[2023-02-26] Daily English

in upvu •  2 years ago 

1 . News

Title : Court recognizes same-sex partner as legal dependent

In February 2020, Kim Yong-min, 33, was able to register his partner, So Seong-wook, 32, as his dependent in the public health insurance system.

번역 : 2020년 2월 김용민(33)씨는 건강보험 직장 가입자로서 배우자 소성욱(32)씨를 피부양자로 등록할 수 있었다.

2. Words

  • side with : to agree with or support the opinions or actions of (someone)
  • plaintiff : a person who sues another person or accuses another person of a crime in a court of law
  • rectify : to correct (something that is wrong)
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