Alright, That's Three People I Didn't Unfollow Who Were Unfollowed?

in ulog •  6 years ago 

Am I the only one having this happen? Three people I know I didn't unfollow of my own volition were unfollowed! Is this some HF20 bug? Have y'all found this, too? If I normally interact with you and I've disappeared into the ether, I'm sorry! I've only been noticing it since after the fork, but it may have happened earlier and I have no idea. :/


I did not get the Annoying Orange Alert, but apparently I'm not alone. Did y'all get it?

So that day that I walked all over creation and went to King Soopers, I bought some conventional eggs. Since not being vegan anymore, I have almost exclusively bought free range eggs, but they are expensive ($5-$7/dozen), and I was literally almost out of food in the house with only $8 to spend on groceries, so I bought whatever was cheapest.

Last night was the first time I ate one just scrambled with cheese, like I often do. I had to force myself to finish it. It tasted SO BAD. I know free range eggs are healthier for you, but I didn't realize there would be a taste difference. Wow. So the rest of the dozen will be used for baking, I guess. I wonder what it would taste like if I made French Toast?


Who else wants to celebrate Wolfenoot? :D

Here is a six second vine that made me laugh for over twenty minutes last night:

And here is what my apartment sounded like this afternoon because they are renovating next door:

I again tried to use DTube and get "unknown error"

I did some dishes and hung up laundry and went to TJ's, and otherwise had a pretty uneventful day. Maybe I'll do some writing in books now. What are you all up to?

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I just turned on my phone, which I do every other week or so, and I got a Presidential Alert! It was a test though....

A really good book!

I am going to start trying to use dtube for my next round of videos, I don't actually know anyone who has had good experiences, so I decided to try! Kind of backwards logic I guess....

I used DTube before, not without problems, but it at least sometimes worked; I presumed the problems were because I was on a Kindle Fire, and not all sites work well on a tablet browser. But I haven't gotten it to work once since I've had the laptop! Irony, I guess.

You are not the only one to notice this. It happened to be before the hard fork as well as after. We have a gremlin living in Steemit!

Aww, haha, awesome post Phe!! The sound from next door was AWFUL!!! What a way to ruin #hermitlife!!

Wolfnoot is the cutest most awesomest holiday I've ever heard of and the name...just feels good to say!! Goosebumps actually!!

I don't eat eggs, but I could only imagine how sick the caged ones taste, poor girls too :'( God I wish I could supply you with Eggs, omg, they would be free sweetie! Pisses me off hearing 5-7 USD for good eggs! WTF that's like 10 fucking dollars here!!!

I know, I felt kinda guilty buying them, but thought, it's just once, I normally happily pay for the kinder ones, I just couldn't afford it and I gotta take care of me too. But ugh, this is totally why poor people are so unhealthy here (well, one reason): the food you can afford to eat is so bad and the good stuff is so out of reach. Because of my allergies, my choice is usually "less, but healthy" because I react if I eat most of the cheap stuff. Everyone should be able to have healthy food, and no animals should be forced to live in those factory farm horror shows. But that price difference is why factory farms persist. That, and confusing labels. For chickens here, there's regular no label eggs, which means battery cages. "Cage free" means no battery cages but somehow less space per chicken inside the nightmare shed."free range" gives them more space and indoor/outdoor access. "Pasture raised" means they are primarily outdoors except for inclement weather. That's what I usually try and get (I think I said "free range" before, but that's my second choice). But a person who isn't anal enough to research the difference online isn't going to know that, and "cage free" sounds better but is mostly humane-washing. Sigh.

Heck! I even got the Presidential alert today i think it was like a safety thing. I am in North Dakota right now visiting mom. My step bruhv is getting married. Boy the weather turned sh-hitthay this evening! Thought i left the crap weather at home when i left to head south..naht soh musch. 🙄 haha. If only! I will keep am eye om my followers list to see i am being affected but this weird unfollow thing. Crappy to find out your eggs were yuckie. Free range/ farm raised are so much tastier. But, i bet they'd be good for french toast. Mmmmm, french toast and maple syrup! Can/ do you eat maple syrup?

We originally had a snow warning for Monday but it's been changed to rain. We usually have our first snow on Samhain, like the Gods just gotta have the little kids in parkas over their costumes, lol.
I can and do eat maple syrup, thank the Gods! My half Canadian genes didn't let me down. ;)

HA HA I love Bo Burnham! That video made my wife and I both laugh HA HA. The walls sound like they are farting from whatever they are using next door to renovate the place.

I haven’t noticed auto unfollow of anyone, but I’ll have to keep an eye on that now.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes.. I've noticed that 4 or 5 times..

It tasted SO BAD

This happened to me with milk after not having tasted it for ages.

And here is what my apartment sounded like this afternoon...

Sounds like your apartment has a bad case of flatualence. 😎

I know, right? The walls were farting! LOL

P.S. Did you notice my comment to you, with a link to a @timcliff post, in a post of mine about HF20? He is looking for cases where you have found someone unfollowed yet haven't re-followed yet. The link to his post is included below.

Oh, I did, but it was so long ago, I didn't think he would still be looking. But maybe now that's it's happened three times I should ask.

Yeah he would appreciate it if still on the trail.

I got the alert:)