RE: Clarification of my stance on vaccines, and why mandatory vaccination is definitely an issue pertinent to Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism. PLUS: OPEN INVITATION TO FORMAL DEBATE.

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Clarification of my stance on vaccines, and why mandatory vaccination is definitely an issue pertinent to Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism. PLUS: OPEN INVITATION TO FORMAL DEBATE.

in vaccines •  8 years ago 

Getting a shot is an inhumane experience?

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If it is not consensual, it is inhumane. In fact, ANY medical procedure done without consent is a war crime under international convention. It is the very first line of the Nuremberg code. All you have to do is read the first line, that's it. If you like reading, please read further, but it says it all in the first line.

I wonder how you feel about circumcision. Unrelated, I know, but not entirely.

I had no choice in the matter. What's done is done.

From the research I've done it has more dangers than benefits and is usually performed on those too young to consent. The same has been true of those born with ambiguous genitalia. I think people should have their genitals left alone unless there is a life threatening condition.

I particularly despise those engaged in Female Genital Mutilation. I think this is a combination of torture, rape, and assault, if not attempted murder. Anyone engaged in the practice should be held to the penalty of capital crime, just as the NAZI doctors at Nuremberg.

Why is female circucision worse? Genital mutilation is genital mutilation.

I completely agree that pieces of genetalia should not be removed at birth.

I can't say one is worse than the other having only experienced one, and it being impossible for me to experience the other. Both are invasive, traumatic, and unnecessary.

Yes absolutely true. To understand why this is inhumane, it is necessary to give the correct definition of the so-called shot. Here is the definition that I think is right.
Vaccination is the injection of dirt into the blood, bypassing most of the protective barriers of the child's body. Nothing good will come of it. And once again, I emphasize vaccination is anti-humane or inhumane.


Is it really that funny?
Then here's another joke.
The state is a terrorist organization.

Not everything is a conspiracy. No one is out to get you. If someone wanted to kill your children, they wouldn't use something that could make them stronger...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Unconvincing. Many cases when children become crippled after vaccination. After the first such case in a healthy society, the practice of vaccination would have to stop. But alas.
One more thing. A person who does not understand how the human body is arranged can do much harm even if he has the good intentions.
And now on the points. 1) I did not talk about conspiracies. 2) What does this mean? 3) I did not say that someone wants to kill my children. And vaccines do not make children stronger.

The idea that vaccines are injuring or killing children, yet doctors continue to push them for no other reason than to profit would be a conspiracy.

Vaccines do make children stronger by teaching their immune system to fight certain pathogens.

OK. If you like, you can hang a conspiracy label. It does not change anything in fact. Yes, vaccines maim children. Yes, many doctors know about this. Yes, corporations make a profit on vaccines. Yes, corporations are not liable for damages to the child.
Vaccines do not make the immune system stronger. On the contrary, they interfere with the natural development of the organism, in some cases up to a fatal outcome.

I think you should read up on how one becomes resistant to a pathogen. It's the same reason why when you get chicken pox once, you're very unlikely to get it again, because your body has been exposed to it, and learned to defend itself.