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Only Citizen slaves pay taxes Rok.
Human beings do not!
Which are you?

cut your self-righteous judgemental bullshit and manipulative rhetoric.

if you have a clearly laid-out solution on how to avoid taxes altogether, present it maturely.

meanwhile, you're expecting people to risk everything they've earned in this space for some extremist ideology and scarcity-based resistance to paying 15% of their earnings back to society, for the self-righteous victory of being "greater than" blah blah blah?

I'm guessing you're not a married man with a family. or if you are, you might wanna reconsider your values and priorities. for myself, I couldn't bear to expose myself to the possibility of my children asking why daddy's in jail and have to provide the honest answer that he was too fucking stubborn to play the game by the rules - choosing to hoard every penny he could and remain inflexible with political philosophies rather than lighten up and give back a sliver of his abundance to ensure the security of his being present to serve his family.

seriously dude. check yourself or fuck off. such immature attitudes are far more dangerous than you realize.

if you don't want to pay taxes, that's your choice and I fully respect that. but get off your self-righteous high horse and stop imposing such judgement upon others who choose to put the security of their families first before your idealistic belief system.

You may be used to using such “questions” as a manipulative means of attempting to set the frame to enforce the validity of your beliefs, but such bullshit will not be tolerated by anyone in my space.

You mention respect over and over??? Do you know what the word means?
You attack my statement without even knowing shit about what your talking about.
Rok you are not worth the time to teach and explain. Your comment shows you know not what you think? Stay a Corporate Tax Slave!
I have always showed you respect, Learn the meaning of RESPECT pal!
Just because you know not does not mean others Do not know their Human Rights, look into my post on Human Rights and get your head out of your ASS!

Delete my Comment? Who do you think you are? Grow up little boy!
Your such a tough guy on Social Media, I would love to see you speak to me or anyone else face to face with such ignorance and disrespect!!!
I am from Vancouver; Go down to the EAST END club house and see what happens to you with your short "disrespect" words! I don't think you will be tolerated by anyone there!

You want to threaten me with attacking my reputation will have consequences!

My buddies own the Number5 peeler club come by for a free drink ;) I will teach you a think or two about manners and RESPECT!

I Will be seeing you soon.

Please don’t get me wrong - while I understand how the above could be seen as a “threat,” that is not at all what I meant or intended.

And to clarify: I get where you are coming from. And I never meant to disregard your beliefs Or philosophy on the matter. I agree with much of the “taxation is theft” rhetoric and have been struggling with intense charges towards government for years. I fucking hate the idea of - as you say, resort to being a “slave” of any sorts - and perhaps part of my lashing out was that your comment was a reminder of that and the conflict I’ve been having over having to man up and take responsibility in the matter to ensure I’m present to raise my future kids.

You managed to push some serious buttons with your approach. It’s rare I get so angered, and there are valid reasons for my taking offence because - whether it was clear as I intended to make it or not - you overstepped my boundaries here. (However, as has been made clear through your response, that does not excuse the faults in the approach I took with mine).

You can’t just walk onto someone’s property and impose your beliefs, manipulatively posing a yes-or-yes black-or-white question that frames yourself and your belief system as the victor without expecting a backlash at some point for infringing upon the right of others to choose their own perspectives and values.

The above post was not an open-forum for a dialogue on the moral philosophies of taxation. If you wanted to drop by and share your opinion, that’d be one thing - but to hijack the dialogue with such a manipulative tactic as to put me in the wrong for making choices to ensure the safety and security of my family - THAT is unacceptable in my book. But, I was clearly not leading by example to have responded in such a fashion.

There are big principles at play in such a dynamic that I’ve been witnessing numerous times on this platform and have been wanting to write about for a while. Such a display of them as the above served as an impetus to get the writing done. As stated, I planned to release the post - using a snapshot of this comment threat to exemplify the case - while greying out your profile photo and name because it would NOT be within my integrity to draw such extra attention to you in such a way. But given the nature of the blockchain, others could look back and find this - and that isn’t really a position I wanted to put you in. However, it’d be much more effective to serve the lessons in my piece of writing - which again, I’ve been wanting to put together since before this occured - to reference the example than keeping it as theory only. Whatever the case, I see now - my approach wasn’t cool. What violations of boundaries may have taken place, I understand, came with no ill intent - and did not justify such an extreme reaction. I’ve had a lot of backed up frustration and matters like these, and it was unfair of me to blow out on you like that.

My apologies for having reacted so intensely and leaving open room for misinterpretation, as I guarantee you, I never meant my last comment as a “threat” of any sorts. My intent was to make it clear in no uncertain terms that while subtly, my boundaries had been overstepped and intent to use the thread as an example. Clearly my delivery of that point was not executed well - and perhaps I had overstepped my boundaries by directly using your comment as an example, even if your info was blacked out and I had attempted to rationalize ‘offering the opportunity to save face’ as some twisted form of respect. I confess: that wasn’t in integrity or respectful.

I will be reworking the post to remove all references to this and stay focused on the principles I had in mind to write about earlier, because it is not in my integrity to leave open such a possibility that further attention would be drawn to you like that. I hereby acknowledge that I did compromise my integrity by not fully considering the details of how my response was likely to be misinterpreted and allowed my emotions to get the better of me before realizing the element of disrespect in my response. I offer my apologies here to restore it, and ask your forgiveness for my poor communication style in this matter.

Perhaps I should have waited to cool off altogether to respond at all, and didn’t fully consider how to deliver my message in a clearer, more mature way. I never did want to attack your reputation, and should have known better than reacting so emotionally would have come across the wrong way.

I appreciate your standing your ground on this. Thank you for the lessons here. While I may still stand my ground on the fact I feel disrespected with your approach and that you have no right to assert your beliefs in such a manner de-valuing my choices of how to conduct my business, I am grateful for the lessons you have provided through this last response. And you are right - I was out of line with how I chose to respond. Regardless of my intentions, I am humbled by my error in not responding maturely and your correction, and apologize for my disrespect.

For real - sorry for being a dick.

Rok, I understand your frustrations with the system; especially when children and State is the topic. Your not a Dick. I respect you more.
I understand your response to my comment now and that you had no intent to threaten; I forgive you.
I to have learned another lesson on re-acting to quickly.
I knew you were a great person with respect for others.
I always love reading your deep thoughts on topics.
Forgive me for what seemed to you as a highjacking of your blog.
I men't no disrespect to you either or your readers.
I answered your blog as a invitation to others to inquire how to learn their Human Rights.
I should have delicately and briefly explained the process of learning how the government wants it done, to be recognised as a human being.
Be well.

Thank you for your receptivity. Almost tearing up a bit reading this. Lol. :-)

I know my communication can come across as harsh at times, and there were dimensions to where I was coming from that couldn’t be summed up all so easily. I knew there was the possibility it’d come across the wrong way, and that there was a sternness bordering on extremism that may not have been the most diplomatic - yet it’s an approach I had to take, because it was part of the process of eliciting this whole realm of upgrades for us both.

No forgiveness necessary. If it was, you were already forgiven before it even happened. I understand completely where you were coming from, because I’ve done the same countless times, in different forms. We all have been running subtle control mechanisms from a survival state of consciousness that operate outside of our consciousness - and while I can’t go into detail now on how, I’ve been working with some tech that’s been shifting much in these regards, and my tolerance for these old programs has been decreasing steadily. Sometimes, part of the process of upgrading requires an accentuation of a negative charge from which to extract wisdom - the metaphorical venom or poison that can also serve as the medicine. I am still learning to be compassionate at times with how to best deliver such dosages when it’s time - it’s a tough position to play sometimes.

And, subjects like these are a minefield, as there are so many charges around them - which does mean, immense potential for upgrades. So many perspectives to explore here, and quite a challenge to get into with effective communication that doesn’t trigger automatic resistance with the introduction of counter-perspectives that conflict with our own.

This interaction was a big one for me, taught me a lot that might be impossible to put into words. I value your input throughout this dialogue. While I may have partly taken the approach of wanting to be teacher in some regards, you are also mine in ways you’ll never know. 🙏

Thanks for the mention! The steemreports tool actually uses daily average exchange rates (from

ahhhh... ok. maybe not completely precise, but that should be close enough, even if can't get down to the exact times.

great work on this. your service to the community is appreciated.

A very interesting idea @rok-sivante...
Nice to meet you

I'm very interesting to your post. That's veri good and nice

This is a government-free economy. They deserve no cut of it. Besides, if we do spend it on goods and services eventually, every other stage of production has already been taxed. The racketeers have no legitimate claim to any of that, so why pretend they have any here, either?

Good luck with that strategy.

In the meantime, I’d recommend NOT giving tax advice to anyone with such a belief system, as you’d be encouraging what equates to tax evasion/fraud and taking serious risks.

Is the system fair? No. But the laws are laws, no matter how much we may disagree. Deserve or not deserve, if you’re earning income in crypto and not reporting it, you may be asking for trouble.

It's not tax advice, it's a philosophical argument. Legality does not define morality.

If only philosophical, moral cases would hold up in a court of law...

"Law" is formalized systemic bullying, plain and simple. Bullies don't care about philosophy or morality. Courts are where bullies primp and preen.

Try to learn more about @steemreports
Thank for information @rok-sivante

@rok-sivante, this is an important topic that most of us know nothing about and a lot of us don't want to think about.

Thanks for giving us a new look into this! And thanks to @steemreports for creating a much needed too.


And, given I've just got the concept in mind but no development skills, how could we go about getting this into action?

You could divide your project into smaller tasks. For each task create a task request in Utopian. Each task request can be assigned to a certain profession (like developers, translators, designers etc.).

Contributors will pick your tasks and work on them.

In order to create a task request in Utopian you must have synced your Github account first. If you wish I can show you all the steps.

A nice accountable approacj

This is where being a minnow makes things easier :)