First off, I am a home improvement contractor. I am not a blogger and most certainly not someone who sits down and makes bullet point lists. I've never pushed for much of a following on social media but I have been a part of the #truthmovement or whatever you want to call it for almost 20 years and find much encouragement in seeing so many new channels and the following they are drawing.
What I want to see is a better way than #Censored Social Media to network local #truthers. I have been writing down my thoughts about this for a week or more and honestly yesterday I was about to post but the spirit to do so left me. I instead buried myself in Netflix and some senselessness but this morning I noticed the latest round of Q posts and right there in the first of Q's posts was this and it really blew me away:
FIGHT the censorship.
You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
You simply forgot how to PLAY.
They want you divided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.
We've GOT to get together locally! Out on the streets TOGETHER, being kind, being normal folks! Normal folks that are sick to death of the steady stream of BS coming from ALL the mainstream outlets. (If we find one that is telling the truth you can bet it's because it meets their agenda...for now; don't be fooled) I am gonna copy/paste a couple paragraphs of what I jotted down this last week. Maybe some of it will make sense to someone and they can pick it up and run with it. I will say this, if we go out there only to see how loud we can clang our cymbals it is all for naught. Hell Yeah we need to make some noise but we also need to meet our cities with kindness and humility; standing together unified in our passion to defeat this mainstream propaganda.
I am gonna tag some of who I see to be Heavy Hitters in the truth department. I know there are a lot more than this that need mentioned (feel free to share/tag someone) but figured this is a good start. Someone out there has both the passion and ability to build a simple (AND SECURE) way so that we can see who is awake in our local cities and, most importantly, who is willing to go out and get their hands dirty.
This is not in order of importance; we are ALL important and WE ARE in this together.
(Ladies first) #oldschool
@natashav @tracybeanz @citizens-ireport @jaysather @antischool @sgtreport
This is simply a rough draft of why I feel it is important to have a platform of real life networking with others in our local Truth Community. Do we all need to join together and march on Washington? Yes!!! But we also need to stroll through our streets on a Friday night showing people that this Great Awakening is real and WE ARE NOT going to be silent! For some, entering into this awakening might seem like stepping out on a rickety rope bridge. To let go of an idea a person has been taught their whole life and what they fully believe to be true is next to impossible. Maybe seeing some real people standing on the other side is what they need to make that first step.
(all my formatting went away when I copied this over sorry)
Why Local Groups?
-Further the Great Awakening
--Why are some not waking up?
--What is it going to take?
--What is the next level?
Showing our Communities -Who We Are-
-We are Not BSC Conspiracy Theorists; we are normal everyday folks!
-We have Facts not Fabrications
-We have a genuine Love for humanity (Right?)
Encouraging One Another
-This might be the most important thing of all
-We may feel alone but We Are Not Alone!
To Grow in Diverse Unity
*Unity: Used to signify a oneness of sentiment, affection, or behavior
-Does not mean we will agree on everything
-There are 100 immediate and serious issues
--This may be the biggest challenge to overcome
--Where do we start?
-Luckily MSM gives a daily does of BS to counter
(This is not about one single issue)
-This is about helping people to take their first steps
-This is about helping people break away from MSM manipulation and propaganda
-This is about lighting some hearts on fire for the truth
---and again, encouraging each other to STAND in that truth
-This is about us being surprised just how many people around us are already Awake!
Group Think (Recent Blackpilled Video – Good insight)
-People need to see a group – Our Group!
-When we are seen together it will have an effect on people
-So many are right at the cusp of awakening
-Many of us jumped into this all by ourselves; most probably can't
-We are pushing into more than a century of hard core, mass manipulation
No Perfect Plan
-I had a bunch of stuff here but I put it to the side for now.
I hope this gets out and I hope someone just doesn't see this as a way to capitalize. We need an open source and secure anon platform. I am sorry to say but I have no idea what something like that would look like. I do have experience in leading small groups and getting out on the streets with those groups.
I put in an earlier post on this topic that I feel like I am throwing a rock to try and stop the ocean. I just want to be networked with a few other local rock throwers to go out together and inspire others to pick up their own rock and join us.
Never, will I ever stop throwing this freaking rock!
Thank you for anyone that took the time to read this and please like, share and comment.
@FreeBeerFridays (steem, gab, dtube, bitchute, twit)