Why the FAK isn't everyone vegan yet?

in vegan •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night and my head started spinning. As I laid there in the dark, upset because I couldn't fall asleep at 4.00am, I started to think about all the things that truly piss me off in this world. I know, that’s not a good thing to do if you want to find sleep again…

One thing I thought about was a video I saw, of a cow about to be slaughtered. A brave woman had taken it upon herself to go film in a slaughterhouse in order to report about it. She briefly bonded with this white cow who hopes that the girl will save her until the very end. You can see the video here.

This is by far not the worst video I’ve seen about animals being mistreated and/or slaughtered, or kept in awful conditions just so that we can enjoy our steaks and pork chops. I’ve seen much worse, and I can’t even think about it without tearing up.

Some people think I’m too sensitive, others make fun of my recent decision to go #vegan, and call me Brigitte Bardot. That’s not an insult for me by the way (even if it’s intended to mock me a little). Brigitte Bardot is for animals the equivalent of Mother Teresa for Humans, just in case you didn’t know.

Why is it so bad or funny wanting to stop animals from suffering?

Have you seen any disturbing footage or photos about factory farming? I'm sure that you have, since it's all over the internet. Not knowing just doesn't happen anymore these days. And if the answer is YES, are you now vegan, or still an accomplice of animal abuse?

Because the truth is, you’re either one or the other, and I realize that this truth is very uncomfortable to accept. You can't have it both ways, and there is no such thing as humane killing for food.

Many people just stick their head in the ground and block the thoughts of animal abuse while enjoying their hot-dog. It’s a human thing to do. We compartmentalize our feelings, and try to ignore the ugly stuff when it’s inconvenient, like at a barbecue for instance.

Next time you do order chicken wings, please take a moment to remember that they looked like this before you put them in your mouth.



Are you sure that you need that slice of bacon for breakfast? Because it actually came from here:



And finally, why is it that you still need to drink milk from a mother that isn’t yours? Do you know where your milk comes from? It does not come from a happy cow. Here’s how your milk, butter and cheese are produced.



I’m not the weird one here, the one who should be mocked for making a choice to fight for animal rights and against global warming.

Once you know, you can never forget. So why aren’t you vegan yet?

If you are still eating meat knowing all of the above, then YOU should start to reevaluate your behavior. I’m done being polite about it and telling people that I don’t judge them for eating meat, because damn right I am. They should be the ones not being able to sleep at 4 o'clock in the morning, not me.

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I grew up on a farm. One where the animals were healthy and well treated. Those photos that you are showing are the minority and you could find pictures of people just as mistreated if you wanted to.
One the other hand there does need to be far stricter regulations and checks to make sure that animals are never treated like that. Some countries are very strong but the poorer ones dont have the same infrastructure to ensure that all their animals are well treated until they are processed.
Being vegan is your choice and fair play to you for it but i wont eat most vegatables and meat is a huge part of my diet which i could not survive without and that is my choice.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I understand your choice, even though I don't agree =). BUT animal cruelty is not the only factor for deciding to go vegan, it's also good for the planet. Check out this article

Interesting. Its a good article that pushes a reasonable argument. There are lots of changes that we as people could make to improve our environment.
Its something to think about at least. I will never give up meat as it is the main part of my diet but changes could be made.

Indeed! I wish everyone was vegan too. I think we are all vegan in our heart but most people chose to deny this fact or simply haven't realized it consciously yet.

Thank you for the support @teamsteem! =) I think one day we'll be the majority. More people are already going vegan, but everyone in their own time. It took me long enough too so I shouldn't be so harsh on people who take a bit longer. I just had to vent my frustration =)

You are all right. But I think it is not easy that one day vegan in the majority.

We all have to educated the more and more people about animal cruelty and physical & mental health benefits for them & regularly motivate them for achieving this target.

But again i hard to say that majority is much much difficult to achieve. We try our best to do so.

Totally agree! Let's safe the planet one vegan at a time... hahaha. BUt yeah... I also struggle with this, seeing people I care about that I know care about animals continuing their consumption of animal products simply ignoring the truth of the immense suffering it costs.... It's sad... But I am positive because so many people slowly seem to be more and more aware of the issue. I think in 25 years from now people will look back at this type of diet and think we were all crazy for eating animals and consuming milk products....

Well the truth hurts, and the way you wrote it is for me the way it is!
I dont buy that BS of "human need the protein from meat" as an excuse no more! There are plenty of vegetables and fruits with a lot of proteins. One thing is killing an animal to eat when you have nothing else to eat, and another thing is killing A LOT of animals making them suffer, to make money $$$ BOOM!.

I think everyone should watch this: "Earthlings"

yes, it's great!

Very hard to look at, indeed. We simply have no right to do that, and the way we do that has nothing to do with the conversation. We don't have the right to abuse/kill animals.

Completely agreed, you did the right thing in becoming vegan (like me). Hopefully in the future more people will do the same

thanks @shadowdragon =). I'm sure we'll see a lot more vegans in the future

If not for the compassion and/or environmental concerns maybe if it'll become more "mainstream" people will adhere easily. And showing/cooking tasty, healthy and cheap food will appeal to a lot of people in no time☺️