VEGAN WEIGHT LOSS | Before After Transformation

in vegan •  6 years ago 

Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel. I hope you're having a marvelous day. Today's video is in all honesty, is super awkward for me to establish I never believed I would talk about my weight on the internet As you guys may know, about 6 months ago, 5 and a half months away, my husband and I travelled vegan overnight after watching Gary Yourofsky's famous lecture, and yeah, 6 months later, I can't believe how much it has actually changed my life and I feel like my narrative, it may help some of you out there watching this so that is why I am doing this. Even though I am not that comfy depicting you guys right now the pictures I am going to show you and all this type of material, but if I can help person out there that is struggling, then that is why I am making this video. I guess let's start at the start, so growing up I was always a super skinny kid never truly had like obesity genuinely in their own families or I was never overweight, growing up I was always fairly skinny, through high school, through college, when I started putting on some load was when I got married, like a lot of couples, or not married, I would say, after I was in a serious relationship with my now partner, about a year in, we both started to put on substantial amounts of load we met in Switzerland, and we moved to the United States together and that is when things started kinda go downhill, we started to go to a lot of drive-throughs, devouring a lot of junk food, and and we were no longer getting, like, any practice We met in Switzerland where we were marching all the time and "peoples lives" was merely a bit more balanced than in the US where all of the sudden "weve had" vehicles and drive-throughs, and going was no longer genuinely something we did very often So I have some scenes here this is when, you know, we were engaged, super happy, but super unhealthy and we therefore both very self-conscious about our load all the time and, yeah, it was just not good. We were always just thinking we need to lose weight, we need to work out, we need to eat healthier, we need to diet, we need to try things, we need to restrict our calories and, um, I would go up and down, sometimes I felt really gone about my load but most of the times I felt like I had some pounds to lose. I was the typical person who always felt like they are likely to always lose an extra 10 or 15 pounds. And as a person who was always very thin when I was younger, you know, when Matias and I firstly satisfied, I was very thin, um, this was very frustrating, um, because I believed, I couldn't really do anything about it other than used to work all the time. But I've never been the person who enjoys works out, so I always just felt, um, kinda stay, like, um I don't know, like wanting to lose weight, but not being motivated enough to work out and, um, there was just never a good solution for either of us. Even my husband is a super thin person, he started putting on load as well, and he only was feeling super self-conscious, and I could see that in him, and he could see that in me, and it only wasn't good. And of course we knew if we eat health and workout we will lose weight and be health and it won't be a good decision, but we never had the same reasons in us to do it and that is why proceeding vegan has been so important. Because it gives you a reason bigger than just your own personal health and your own personal life. Starting vegan you can improve countries around the world and you can save a gazillion animals that get killed every year so we can eat them, even if they are build us sick and overweight. So we didn't move vegan for the weight loss, it was certainly something I was hoping was true when everyone was talking about it. But we absolutely went vegan for the ethics after I insured some of the stuff that I ascertained on the internet. I no longer takes into consideration myself a reasonable person if I would continue to take part in the animal product industry and, yeah, after I appreciated what I checked, I just couldn't partake in that at all, it was an easy decision overnight for both my husband and for me. I have here a picture from the day 1 on our vegan excursion yeah, this even isn't me at my highest load, um, yeah this was me actually feeling moderately okay about my weight, which is funny now, because I will show you the after paint in a second and it's quite a dramatic gap, but yeah, this before painting is not the worst that I have trust me, I couldn't even take a illustration at the most difficult point, but this is right before we proceeded vegan um, so, yeah, this is quite surprising for me to look at. And after six months after the being vegan, that is something that I look like now. Quite a big difference, and I am gonna is moving forward and say I lost all this load without practising. I am not proud of that. I please I practised more, but I still do struggle with that department, nonetheless we do live a more actively involved sort lifestyle than when we were living in the US, so now we do walk everywhere. You know, we go up stairs, we saunter a good number of miles every single period. We live a little bit more active type of lifestyle, but works out unfortunately, we haven't been able to get into our, um, daily routine yet um, but we are getting really serious about it now, and I hope that in six more months I'll have another picture after six months of working out included. But unfortunately, all I can show you is from dietary changes not from working out since we are regrettably haven't been working out like I just said. So I can't actually tell you the number of pounds that I've lost over these six months because I have not been weighing myself. Again "its not" my motivating for going vegan at all. And I wouldn't even consider us super healthy vegans. We eat potato chips all the time, mashed potatoes, french fries, candy. I mean we do eat that a lot more than we should. But we do incorporate mode more fresh fruits and veggies plainly into our diet than I ever have in my entire life And I envisage the main thing that attained me lose all the load was only the unhealthiness, high-calorie of these animal products that I used to eat, has been not an option anymore, so that is actually helping. And the most amazing thing is when I tread, you know, through the streets of Berlin and I verify these hot dog stands and these pizza stands. Those are things that used to crave me so much better and I would just want it. And now I'm like, I don't even want it, and I'm so grateful that I'm vegan and that I have a bigger reason not to eat those types of things other than merely I know it's bad for me, I shouldn't but let me do it anyways It's just not an option at all since we started vegan. We haven't had a "relapse" or anything like that. Definitely not. I do not even crave that kind of food anymore because I simply portrait what I've seen on the internet and when I see that meat, and yeah, I merely don't see it as meat anymore. When I go in the convenience store I encounter the swine products, the dairy, the meat, to me this is actually not food anymore in my psyche. And I can't believe that that change happened to me, um, because I was such a chicken nugget, cheese, person. But it feels amazing to eat better and it's improving my health a lot. My partner and I have so much better vigour behavior now more than ever. We used to have to booze so much caffeine and cherry-red officer to get through the working day and we haven't had caffeine in a long time now. Well, we might have an occasional treat, like a coke once a few months or something like that, but , not three cherry-red policemen a day like we used to, which is amazing. My husband also used to suffer from debilitating digestive and stomach issues. Every hour he would devour, he would have frightful cramping, and have to be in the bathroom for many hours. I don't know, maybe not many hours, but it felt like it to me. Like he always had to leave, um, every time we went to dinner, or we were at family things or whatever. And that has been completely antidote, which we were never being allowed to panacea. Before we took him to the doctor and got him tested for all sorts of things. You know, he tried cutting dairy, that didn't work. He tried chicken, that didn't work. He tried cutting out red-faced flesh, that didn't work. But since travelling vegan six months ago "hes not" suffered from these digestive issues anymore which is really improving his quality of life, and our relationship as well. As for me, other than increased vigour and weight loss, I only feel like happier, I feel good. I feel good every day that I am making good decisions with what I am feeing. It's allowing me to only, I don't know, or not allowing me it is constructing me be more intentional human being and thinking about things before I eat them, obviously. And simply being more aware of my impact on other lives, you are familiar with, animal lives, and I only feel really good at night knowing I'm not contributing to anything that is destroying my health, the environment, or swine lives. Oh yeah, even though I can't tell you how many pounds I have lost, I can tell you that before I ran vegan I was a big size 10 in gasps. So a US size 10 pants was pretty snug, um, six months ago, and at this point, the gasps I'm wearing right now, I believe, are a sizing 6, and they are behavior too loose, and I'm ready to down a size again. So I don't know how much that is in pounds, but I have lost a good sum of inches off my waist, thighs, legs. I would say pretty much everywhere and I feel really good about that. It feels good to be back to a sizing that I actually see myself in my head, cuz, sometimes you get to that point in their own lives, in your brain you're one size, and you look in the reflect and you're another size. And you just can't really comprehend it. So I feel like I'm more at a load where I feel like myself. And I feel like I look like I feel. I don't know. Anyways, you guys right now, this video is not to preach, or anything like that. Um, I am not one of those canals, I hope you can see that. But I know a lot of you might be struggling with your load and dieting and all those things, and I can tell you it's not going to work, it's not going to long term sustainable. But if "theres going" vegan you don't have to watch your calories, or calorie restrict. You can eat all the yummy vegan whole plant food that wishes to and not have to worry about gaining load. And this is a marvelous benefit of the lifestyle for me, personally, because I cannot "diet" and cut calories, it's just, it does not work for me. I have tried it many times, um, definitely not long term sustained and I love being vegan because I don't know, so many reasons, but the main thing also is that you don't have to watch what you are eating so much better. You know? You can enjoy all the wholesome plant foods that you want, you know? And again, I'm probably talking too much, I am not a vegan expert at all. I wouldn't even consider myself to be the healthiest vegan. I need to incorporate more veggies, more whole meat, and more exercising into my diet and lifestyle, which is my goal going forward now that I've lost a good chunk of weight. I have more vigour, and I want to work out, it's actually strange. For the first time in my life, I feel like I want to move and do things with my body. I feel like I don't want to just be sedentary. I have this increased vigor and I wanna, I wanna throw it somewhere. I wanna move, I wanna used to work So I only have to find a work out that dress me and I'm looking forward to, um, being a healthier vegan um, in the next six months. So I will check in with you guys right now likely in six months, cuz I don't want to talk about this all the time on my channel. But hopefully it made some feel to some of you, helped some of you out. If you liked this video, render it a thumbs up. Hit that subscribe button down below. Thank you guys so much for watching, I love you so much, and I'll see you next time. Bye! And until next time, guys, don't forget, every single day you have the opportunity to take your daydreams and set them into actions, so work hard, be kind, make it happen.( jazzy trumpet& piano song).

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