Make Money With Tumblr (3 Simple Steps)

in tumblr •  7 years ago 

 So everyone is always talking about marketing on Facebook and Twitter and Google+ right? And why not… they are great ways to drive traffic and sales to your sites. 

 However one massive social site that I never see anyone talking about is Tumblr

 Which is funny because it’s actually one of the most viral social networks out there and with it I’m able to drive TONNES of free traffic and backlinks and social signals to ALL of my sites. 

 Though I’ve always been a little ‘tight lipped’ about just exactly how I do this. 

 But today that all changes. 

 Because in this video I’m going to show you how you can easily build up HUGE tumblr accounts that have thousands of niche related followers that you can then use to promote your sites and absolutely DOMINATE the search engines.

Sound cool? You bet your ass it is. 

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SOmething just came to my mind and I find it funny. We are on a platform which does not need us to know anything special to generate money, which is why I almost forgot about all the other platforms, and you made me remember that they still exist. :D

I agree with you @babysteps , but they are important ... especially if you are an internet marketer ....

Very good information @stillrock. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Thank you.

Thank you to @helpingbudha, enjoy!