RE: If you are not a vegan, you should watch this video

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If you are not a vegan, you should watch this video

in vegan •  6 years ago 

I've seen that about animals contributing to soil restoration to regreen deserts. It's awesome what they've been able to do in South Africa and Lebanon. Even though I eat a whole-foods plant-based diet I would like to see more of that. The question in my mind however is whether or not the right balance of animals to support the land is equal to the demand for meat, and if not, do we have extra land to spare? A drive across Montana would suggest to me that we do have some to spare, however, utilizing it effectively would mean ending big corporate crony capitalism: and who knows if it's possible to do that without ending up with something even worse. The same political-economic issue is the only reason we see soil depletion due to vegetable farming; we all know it can be done sustainably, indefinitely.

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Take a look at this image, all the yellow land can be regreened and all of it will need cattle to do so, millions of them. Grass feeds on urine, manure and rotting carcusses.

We can increase food production immensely in Africa to make famine and poverty history.