this new age we can all feel free to air our opinions and if they are hurtful or untrue we can simply retract the information and move on.

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