Crypto, SDR's & Digitization ACC Chain, Interviews, HATJ, Chris Cornell, Questions, etc.

in truthforchris •  8 years ago 

Crypto, SDR's & Digitization ACC Chain, Interviews, HATJ, PizzaGate, Chris Cornell #TruthForChris, Questions, etc.

Summary of Live Stream:

In this live stream I discuss many topics from crypto-currencies, to the homicide, like murder of Chris Cornell #TruthForChris, Pizzagate, and Admiralty law / Federal reserve. This is a very informative video and I hope you can take the time to watch the entire thing and share it if you find it interesting or informative.

The first topic discussed was the New EOS Chain being developed by @Dan Dan Larimer formerly of Steemit, and the awesome interview done by @SGTReport with @OfficialFuzzy on this topic and this new EOS chain that looks very promising. Article:

The second topic discussed was the recent @SGTReport interview with Lynette Zang, who was warning about the digitzation of hard assets like Tea and Real Estate by the ACC Chain, which blocked Americans from participating in the ICO despite using land in Texas to back up their new ACC Chain. She makes the argument that this is tied into the SDR, and that somehow Bitcoin and Ethereum are a part of the SDR are would soon become part of the IMF SDR's, however I disagree with that completely. But here is the article with video embedded for you to review yourself:

Also on this topic is another interview I discuss by @SGTReport with Brad Peters and Joe from the Jsnip4 Realist News that counters what Lynette Zang said about SDR's and BitCoin and Ethereum:

I covered @TheHoneybee's video about crypto currencies being "not anyomous", and I partially agree with this video, but there are anonymous cryptos like Dash coin for just one example. Article:

I direct people to the new "Chris Simpson" video about another dead associate of Hillary Serial Murderer Clinton: Video Link

I want people to go see the interview I did with Cat Watters on the Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf court case regarding Federal Reserve TDA accounts, and Admiralty Law: Video Link.

I direct People to the PizzaGate interview with Kristan T Harris, World Intelligence Report, link to interview:

I cover the death of Robert Peacock at Classic Motors DC and the connection to James Edward Gibson and that investigation I did:

I cover the murder of Chris Cornell and the forensic evidence to suggest this, in an investigation done by Randy "Rocket" Cody, who I will be interviewing tonight at 8pm Eastern. I went through the evidence regarding the head wound, time of death, the door latch, and the broken ribs which all show clear evidence of murder. Article:

Door Latch Just One Piece of Forensic Evidence:

Image Source

Lastly I am moving STWT to Saturday Night at 9pm to accommodate the Randy Interview tonight, submit your AMA questions on my patreon or on steemit to have them read live on air.

Enjoy My YouTube Video:

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Ya, I covered all that and more in under 30 minutes. You are welcome.

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Monero is the only respected anon coin in the crypto-sphere. Dash requires some coin mixing before sending, for it to be anonymous. Dash is a fork of bitcoin with a shit-ton of duct taped features added to it. I wouldn't recommend it because the "core team" have their own agenda and the source code sucks.

@titusfrost Continue Amplifying Awareness my friend - Cheers 👍

Nice information @titufrost sir.

great work about ur crypto posts keep it up sir

This world is going digital lol

nice sir about it i dont know about it its new information for me and thanx for share with us


Very informative and current post. I'm regretting my drunken voting orgy last night, as I'm stripped of VP =/