AndStatus – Romanian Translation part 2 (18%-35% 677 words translated)

in utopian-io •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey guys! Cristian here! This is a continuation of the translation of the AndStatus project and my second contribution to I’m startin’ to get the hang of it and I think I will proceed working with the projects on in the future.

As I have mentioned in the first post, I am a translator for a while now, so the writting went smoothly for most parts, with some expections. Words like „token”, „timeline” and „tweet” present themselves with a dificulty when translating to romanian, as well as some of the computer related terms. I chose to translate some and leave some as they are, as it is more fitting to understand them as they are.

I have translated 35% of the AndStatus project. (1324 words). It seems that I am the only romanian translator.

AndStatus is a low traffic social networking client. AndStatus supports multiple protocols, including GNU social (StatusNet), Twitter and

AndStatus has different features, including: "Global search" – which allows you to search public messages in all networks with one query; lists of Friends and Followers, presented as User Lists and as Timelines; you can read offline timelines and post your updates; it can backup and restore accounts and messages between your devices; it has no adds and other features.

The link for the github page of the project can be found here, also the crowdin page of the Romanian language with my activity, can be found here

Here is the link to the first part of the translation.

Bellow, I will provide a few screenshots I took, while I was translating the AndStatus project:
2018-01-06 00_13_21-Translating AndStatus to Romanian language – Google Chrome.png
2018-01-06 01_53_10-Translating AndStatus to Romanian language – Google Chrome.png
2018-01-06 01_50_30-vellosid's AndStatus Translation Reports – Google Chrome.png
2018-01-06 01_51_35-AndStatus Project Activity Stream – Google Chrome.png
2018-01-06 01_52_56-AndStatus translations_ collaborative internationalization and easy to use trans.png
2018-01-06 00_46_52-All Strings - AndStatus - Crowdin translation – Google Chrome.png
2018-01-06 01_42_09-All Strings - AndStatus - Crowdin translation – Google Chrome.png

Similarly to the first time, it took me about 2 hours to translate this part of the project:

You suggested 182 translations into Romanian
Translation File Language Time
ID-ul tău în %1$s. Arată ca o adresă de email, cu numele tău de utilizator, după "@", după serverul tău; ex.: %2$s strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:49 PM
Numele tău de utilizator în Rețeaua de socializare %1$s; ex.: %2$s strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:46 PM
Utilizatorul va fi afișat ca "{0}" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:45 PM
Alege mărimea textului strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:41 PM
Când să sincronizezi cronologia și cum să indici asta strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:41 PM
Sincronizarea de fundal este tot timpul pornită. Cronologia se poate bloca câteodată. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:40 PM
Nu se efectuează o sincronizare de fundal cât răsfoiți cronologia și conversațiile pentru a se păstra calitatea răsfoirii strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:40 PM
Veți vedea progresul sincronizării cronologiei într-o bară separată dedesubtul unei cronologii strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:37 PM
Nici un indicator de sincronizare strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:36 PM
Informațiile sunt stocate în Memoria externă strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:36 PM
Informațiile sunt stocate în Memoria internă strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:35 PM
Unde și ce informație sa stochezi. Verifică-ți și fă copii de rezervă ale informațiilor. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:35 PM
SSL este pornit strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:32 PM
Fără SSL strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:32 PM
Imaginile utilizatorului vor fi afișate strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:32 PM
Nici o imagine a utilizatorului nu va fi afișată strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:32 PM
Parola ta în Rețeaua de socializare strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:31 PM
Apasă aici pentru a selecta o Rețea socială strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:31 PM
OAuth (autentificare securizată) este pornită strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:30 PM
Autentificare de bază strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:30 PM
Silențios strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:30 PM
Nivelul este {0}. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:29 PM
Culoare și stil strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:29 PM
Numele Host al sistemului, ex. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:29 PM
Istoricul mesajelor este până la {0}. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:28 PM
Istoricul mesajelor este până la {0}. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:28 PM
Actualizările sunt luate la fiecare {0}. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:27 PM
AndStatus notifică Android despre schimbări de informații pentru a fi copiate ca rezervă (experimental) strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:26 PM
Copiile de rezervă de pe Android nu vor fi solicitate strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:25 PM
Schimbă cum arată si cum se simte AndStatus strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:24 PM
repostat de %1$s strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:21 PM
repostat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:21 PM
Interfață modernă pentru selectarea unui atașament strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:21 PM
Fundal negru strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:20 PM
Notează mesajele de la nivelul rețelei strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:20 PM
Notează totul într-un fișier strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:19 PM
Informații de debugging la interfața utilizatorului strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:18 PM
SSL configurat greșit strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:05 PM
SSL nesecurizat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:04 PM
SSL securizat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:04 PM
Avertisment: Conexiunile tale nu sunt securizate, datorită certificatelor de siguranță, emise, pentru orice host, sunt acceptate. Protocoalele TLS și SNI nu sunt disponibile. Te rugăm transmitei administratorului de server să repare asta și apoi revino într-un mod securizat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:04 PM
Avertisment: Conexiunile tale nu sunt securizate. Te rugăm să îi zici administratorului serverului tău să remedieze această problemă și apoi revino într-un mod securizat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 06:01 PM
Ești în siguranță: numai conexiunile securizate SSL sunt permise strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:59 PM
Modul SSL și securitate strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:58 PM
cel mai recent strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:58 PM
mai recent strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:58 PM
în cap la strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
la fel strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
mai vechi strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
nou strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
gol strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
curent strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
Rețea socială strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:57 PM
Caută strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:56 PM
Mențiuni strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:56 PM
Sincronizează cu internetul strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:56 PM
Ajutor strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:56 PM
Caută pe internet strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:56 PM
Acasă strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:55 PM
Cronologia de Acasă strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:55 PM
Favorite strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:55 PM
Cronologia favoritelor strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:55 PM
Atașează strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:55 PM
Despre strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
Despre AndStatus strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
pornit strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
oprit strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
OAuth strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
Notificații strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
Ce să includem în notificări și cum să te notificăm strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:54 PM
Sunetul Notificării strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:53 PM
Arată in aria de Notificare strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:53 PM
Iconiță ca un cerc strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:52 PM
Iconiță ca literele "&s" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:52 PM
Iconiță de Notificare alternativă strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:51 PM
Casuță Iesiri strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:51 PM
Mesaje netrimise și acțiuni în Casuța de Ieșiri strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:50 PM
Casuță iesiri strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:49 PM
Mențiuni strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:46 PM
Mesaje ("directe") private strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:46 PM
Privat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:45 PM
Favorit creat. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:45 PM
Favorit strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:45 PM
Favorite strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:44 PM
Urmăritori strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:44 PM
Reblog-uiri strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:44 PM
Ce evenimente să fie incluse în notificații strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:43 PM
Cum să te notificăm strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:43 PM
Nimic aici inca... strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:42 PM
Nesincronizabil strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:42 PM
nesetat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:42 PM
Fără strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:42 PM
Nu strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:41 PM
Nou strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:41 PM
Niciodată strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:41 PM
%d destinațiile mesajului strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:41 PM
Destinație mesaj strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:41 PM
Mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:41 PM
Tweet strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:40 PM
la %1$s strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:40 PM
ca răspuns la %1$s strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:40 PM
de la %1$s strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:40 PM
Mesajul tău nu a fost trimis. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:39 PM
Mesajul este prea lung. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:39 PM
Scrie mesajul tău aici! strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:39 PM
Caractere rămase: strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:39 PM
Mesaj strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:38 PM
Vezi profil strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:38 PM
Mesaje de la "%1s" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:38 PM
Oprește din a urmări "%1s" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:38 PM
Împărtășeste prin strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:37 PM
Împărtășește strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:37 PM
Retrimite strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:37 PM
Retweet strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:37 PM
Împărtașeste prin strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:36 PM
Repostează strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:36 PM
Răspuns la utilizatorii menționați strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:36 PM
Răspuns la participanții conversației strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:35 PM
Răspuns strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:35 PM
Mesaj privat strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:35 PM
Deschise in browser strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:35 PM
Deschide conversația strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:35 PM
Vezi imaginea strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:34 PM
Urmărește "%1s" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:34 PM
Favorite strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:34 PM
Editează strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:34 PM
După %s ore de la ultima sincronizare AndStatus nu va încerca să sincronizeze toate mesajele de la cea mai recentă descarcare a mesajelor, dar va solicita doar 200 din mesajele recente de la un server. Dacă numărul de mesaje noi este mai mare de 200, nu vei mai vedea in Cronologie unele mesaje mai vechi. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:33 PM
Actualizând Cronologia… strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:33 PM
Selectează o Cronologie strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:33 PM
Te rugăm să aștepți cât Cronologia este reîncărcată. Asta poate dura câteva minute, in funcție de conexiunea dumneavoastră. strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:33 PM
Setează ca Cronologia de bază strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:33 PM
6 zile strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
5 zile strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
4 zile strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
3 zile strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
2 zile strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
1 zi strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
mesaje de 1 min strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
100000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
50000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:32 PM
20000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
10000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
5000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
2000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
1000 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
500 de mesaje strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
Ascunde răspunsurile ce nu sunt adresate mie sau prietenilor din Cronologia de Acasă strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:31 PM
Separă cuvintele cheie prin spații. Pune frazele intre ghilimele duble ex.:\ncuvânt cheie "fraza exactă" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:29 PM
Ascunde mesajele bazat pe cuvinte cheie și fraze exacte strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:27 PM
Adaugă un cont nou strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:26 PM
Manageriaza conturile si rețelele sociale strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:26 PM
Conturi strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:26 PM
Du-te in capul paginii strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:25 PM
Ia informațiile utilizatorului strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:23 PM
Ia informațiile mesajului strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:22 PM
Ia instanțele deschise strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:21 PM
Ia instanțele deschise strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:21 PM
Ia prietenii strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:21 PM
Ia urmăritorii strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:21 PM
Ia conversația strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:20 PM
Mecanicile atingerii. Cum interacționează un utilizator cu aplicația strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:20 PM
Gesturi strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:19 PM
Prieteni ai "%1s" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:19 PM
Prieteni strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:19 PM
Uită evenimentele si datele sincronizate strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:19 PM
Urmăriți ai "%1s" strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:18 PM
Urmăritori strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:18 PM
Urmărit de strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:18 PM
urmărit strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:17 PM
Filtre globale pentru a fi aplicate tuturor mesajelor strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:17 PM
Filtre strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
zi strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
12 ore strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
8 ore strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
4 ore strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
2 ore strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
oră strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
30 de minute strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:16 PM
15 minute strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:15 PM
10 minute strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:15 PM
5 minute strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:15 PM
3 minute strings.txt - Main application file with localizable strings Romanian 05:15 PM>

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