in venezuela •  6 years ago  (edited)



Dear Steemians and friends from Venezuela,

My introduce: I am Mexican and my name is Edgar and known by some of my followers as @edgarare1 for now living in Oaxaca City, Mexico.

A friend of mine were talking about the big problems in VENEZUELA, her name is YOSSI, she is not on Steemit, She was talking about the economy and the problems in her Country and why she decided to move to my place, GUADALAJARA JALISCO, MEXICO.. And I believe they deserve extra attention and support.

Many people are having problems in VENEZUELA to get a better economic future and how to support their families.

We are all looking for new alternatives to be in a better economic situation, but this is very difficult to achieve if we do not have the skills that are needed to be a good leader and get a better job.

Knowing these difficult times that Venezuela is going through. the technology and the blockchain is an alternative for all and a future in which some economic resources can be obtained, but this also take some time to be able to achieve it.

Many people are looking for help in the Steemit community when they are new in the platform, but nobody turns to see them, there are few people with gratitude and the mission to help others but sometimes it is very difficult to find them.

100.000 STEEM as a GIFT.


100.000 STEEM as a GIFT. Distributed for @steem-bounty, just people from VENEZUELA, it is not important if your SP is high or low ... The important thing is that you have to be from VENEZUELA.

I want to give it to you as a support and keep you motivated, and know that there are people who are still here to help. I know it's not too much, but I've decided to help more people and not just one. Some people say that something is better than nothing...!!!

The only thing you have to do is:
Just leave a comment with the entry ººVENEZUELAºº and talk a little about the problems you have in your Country (Venezuela) and I will review your blog and decide at the end of this post who will grant the Steems after seven days with an upvote on the comment.

Ps: If you are not from VENEZUELA, feel free to comment, I always read, reply and upvote all of them ...!!!



By @reverseacid
Venezuelan Economic Crisis:


A lot of Hugs ...


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Saludos, @edgarare1
Un gesto muy hermoso de tu parte. Lo aplaudo y lo apoyo. Como ya te has percatado, son muchos los Venezolanos que hacemos vida en Steemit, contra todos los obstáculos (internet, electricidad, robos de telefonos y computadoras, etc.). Creo que todas las regiones de nuestro país estan representadas acá.

My name is Henrry Lezama. I am from a small town on the east coast of the State of Sucre (North-east of the country). I am 46 years old. I have 5 children. My elder son is living now in Lima, Perú (I was unable to get him through college). My elder daughter is finishing High School in June (we are planning to send her to Chile with some aunts, there are no universities left here for her to study and even if there were, we’d not be able to afford it). I have been planning to leave the country too, but due to many complications we have not been able to do it. Until last semester, I was a college professor at the Universidad de Oriente (UDO), but was forced to just give up my work given the increasing difficulties to continue teaching.
In this post, I provided a retrospective account of our particular situation.


Education, in all areas, is probably (after the health system tragedy) the most dramatic aspect of the crisis we are living.
The damaged that has inflicted on the generation of students who have attended schools in the last 15 years is, to a certain extent, irreparable. They lost their formative years in a system that was more concerned with ideological indoctrination than with a truly formative and liberating education. The public, independent universities were the only standing body to resist that. That’s why they had to be demolished. And demolished they were.

There are so many layers in this crisis and they are so intermingled that it's hard to find a starting point. One thing affects the other and everything ends up failing. I saw my work hindered by things such as funding (our universities stopped receiving the adequate funding to invest in equipment and infrastructure), but then things went to extremes of not having the most basic things available for students and faculty to do their work. No cafeteria, no library, no computers, no internet, no auditorium, no transportation, no bathrooms!; then crime started to escalate. Assaults, robberies, rapes, even assassinations became “normal” in campus life (no authority would do anything about it, again, the ruining was intentional). We started to give up everything and still continued trying to do our work. But at some point when you don’t have a classroom, when your students can’t afford to copy a handout, when they can’t come to class because they are hungry or can’t walk miles to get to class, and then you simply realize there are no students registered because most of them have left the country, then you know you’re done as a nation.

As of today, for instance, university professors across the country have not received their payment of this month (first fortnight), a payment that, by the way, amounts to some $5. On average, a university professor makes about $10 a month.
Before the revolution started to intentionally ruin the university system and the whole economy, we competed among Latin-American countries for not only the best salary but also the best education.
As it has been evidenced by the first wave of migration that started under Chavez's tenure, we were able to train the best professionals in the region.
At the moment, most public universities are stagnated, technically closed and the few that remain operative (UCV, LUZ, ULA) are doing it under enormous political pressure and under precarious circumstances.

I have been on Steemit for 15 months now and I started here just looking for extra money because we were literally starving. It has not worked out quite well in that aspect. The combination of a bear market for cryptos and our outrageous inflation rate makes it impossible to get any significant economic aid. However, during all these months, I have found amazing people who not only show solidarity for our cause, but also encourage any talent we may have and have pushed us to developed unknown talents.
From this window to the world, I have tried to provide the insider’s view so needed in times of censorship and fake news. There is a lot of misinformation about our crisis and there are a lot of conflicting interests among groups that might be helping otherwise, but who are so concerned to remain faithful to their ideological agenda, they forget about the justice agenda.

We can only hope that our debacle will serve as an example for other countries who might be flirting with promises similar to the ones we got, from people with discourses, links, and agendas similar to the ones held by the chavismo, to stay away from them and avoid a fate similar to ours. To that effect, to leave living proofs of the immensity of our tragedy, and to continue feeling alive, I write on Steemit.

So very sorry for the situation you and others in your country are in. I really hope things turn around soon, though I am afraid there will be much turmoil no matter what happens. It seems that world is full of "politicians" who want nothing but there own way, instead of wanting what is best for the majority.

Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

Thanks. Can't agree more. The irony of our times. So much "progress", so much legislation to protect the weak", so many backward ideas alledgedly overcome, so much communication (which allegedly would render manipulation of hiding of truths impossible), and here we are, no better than any other point n history when it comes to the relationship between the goverment and the governed.

Hello @toddrjohnson thanks for coming...

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

@hlezama I applaud your courage to enlighten the world to the real situation and not what is fed to us through the news media. May God bless you and your family today and every day.

Above all, please be safe.

Hello @dswigle thanks for coming

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

The pleasure is mine.

@hlezama, I don't even know what to say! I've been following the "situation" in Venezuela for a long time now, and just can't believe that it's all happening. I'm so sorry that you and your family and so many others are living this nightmare. I'm still hoping that things improve for the entire country. Thank you for your courage and honesty here. Big hugs to you and yours!

Thank you very much. Even here, some people do not know what to say (and actually remain speechless) and do not believe we've fallen so low. "I never thought we could hit bottom", they say, only to find themselves later saying, "when I thought things could not get any worse... this crap happened..."

Often people choose silence when they're uncomfortable I guess; I'd rather try and occasionally put my foot in my mouth :) I was thinking that "it can't get worse", but unfortunately, history and man's inhumanity has proven otherwise time and time again. My heart is with you and yours and everyone affected.

Thanks. Good thing history has also given us examples of miraculous recoveries. I stick to those cases when desperation knocks.

I will do the same :)

Hello @lynncoyle1 thanks a lot for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

You're most welcome @edgarare1 :)

I admit it's hard to hear what is happening in Venezuela. My sister-in-law is from Venezuela. She's actually in the process of moving her mother here. I guess she was lucky she moved to the US about 8 yrs ago to go to school. Hopefully someone will figure out the answer to start putting the pieces back together.

Upvotes, commented and resteemed.

Best of luck @hlezama we are rooting for you.


Wishing you luck and may your people endure to see a new age and you are allowed to rebuild.

Thank you very much. A new age will come, we're sure of that. Hopefully, we'll be around to see it.

Hello @manoldonchev thanks a lot for showing your support ....

It's for all of you, of course. Words is what we can give you and I hope sometimes some words prove powerful enough.

Good luck through these difficult times.

Hello @c0ff33a

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

I am so sorry to hear of your situation, it is hard to believe that any ruling party could put their country to ruin. It must be tremendously difficult to have your livelihood eroded away from you. Thank goodness you have the courage to make the effort to change your circumstances and those of your family!
Do take care and I hope you have a change of circumstances soon!

Nice to hear from you @porters ...

Thanks a lot for your comment and support all Venezuelan people ...


Hello @xcountrytravelers thanks for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

I am truly lost for words
I have a Venezuelan friend who has lived here for close to 30 years, who every now and then would be upset, depressed, angry for what's happening back home and to her family there.
It is really sad.
I really hope for the best that you find your way out of this mess

Thank you. It does upset that much, even when people have been away so long. I know people who would rather not read or watch news/reports to avoid getting depressed. I have tried to interspersed my blog with things other than the political and economical crisis, but I find myself scratching the would, even when I talk about (seemlingly) unrelated matters.
I appreciate your support

It is consuming and affecting everyone there for sure
Her mother is still there and refuses to leave even though she had been trying to convince her mother
Stay safe and well (the best you can) @hlezama

@hlezama & @edgarare1,

Edgar, a wonderfully generous initiative.

On Steemit, Henrry, @hlezama, is one of the most passionate, and articulate, writers respecting the Venezuelan situation. Henrry and I met a year ago in the comments section of another poet, @d-pend. His comments were always so insightful and well composed that I began to take notice. Eventually, I demanded that he start visiting my blog so as to provide enlightenment on my posts as well. Amazingly, English is Henrry's second language ... a fact indiscernible from his comments no matter the complexity of the subject matter.

Besides being intelligent and articulate, Henrry is also an honorable man. He is both a credit to his country and to our blockchain ... and, I am proud to call him "friend."



Much obliged, guys.

Hello @quillfire nice to hear from you...

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama... That´s awesome...!!

Thank you so much for let me know a little more about @hlezama ... for now we are in connection and that´s incredible for me to meet incredible people on Steemit...

Also I reviewed @d-pend profile´ but it seems to be he is not active a month ago...

Thanks a lot


... for now we are in connection and that´s incredible for me to meet incredible people on Steemit...

I'm glad to hear it. I love seeing initiatives that expand the Hispanic community here on Steemit.

Respecting @d-pend ... another great mind. But, he's a poet. And we poets are ... complicated. :-)


That´s awesome my friend @quillfire ..

Don´t worry about that, many artist need their own space ....

Hello Henry, Happy day, really what the situation is, especially in the educational field that should be one of the most valued, since it is one of the factors that most influences the progress and progress of people and societies. In addition to providing knowledge, education enriches the culture, spirit, values ​​and everything that characterizes us as human beings since it depends on the future and development of the country and that in other countries they give that value and are hired, as well to health professionals. These 2 fields are fundamental, but the security and integrity of citizens, so that there can be a better and higher quality of life possible.

Thanks. Happy day for you.
You are so right. And becasue education is so powerful and can do so much for people's integrity and freedom, it must be manipulated. At least other socialist regimes invested in it, modernized it and then put in at the service of their ideological agenda. These bastards opted for destroying it. After all, they made sure the children of their elite would get the best education possible abroad or in private institutions they made sure would remain intact (or at least not as affected as the public sector, where they confined "the people").

If Henry, here they tried to copy the Cuban ideology and in which its inhabitants also passed and suffered many deficiencies, but also have and enjoy certain advantages, such as education and security, most people are professionals, they walk the streets and they do it. Without fear, do not walk with anxiety like here, you can not even use the phone in the street because they take it from you and if you resist you can take your life, sad and sad, where there are so many security forces.

First, glad to meet you. Secondly, it's great to see you on Steemit. You are very courageous to broach this subject. I've been keeping an eye on Venezuela. You guys have it rough down there. Hopefully, your next chief will be more oriented toward building up your country rather than tearing it down.

Thank you. We are hoping that will be the case. There is little else to tear down in any case, but we have learned that things can always get worse, so, I say that "under erasure", as Derrida would put it.

thanks for coming @hlezama ...

That sounds really but, just keep your mind stronger and never give up for nothing ...

Now you are in a good place where you can get a better future, STEEMIT, so continues working well...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

my best thoughts and wishes in this time of strife for you and your loved ones, @hlezama ! my full upvote for you, and good luck !

Nice to hear from you @porters ...

Thanks a lot for your comment and support all Venezuelan people ...

Hello @veryspider

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

Thoughts and prayers. I went to Venezuela some 15 years ago. Una Paiz marvellosa! I want nothing more than ease, security, humanity and a release from suffering for your wonderful country. I don’t not pretend to know the depths... but wish to send out nothing but love and resilience to Venezuela!

Thank you very much. It is hard to know our reality in depth,even for us. Most likely, as your motto says, it is somewhere between what we think and what others perceive.
One thing is true, though, and thanks to technology now all those statements are out for posterity, there is a cruel reality that the chavistas governments (Chavez's and then Maduro's) have consistently denied to the point of calling those who denounced it disociados (dissociates).
They instituted the term and used it pejoratively every time they wanted to dismiss anyone's claim.
They suffered what I call the Lorax Complex. They speak for the people, the same way the Lorax speaks for the trees. At least the Lorax was actually trying to protect the trees. These guys destroyed the people and then told the survivors, "no, that what you think you see is fake; there are no people eating from garbage, there are no children dying in hospitals...no...no...no. It is the empire's 3rd generation war putting those ideas, even the images, in your head"


Orwell's, "1984" ... except they seem to modelling that which Orwell was criticizing. The parallels are so striking at times that it actually defies comedic comparison.


Absolutely. They became experts in newspeak adoption and impossition. I regret not to have the time or energy to compile their entire dictionary (trying once some time ago actually drained my spirit). The level of absurdity and cynicism defies any stomach. Machiavelli's The Prince is another favorite of them. The funny thing is they would never allow an educational institution under their control to read and discuss such texts.

Hello @buttcoins thanks a lot for showing your support...

I love your comment ...!!!

Sorry for all the problems but it is good to get the word out we are here for you @hlezama @steemitbloggers #powerhousecreatives
Edited: also resteeming

Hello @rebeccabe

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

So sorry to hear what is happening over your country. I hope the situation can make a turn soon.

Much appreciated

Hello @roselifecoach thanks for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

Most welcome.

Good luck to you @hlezama on your great effort!

Hello @joelai thanks a lot for coming..

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

Most welcome.

Is there anything we can do on an individual level to help the people of Venezuela? My heart hurts for all of you. It's a shame that so few people here in the US know the reality of the conditions you face.

Thanks for your support, @mattifer.
I don't know what to say. One of the most urgent needs we have is medicines and not even international organizations have been able to bring them. Sending packages is always a risk because customs officers are infamous for their skills to make things disappear.
I know some people who have relatives abroad have managed to get things sent to them but I don't know what specific companies provide safer services.
I appreciate your concern though. I wish we could just talk about more elevated things. I know most people refuse/reject playing the victim, which is what we look like when we have to reiterate this litany of maladies. Hopefully that'll change soon.

Yes, I've heard that shipping goods in or out is pretty difficult right now. My fiance is in the freight business actually. We were asked to provide a quote for goods going to Venezuela not too long ago. We couldn't find anyone willing to go there for a decent rate. It's even expensive to ship things in - and even then there is no promise they will make it through customs.

I'll continue to do what I can to raise awareness - that might be the best way I can help at this point.

Thanks, @mattifer. That surely helps.

Hello @mattifer

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

I wish there was more I could do.

Hello @mattifer thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama ..

Well, let me say something special for you...!!!

Every reply you send with your incredible wishes are helping a lot him and many people who are reading your message, that´s the most important part, many people need to see a little support from somebody else.

This is called: MOTIVATION... !!

Well in that case, consider me your cheerleader! :-)

I'm sorry that you and your country are going through such terrible times. You have written a very good post about the situation to bring awareness. I'm following you now as well to keep up with your posts! Good luck, my new friend.


Thank you very much.

Hello @blueeyes8960

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

All of the best to you and the people of Venezuela my friend!
You are certainly going through very trying times, but I know that after every storm, the sun shall shine again.
Blessings to you!

Hello @papilloncharity

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

so sorry for what's been going on in your country @hlezama, my thoughts and positive vibes are with you, your family, and people of Venezuela,

sending love to all of you there.

good luck, my friend, I hope you will have more votes!

Thank you so much. I am overwhelmed by the support I got here and the general support of Steemians to the venezuelan cause. There are several individual and community initiatives providing different kinds of support to my people. For that we'll be eternally grateful.

Hello @thekitchenfairy

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

Praying for you and your family! Such a tragedy to think a whole generation has lost out at such a critical time!

Thank you, @birdsinparadise. This has made me rethink Gertrude Stein's spithet. Those "lost" expatriates she talked about at least had valuable tools and support to develop their talents.

Hello @birdsinparadise

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

let's hope this is the first of many for you, good luck...

Hello @wales

Thanks a lot for showing your support to @hlezama

That´s awesome...!!

Dear @hlezama

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela


Thankyou very much, @crypto.piotr. I appreciate your concern for our cause and how you have made people rally around it.

🎁 Hi @hlezama! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @xcountytravelers!

@xcountytravelers wrote lately about: Xcountytravelers'S Instagram Feed : 2019/03/21 03:31:33 Feel free to follow @xcountytravelers if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

I am so very sad about your situation and hope that Steem will get better and help you and everyone in your country.

Thank you very much.
We are all rooting for Steem, as much as we root for a change of government.

You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Hello @hlezama,

and did you receive anything of that Steem? I am just curios und would like to know of the outcome.
I hope the power shortages are over.
Do you still have the water problem as well?
Greetings to you,

Hi, Erika.
Actually, this did not end up very well. I was very excited at the prospects of getting quite a few Steems here, given the fact that my post got the most votes, comments, etc. But, it so happened that at the end the alleged 100 Steems were split among basically a lot of people who posted and got votes and comments.I ended up getting (I can't even remember the exact amount now) just a few. Probably less than 3 steem.

Thank you for answering. It's what I assumed what happened. The whole thing was a marketing gig to excite many people. This space can be in the same way wonderful as corrupt. :) Well, like outside, right.

I checked this account after I got a marketing memo through my wallet. I decided to check it out as I had time. But then I saw how petty all the article on this blog are written and payed for to geht high payouts. Well... I do not understand why people decide to stay under their talents, it's kind of irritating cause they will regret it one day...

I wish you a good day and thanks again for responding.

Thank You for the feedback. I was very disappointed, but was not in the mood for arguments.
I even contacted the guy about a week later and he came up with a lame response. What they did at the end (if they did, I did not have the time to track all the transfers) was not what the post had promised.
In any case, we continue being screwed in one way or another. We continue having blackouts here, inflation is in the millions, and the political nightmare seem stronger than Freddy Crooger

You learned something valuable, didn't you? There are many fools around here who believe their own stories.

Do you have access to technical devices to make yourself independent from power grid? Are there locals forming to help each other out in building stationary wind mills or other solutions for getting electricity?

And how much rain do you have so you might collect water and filter it?

Is this something you people think of?

Stay well.

Great questions. I'm afraid I have negative answers for all of them.
I have been thinking about posting about both the electricity crisis and the water crisis. With all the complications, I have not been able to.
We are more vulnerable than you can imagine.
We have very few options or alternatives.
Unless you have enough money to afford a power plant, if there is a blackout that's it for the average Joe.
As for the water problem, we need to learn home-made ways to filter water. other than boiling it and filtering with some peace of cloth, there is no much we do with water. Most people get sick because they do not even boil it.
In the are I live we get very little rain all year long.

Are people around who gather and find help in building little street-communities? Are people at hand who have some engineer knowledge? Can money be collected to buy something via Internet-Shops?

As long you have in times of electricity working access to the Internet, what are you waiting for? As it seems self-help is required.

I was searching for portable solar systems and emergency electricity generators and stuff like that. Here are some links, I do not know whether the findings are worth something but might give you some ideas:




this is what a purchaser wrote about the solar panel:

we got our 120 watt Go Power portable system and I honestly pulled it out of the box, unzipped the very well made carrying case and unfolded the panels. I clamped on the positive and negative jaws to my batteries terminals and off we were pulling in clean energy charging my battery. My batt was at 2/3s charge which isn't very good, close to spiking amps and blowing fuses but even though it was overcast within two hours the battery was at 100%. We are sold! and for folks like us that bought a trailer or want to buy a trailer to camp with and don't want to be plugged into rv parks then spend the money and go solar! Within the next week or two we will be boondocking (dry camping) on BLM (Bureau of land management) with GO POWERS 480 watts kit on the roof top along with the 120 watt portable GO POWER folding unit producing a total of 600 watts of usable energy! Unreal, all from the sun, why are we all not using this natural resource? Anyhow thanks Go power after this relaxing weekend of camping you have proven yourself and we are forever faithful and a life changing solar power family.

Also, there are plenty of solutions for filtering water in a good and healthy way. Use your access to the Internet while it's lasting.

I would like more to hear of you people to help each other out. If nobody starts an initiative I guess you could.

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Thanks 🤠

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Gracias amigos de steem-bounty, que gran labor, Dios los bendiga.

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@steem-bounty Thanks
And @edgarare1 You are very happy with you too Who started this good work.My prayers are always with you you are a nice person.

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Saludos amigo @edgarare1, Soy Venezolano, vivo en la ciudad de Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia. Uno de los estados que aún sigue sufriendo de la contingencia eléctrica, luego de 5 días sin energía, aún no se estabiliza y estamos teniendo recortes de 3 a 5 horas diarias y algunas veces 2 veces al día.

Muy agradecido por tu generosa iniciativa. Muchos Venezolanos estamos padeciendo de las inclemencias de un gobierno tirano y dictador, donde la única preocupación es la de llenar sus bolsillos sacando de los nuestros.
Apartando la política, mi punto específicamente es el de la medicina para mi hija mayor, Alejandra Rodríguez con tan solo 19 años, estudiante de arte en la Universidad del Zulia, padece de Diabetes Mellitus tipo I (insulino dependiente), requiere de dos insulinas al día para vivir, la Apidra que se la inyecta antes de cada comida y la Lantus que se la inyecta en la noche antes de dormir.
La misma situación política de un gobierno indolente y asesino, no autoriza las divisas para la importación de las insulinas, a pesar de tener un programa que las dá, y a veces las he obtenido, las mismas son muy escasas. Hoy en día, esas insulinas cuestan casi 120.000 bolívares cada una, cuando se consiguen, o 25 a 40 dólares en el mercado negro.

Amigos me han ayudado desde el exterior, específicamente me las han traído de Colombia, pero en estos momentos no hay pasos por la frontera, y tampoco dispongo de recursos económicos para seguir comprandola a esos precios.
Mi hija necesita esas insulinas, y una dieta rigurosa, que como habrán leído en la mayoría de los comentarios, no es nada fácil, ya que están escasos y sumamente costosos.
Lo que puedan hacer para hacerme llegar alguna ayuda que Dios los bendiga, mi hija y mi familia se lo agradecerán.

Gracias por leer.

Donación de insulinas Ale 12-2018.jpg

Gracias por compartir tu historia. Desearía que hubiera una forma de enviarte insulina para tu hija. Mi esposa es diabética y cuando cambian sus medicamentos, nos dejan la insulina y se nos dice que la destruyamos. Me aferro a él el mayor tiempo posible con la esperanza de poder encontrar a alguien que no pueda costearlo.

Mientras leo su comentario, lo que veo es un padre orgulloso que está más preocupado por su hijo y su salud. Eso me golpea en casa porque tengo una hija y una nieta, y no puedo imaginar pasar por lo que eres.

Ojalá tuviera muchas respuestas, pero no tengo ninguna. Intento y encuentro formas de ayudar, como a través de @ aid.venezuela y por supuesto @ edgarare1. Puedo hacer mucho. Voy a retrasar la respuesta a este comentario hasta que mi poder de voto aumente y pueda proporcionar un voto positivo.

Hay muchos a quienes les gustaría ayudar pero ellos también están luchando. Ellos también han venido a Steemit para ganar un poco más para cuidar de sus familias.

Mi corazón está con ustedes y espero y oro para que la solución llegue a la gente de Venezuela.

Saludos amigo @edgarare1, muchísimas gracias por su aporte, sin dudas que ayuda. En nombre de mi hija Alejandra, muchas gracias. Dios te bendiga y te conceda mucha fuerza, mucha salud y mucha felicidad para tí y los tuyos.
Un gran abrazo.

Feliz de oir que pude ayudar en algo, espero poder seguir ayudando en el futuro..

Love to help people...!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Gracias a todos por su apoyo, en especial a @yaleal, @shari-loveurlife y @sughey. Y en especial mi agradecimiento a @crypto.piotr, por referirme a visitar el blog de @edgarare1. Un gran abrazo.

Estare disponible siempre para ayudar ...

I always will be available to help ... Love that...

Saludos, @fjjrg. No puedo imaginar la angustia de tener un hijo necesitando medicamentos hoy día. Mis hijas se molestan cuando les pido que no corran riesgos innecesarios, que no se pueden enfermar, que no hay seguro ni dinero para medicinas. Es como condenarlas al encierro. Uno ve tantas personas morir por falta de medicamentos básicos que termina asumiendo que en cualquier momento nos toca.
He venido posteando en mi blog sobre cada aspecto de la crisis, haciendo énfasis a la gente que vive en otros paises y que aún cree que el socialismo es mejor que el capitalismo y que lso criminales que nos gobiernan son víctimas de una conspiración imperial.
Espero que Alejandra esté bien, que resista y pueda terminar sus estudios (yo ni siquiera pude mantener a mi hijo mayor en la universidad y ahora esta en Lima). Mucha fortaleza y suerte.

Un gran país, con talento humano, maravillas de la naturaleza, personas de gran corazon, con sueños, anhelos,y metas que todos desearíamos alcanzar. La situación se ha vuelto dificil para muchos (por no decir todos), se nos ha despojado de las cosas mas basicas, electricidad, agua...
Conseguir los alimentos fue en un tiempo una carrera de suerte y de espera eterna en colas frente a los establecimientos. Ahora, no es tan dificil, donde vayas lo consigues, pero el salario minimo que nos ofrecen apenas nos alcanza para una o dos cosas y se supone que con eso debemos aguantar todo un mes...
A pesar de todo, los venezolanos tenemos esperanza. Esperanza que el día de mañana sea un día mejor, muchos cuentan con sus proyectos, con sus emprendimientos, pero la situación hasta eso nos ha obligado a abandonar...
Venezuela es una historia de puntos suspensivos, donde pareciera que no fuera a haber final, y con el corazon en la mano vemos como nuestros familiares y amigos se van yendo poco a poco y nosotros nos quedamos a la espera...
A la espera de un mejor mañana, de días mejores, de volver a ver a esos familiares con lagrimas en nuestros ojos. Eso es Venezuela, que de ser tan grande, ha quedado reducida a sueños rotos, a familias separadas, a niños sin ilusión, porque en eso nos han convertido.

Pero a pesar de todo y de todo lo que nos han arrebatado, seguimos con la frente en alta sabiendo que podremos salir adelante, con la confianza en Dios siempre y sabiendo que el nos ayudará a superar todas estas dificultades que han rodeado nuestros días.

Gracias por la iniciativa, muchos hemos usado steemit como una herramienta para conseguir un poco de ingresos alternativos y apoyarnos.
Saludos :)

Hola @arzkyu97 bienvenida y muchas gracias por tu comentario.

Solo manten tu mente motivada y nunca te rindas por nada en el mundo. Aquí hay muchas personas para ayudar, ahora estas en una plataforma en la cual podrás alcanzar los objetivos que necesites alcanzar solo continua con el gran trabajo que estas haciendo en Steemit.

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

Cuando se te quita todo lo único que nadie puede tomar es lo que está a tu lado. Mantén viva esa chispa de esperanza.

Eso es lo mas importante, la actitud con la que enfrentamos llas situaciones. Y siempre con la vista puesta en un mejor mañana. Saludos <3


Hello @ edgarare1, thank you very much for being a person concerned about others and for collaborating with this cause called Venezuela crisis. Today in Venezuela all people suffer this crisis that does not stop happening and every day increases much more, I am a professional with a career in the area of ​​administration and with a job that for many was enviable, in which I enjoyed many. Benefits and resolved my family life, I lived comfortably, the salaries were enough to cover all my needs and I was able to help my family, to save to enjoy shopping, vacations in the country and abroad, today the reality is that the Salary is not enough to eat much less to save, nor for medicines because they cost a fortune. Particularly I have many shortcomings like all my countrymen, but the first one that affects me is my father, who is an adult over the age of 101, disabled by his age, must use disposable diapers, medicines, adequate food and I can not do it, it is the most big. The frustration that can live, thanks to Steemit helps me a little and people like @ crypto.piotr, always helps me and collaborates with me and many people from Venezuela. Infinitely grateful to the platform where people like you are, God gives you many blessings and successes in your work. A hug in the distance, from Venezuela to Mexico, thanks infinit

Dear @maxili63

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


Thank you so much for coming @maxili ...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Thank you very much Edagar, for your motivating comment and support this cause, I have always been an enterprising and fighter, I have never depended only on a salary I have always done other things but today there are many limitations to do other additional activities, to move from a place to another is difficult, public transport chaos and private vehicles parked for lack of spare parts, are very expensive or are not achieved, many difficulties to do anything, so most people choose to leave the country.

Nice to hear that @maxili63

Just keep pushing step by step, here there are many people to help, so everything will be change ...!!!

Happy day @ edgarare1, is really encouraging every word of their motivation, which strengthens me, drives me to continue in that struggle to achieve a better quality of life in the future, God willing, but when things like this happen they depress me, I comment with sadness that today they paid 18 thousand bolivares. , equivalent to my father's pension, I can not buy anything, nor milk for the old man, because a kilo of milk costs 34 thousand bolivars, which really does not make sense

Incredible the comment I did in the morning and it turns out I had not gone out on the internet super slow

Hello friend edgarare1, thanks to @ crypto.piotr I was able to know about your publication and it seems fantastic to me that there are people who still think about helping others.

I am proud of Venezuela since I was born living here growing and seeing how it was damaging the economy but still love this country and it hurts me to see how it is in recent days removing the poetic hand in hand this last incident of light left me with bad taste in the mouth with so many dead in hospitals.

I am from a beautiful city called Mérida where I could not continue studying the beautiful career of medicine for reasons of stoppages for political reasons of the same university and I had to go more than 9 hours from my house to another city to study since my dream always has been to build a clinic or hospital with the name of Saint San Martin de Porres (I invite you to know about him) and good although I know that with steemit at the moment that dream is far away for reasons as much economic as other things it hurts my mom feel bad for not being able to buy me a blood pressure meter and a stethoscope for lack of money since the same university where I study now does not have the supplies to give them and that is why I am heading to this world of Steemit not much public issues of health since that takes a lot of time and I also see it every day for that reason I prefer to make known other tastes and waiting to increase my knowledge to share about my experiences This is where I am starting the second year.

Thank you for giving this friendly hand to so many compatriots.

I truly wish one day in the near future you can have that clinic built. It will be the only clinic in the world with memes decorating every room. Patients will recover sooner seeing funny things on the walls :)

That is really the best thing that I have been told this day XD hahaha in the future you will see the clinic and upload photos to Steemit, I hope you can see them.

Deal. You dod that and I'll write a post about how I gave you the idea. It will be so cool to see that dream of yours come true.

Hello @memes777 thanks a lot for coming..

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Thanks from the heart and if hahaha does not answer fast because I left school late and was studying for a test

Don´t worry about that, it is ok...


Saludos a todos, especialmente a los venezolanos que hemos encontrado un espacio para desahogarnos. Soy venezolana con padres venezolanos y una familia venezolana, tengo tres niños pequeños que lamentablemente sólo conocen la pobreza, la crisis, las limitaciones. e visto la miseria, antes pensaba que la miseria era algo mental, pero no, no es así en realidad, la miseria me saluda, me abraza y siento que juega conmigo y con la gran mayoría de los venezolanos, es terrible la situación en el país, estamos comiendo yuca como mejor platillo, el pollo, la carne, el pescado desapareció de mi mesa. La educación ha empeorado, los colegios públicos no dan casi clase y dentro de los planteles educativos se ven cosas tan feas y perjudiciales para los que acuden a ellas para "instruirse" que lo menos que hacen allí es impartir conocimiento y formar adultos competentes, conscientes, honestos y justos. A pesar de todo los males que arrastra este régimen, me aferro a la educación que yo he recibido de mis progenitores y no permitiré que nada ni nadie le quite esa oportunidad a mis hijos, porque eso depende de mi, y así cómo eso debo tener esperanza que a pesar de toda la hambruna, las injusticias y la tan mala situación general que cada día parece empeorar como una ola que va con tanta fuerza que parece imparable, puedo y debo hallar lo mejor de mi y sembrar esa semilla en el corazón de mis hijos. Muchas veces he sentido que la vida se me escapa de las manos y no se que hacer, en una de esas oportunidades escribí un poema sobre el país y lo que siento al respecto de todo esto: https://steempeak.com/cervantes/@vida-blanca/hoymesientotantriste-b37y6cvnab

Gracias por la oportunidad.

Hola @vida-blanca es un gusto oír de ti, gracias por comentar...!!

Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.


excellent initiative ... I am from Venezuela and this is a total crap ... to live, not water, there is no electricity and there is seldom internet ... now you add the high costs of the food ... I DO NOT THINK PARTICIPATE, BUT IT WOULD HELP ME MUCH TO ME IN THE PARTICULAR IF YOU RECOMMEND MY WORK WITH YOUR FRIENDS OR OTHER PROFILES ...

Hello @jimramones thanks a lot for coming ...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

Saludos @edgarare1 actualmente mi país Venezuela se encuentra pasando una grave crisis socio-económica donde comprar hasta los alimentos más básicos se hace imposible debido al alto costo de la vida es por ello que muchos de nosotros hemos visto en Steemit y el Blockchain una alternativa para poder subsistir en medio de esta tempestad, agradezco a iniciativas como estas por ayudarnos a todos los venezolanos, recordando que todos los seres humanos somos hermanos, muchas gracias por el apoyo.

Hola @ydavgonzalez bienvenido y gracias por comentar...

Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

It is very nice and rewarding, to see that there are people who care about our needs and are willing to help us, I really feel very happy with the friend's invitation @crypto.piotr and of course your initiative friend @edgarare1, for my platform is a source of income, I am not very good at this of the publications and there is much to learn, I am also a mother of 3 children, and they absorb my time a lot and that leaves me with dedication to this great platform in addition to the problems of connection that we have, the blackouts do not help me either and of course, due to the difficult situation I must leave the house every day to look for food, and that means that I must be in the street around 5 to 6 hours and sometimes more time , thank God I count the support of my husband and my mother-in-law whom fortunately we have very close to home and supports me with the children.
Really friend, this situation is almost unbearable, but always, thank God we went ahead and with much effort we continue to fight, because in Venezuela as in all parts of the world, there are many people who are hard-working, enterprising, talented, affectionate and with the necessary talent to make the world a better place to live and share, because out of all this political madness, we have much to give and teach that in Venezuela it is worth fighting.
I do not criticize the brother who decided to leave Venezuela, on the contrary, I admire him, because it takes a lot of courage to leave your land and yours, just to see them happy, or at least help them economically to cope with this difficult situation, in my case I am still in Venezuela because for me it is not easy to separate myself from my people and I have faith and hope in God that things will soon improve.
Thank you again for your initiative, I hope that God blesses you and gives back in you and yours what you do for us today, not only economically speaking, but also of the breath that a word offers, very grateful for this, I send you a very special greeting and a strong hug in the distance (we are already experts in this) from Villa de Cura, Aragua- Venezuela ...

Many on steemit are or want to be supportive. Many just do not have the steem power to help. They too have their own struggles.

Your situation is amplified because you are trying to provide for a family.. I see on your blog you post many motivational phrases...sometimes we need to keep reminding ourselves of something other than what we are going through. For better times ahead!

My heart and thoughts go out to you. Keep the faith!

end of post graphic.png

Muchos en steemit son o quieren ser de apoyo. Muchos simplemente no tienen el poder de steem para ayudar. Ellos también tienen sus propias luchas.

Su situación se amplifica porque está tratando de mantener a una familia. Veo en su blog que publica muchas frases motivadoras ... a veces tenemos que seguir recordándonos algo distinto a lo que estamos pasando. ¡Por mejores tiempos por delante!

Mi corazón y mis pensamientos están contigo. ¡Mantener la fe!

Thanks for reading, and for the motivation.
If I post those phrases, they help me stay motivated and continue my daily struggle! I am sure that God, every day, I have a great reason to do it, My Family!

YES! I was once homeless (in my 20's), It being my own fault. To come out of it I used those kinds of motivational sayings...I too helped me move forward. I only had myself to worry about. You have a family.

One has to believe things will improve. My thoughts are with you.

You have all my Respect my friend @r2cornell

Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us... You impressed me again...

I´m sure it was difficult for you my friend, and thank you for never give up and keep fighting everyday ...

Such an excellent comment @r2cornell

I really love the fact that you're so very mature with your responses :)

Enjoy your weekend buddy

Dear @sughey

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


@crypto.piotr thank you for your words, that is the goal, not to suffer and try by all means to overcome that situation and not die in the attempt.

I will take your tips into account, thank you

Hello @sughey thanks a lot for coming...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.


gracias por pensar en mi pais y su gente, gente buena que tiene un carisma y sonrisa, siempre reconocida por su alegria que hoy se empaña debido a una tiranía que ha logrado pisar al pueblo, muchos no entienden lo que pasa en mi pais, pues explico breve mente, un ser diabólico llamado chavez se gano el cariño del pueblo en 1998 y trajo consigo falsas promesas, el pueblo le fue otorgando poder en todos los ámbitos, durante un tiempo este señor hizo una red, en cada ciudad, en cada organo publico creo gabinetes de personas que son ahora mafias distribuidas por todo el pais, en cada alcadia, en cada gobernacion, en cada sede del ejercito hay mafias que se benefician y roban al pais mientras somenten al pueblo, cada policia estadal, cada organo publico esta lleno de estas mafias, si usted es periodista y señala estas mafias, usted va preso, si usted es politico y no se alinea con ellos, usted va preso, si usted denuncia algo , usted va preso, hay gente presa solo por crear algun tweet que no sea del agrado del régimen, la gente ha salido a manifestar en muchas ocasiones, solo el año pasado ocurrio mas de 130 muertos en manifestaciones en menos de 30 dias, muchos videos en la web demuestran grupos armados acompañados por militares asesinando a estudiantes que solo llevan en sus manos escudos de carton, estas mafias no dejaran el poder, venezuela genera mucha riqueza en varios ámbitos, millones de dolares sacan del petroleo, toneladas de oro sacan mensualmente del suelo venezolano, con ese dinero crean las mafias y compran ayuda internacional como la cubana o la rusa, es algo increíble, se han registrado desfalco a la nacion donde un solo grupo de personas han robado mas de 4mil millones de dolares a la industria petrolera, eso en un solo robo!! es mucho dinero que se roban del pais y eso mantiene esa mafia, por eso que cada vez que el pueblo se manifiesta asesinan y torturan para doblegar al ciudadano que no posee defensa alguna, la situación es grave, muy grave, hablamos de que si una persona sufre una apendicitis esa persona esta condenada a morir, hay medicos en los hospitales queriendo ayudar, pero no hay insumos, estoy hablando que falta algo tan simple como una inyectadora o jeringa, imagínese como se opera a alguien sin nada de insumos, por otro lado el sueldo minimo de un trabajador no alcanza para nada, un mes de trabajo equivale a un quilo de queso duro, con el sueldo de un mes entero no compra una hamburguesa en macdonal, y creame que no exagero en cada palabra que escribo..

hay miles de historias tristes que se viven a diario en mi pais y aun asi el venezolano sale todos los dias a luchar por mantener viva a venezuela con su trabajo, con sus ilusiones, con ganas de salir a delante, el señor de la esquina abre el kiosco, el estudiante va a la escuela, el mecánico a su taller, y muchos se preguntan, como es posible? solo el que conoce o ha visitado venezuela sabe la respuesta, es la misma razón por la cual desde esta tierra salio una caravana libertaria que ayudo a otorgar la libertad a otros hermanos del continente hace 200 años, es la perseverancia del venezolano, es la forma en que sueña, es la forma en que lucha, estamos luchando, somos 30 millones de personas que aun permanecemos aqui en Venezuela tratando de liberarnos, no es fácil, se me puede ir la vida en esto pero no tengo otra forma de verlo y sentirlo, no puedo tomar otro camino y dejar a mi país detrás, y créeme que asi como me siento escribiendo esta linea seguro se siente cada venezolano que aguanta este atropello diario al que es sometido, no es fácil quedarse en un pais donde puedes morir por algo tan comun como una neumonia, pero venezuela vale, sus playa vale, su aire vale, su sabana, su selva, su desierto, su montaña, sus picos, su GENTE VALE, y seguro vale mas que mi vida que me juego para ayudar a rescatarla de manos asesinas que se quieren apoderar de ella..

gracias por ver hacia acá, gracias por querer ayudar, ahora necesitamos que cada persona afuera sea la voz del venezolano, que grite que el venezolano lucha y necesita ayuda, es una mafia armada que quiere matar a un país, es así de simple y cierto, es un país secuestrado..



thank you for thinking of my country and its people, good people who have a charisma and smile, always recognized by their joy that today is tarnished due to a tyranny that has managed to step on the people, many do not understand what happens in my country, because I explain briefly, a diabolical being called Chavez won the love of the people in 1998 and brought false promises, the people gave him power in all areas, for a time this gentleman made a network, in each city, in each organ public I create cabinets of people who are now mafias distributed throughout the country, in each alcadia, in each governorate, in each headquarters of the army there are mafias that benefit and rob the country while they watch the people, each police station, each public body is full of these mafias, if you are a journalist and you point these mafias, you are imprisoned, if you are a politician and do not align yourself with them, you are imprisoned, if you denounce something, you are imprisoned, there are people imprisoned just for creating some eet that is not to the liking of the regime, people have come out to demonstrate on many occasions, only last year there were more than 130 dead in demonstrations in less than 30 days, many videos on the web show armed groups accompanied by soldiers murdering students they only carry cardboard shields, these mafias do not leave power, venezuela generates a lot of wealth in several areas, millions of dollars are extracted from oil, tons of gold are extracted monthly from Venezuelan soil, with this money they create mafias and buy aid international as the Cuban or the Russian, it is something incredible, they have registered embezzlement to the nation where a single group of people have stolen more than 4 billion dollars to the oil industry, that in a single robbery !! it is a lot of money that is stolen from the country and that maintains that mafia, that is why every time the people declare they kill and torture to subdue the citizen who does not have any defense, the situation is serious, very serious, we talk about if a person suffers an appendicitis that person is condemned to die, there are doctors in hospitals wanting to help, but there are no supplies, I'm talking about missing something as simple as an injection or syringe, imagine how to operate someone without any input, on the other side the minimum salary of a worker does not reach for anything, a month of work is equivalent to a kilo of hard cheese, with the salary of a whole month does not buy a burger in macdonal, and believe me that I do not exaggerate in every word I write ..

There are thousands of sad stories that are lived daily in my country and yet the Venezuelan goes out every day to fight to keep Venezuela alive with his work, with his illusions, wanting to get ahead, the gentleman of the corner opens the kiosk, the student goes to school, the mechanic to his workshop, and many wonder, how is that possible? only the one who knows or has visited venezuela knows the answer, is the same reason why from this land came a libertarian caravan that helped to grant freedom to other brothers of the continent 200 years ago, it is the perseverance of the Venezuelan, it is the way in what dreams, is the way we fight, we are fighting, we are 30 million people that still remain here in Venezuela trying to free us, it is not easy, I can go to live in this but I have no other way of seeing and feeling it , I can not take another path and leave my country behind, and believe me that as I feel writing this line, every Venezuelan feels that he can endure this daily abuse to which he is subjected, it is not easy to stay in a country where you can die for something as common as a pneumonia, but venezuela is worth it, its beach is worth it, its air is worth it, its savanna, its jungle, its desert, its mountain, its peaks, its PEOPLE WORTH, and it is worth more than my life that I play to help rescue her from her hands murderers who want to take over her ..

thank you for looking here, thanks for wanting to help, now we need that every person outside be the voice of the Venezuelan, who shouts that the Venezuelan fights and needs help, is an armed mafia that wants to kill a country, it is that simple and true , it's a kidnapped country ..

Hello @aerossone thanks a lot for your comment ...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

Dear @aerossone

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


As a Venezuelan I want to thank you for your selfless help, 100 steem is a very generous sum that will surely help alleviate a little the economic situation of the person who manages to earn them.

I also thank @crypto.piotr for the notice.

Thanks for dropping by @darthgexe :)

Hello @darthgexe thanks for coming ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, Let´s do it...



Soy venezolana, nací en el estado Falcón, en un pueblo llamado Maparari cuando entré a steemit lo hice con el nombre de mi pueblo. A pesar de mi edad nunca había visto una situación económica tan grave a en mi país, sin embargo, el gesto de usted me parece excelente por la necesidad que tenemos los venezolanos y muchas gracias.

I am Venezuelan, I was born in the Falcón state, in a town called Maparari when I entered steemit I did it with the name of my town. Despite my age I had never seen such a serious economic situation in my country, however, the gesture of you seems excellent for the need we Venezuelans have and thank you very much.

Hello @maparari thanks a lot for coming...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Dear @maparari

Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

God bless Venezuela



Buenos días , un cordial saludo mi querido amigo!! pues yo vivo en Venezuela, la verdad es muy dificil hacerlo y subsistir aquí, por la situación tan grave que hay, tanto económica,social y política, no es facil ver como hermanos venezolanos mueren día a día por desnutrición, falta de medicamentos y ver como nuestro gobierno sigue diciendo que todo "esta bien " cuando no es así. Pero gracias a Dios existen personas como tu que quieren ayudar a las personas de forma honesta y de corazon, personas como tu, no hay muchas y pues créeme que esto tarde o temprano se te regresara a ti de forma buena. Mi situación no es la mejor ni mucho menos, necesito muchas cosas, a veces no tengo ni para comer pero siempre logro salir adelante a pesar de las adversidades...esos somos los venezolanos guerreros y personas de buen corazon, aunque siempre hay personas deshonestas que nos pueden llegar a dejar mal. Me despido mi querido amigo, te deseo muchos éxitos y bendiciones , un gran abrazo!

Saludos. Lamento escuchar todas las dificultades en su gran país. Estoy muy impresionado por su declaración; "Somos los guerreros venezolanos y personas de buen corazón ...". Esto es lo que he encontrado en la lectura de estos muchos comentarios y en la interacción con los seguidores de Venezuela. Es esta fortaleza interna la que te ayudará a superar esto.

En ese mismo hilo, no hace muchos días, estaba interactuando con alguien que estaba en la zona para alimentar a su familia. Conocía a esta persona por un tiempo y sabía que las cosas tenían que ser mucho peores de lo que pensaba. Le envié algo a su billetera. él fue capaz de comprar algo de comida, pero lo más reconfortante fue que cambió su actitud y utilizó la mayor parte del dinero para comenzar una iniciativa para ayudar a alimentar a muchos otros. Esa es la fuerza interior que veo en la gente de Venezuela y "gente con buen corazón".

Gente que ayuda a la gente. Personas que comparten lo poco que tienen.

Mi upvote está bajando, así que voy a dejar que se reconstruya antes de hacer más comentarios. Solo desearía tener más poder para hacer más fuerte mi voto.

¡Buena suerte!

end of post graphic.png

Greetings. I regret to hear of all the hardships in your great country. I am most impressed by your statement; "we are the Venezuelan warriors and people with a good heart...". It is this that I have found in reading these many comments, and with interaction with followers from Venezuela, It is this inner strength with in each that will help carry you through this.

On that same thread, not so many days ago I was interacting with someone who was deparate to feed his family. I had know this person for awhile, and knew things had to be much worse than I thought. I sent him a little something to his wallet. he was able to buy some food, but was most heart warming is his attitude changed and he used most of the steem to begin an initiative to help feed many others. That is the inner strength I see in the people of Venezuela and "people with a good heart".

People-helping-people. People sharing what little they have.

My upvote is getting lower so I am again going to let it rebuild before further comments. I only wish I had more steem power to make my upvote stronger.


Hola @fredfcp gusto en saber de ti, gracias por comentar...

Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

Venezuela is undoubtedly a fighting country, talking about how hard we live, our tragedies and calamities is very hard for me, I would like to emphasize that we are a country of people with love for our country, that we are dreamers and optimists for the future.
That we are a blessed country, that we have people like you that with their wishes and actions we will move forward.
We have a bad management, bad rulers but their courage and their heart, their people are warrior, light and love.
I fill you with good energy, love and blessings.
Thanks for what you do for us!
Viva Venezuela and Viva Mexico!

Dear @teresah

I would like to thank you for opening up and sharing your life story with us.It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels to see what is happening in your country :(

Hope noone close to you will suffer or die.

God bless Venezuela


Hola @teresah agradable saber de ti y gracias por tu comentario.

Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

We are on the right path. We will have problems but we will always shine. A hug!

what an amazing comment @teresah

I love that ....

Hello, Thank you for having the initiative to support all Venezuelans, I think we have endured a lot, food problems, health, transportation and most important of all the vital liquid that is water.
After the Apagon in all of Venezuela on March 7, things have become very difficult.
We just have to continue working to take our destroyed country forward.

Hello @norat23 thanks for coming..

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

Qué bueno es saber que contamos con el apoyo de hermanos de corazón, que no somos invisibles y que siempre habrá esa mano amiga. Esta situación que vivimos los venezolanos a diario es muy lamentable, que difícil es salir todos los días a trabajar y cuando te cancelan tu quincena no te alcanza ni para comer 2 días, pero siempre reinventando con ese entusiasmo y animo que siempre nos caracteriza, aunque hay días que la cuestión se torna más difícil y provoca escapar de toda esta realidad que nos abruma, pero aquí continuamos en la lucha. Los VENEZOLANOS en esta plataforma le damos las gracias por su apoyo @edgarare1.

Hola @alexanderodulfo gracias por tu comentario...

Desearia poder hacer algo mas por Venezuela, Si necesita algo mas que yo pueda hacer hagame saber y con mucho gusto estar dispuesto a ayudar...!!


Thank you very much friend, there are few people who give that helping hand and God will reward you. Everything we give and give away without looking at who has given us the fruits in the future and the good things in our lives reach us.

I want to talk to you from my experience because many of us here have talked a lot about the different problems that exist in each sector. If you want to know a little more you can visit the post you just published about the electrical failure that Venezuela.


In recent years Since it began to notice The state of my country The career began in college, The time they were published. and the light failures were more constant. Why? The transport gets worse, the costs for my classes and the materials are raised, many were the days that classes were canceled for any problem that arises and so every day is complicated more than little and little on the subject of things and give the best of me, until after 4 hard years I could graduate. After that I got married and had a beautiful child, the father had the opportunity to go to Colombia 2 months before the birth of our son, the jobs, the company, the company, the parents, and the payment. therefore he had to return. Things have been complicated, most of all, food and medicines, the day of death and medical attention. If a Venezuelan from one day to another gets sick and has to perform an operation immediately, it would be a very difficult and dangerous situation because private clinics are quite expensive, where more or less an operation exceeds $ 500, and where could it be? get that amount? where currently the monthly salary is from 5 to 10 dollars. We all have to take this situation into account.

Children for 12 people, my parents, and my sisters with their families. Between all we support and we contribute. But I have been quite difficult, with which I have had only the rice and the lens for the main meals, during several days. But this is a roller coaster.


Muchas gracias amigo, son pocas las personas que dan esa mano amiga y Dios te lo recompensara. Todo lo que damos y regalamos sin mirar a quien nos dará frutos en el futuro y cosas buenas a nuestras vidas nos llegará.

Quiero hablarte desde mi experiencia porque ya muchos aquí habrán hablado mucho sobre los diferentes problemas que existe en cada sector. Y si quieres saber un poco más puedes visitar el post que acabo de publicar sobre la falla eléctrica que presento Venezuela.


En estos últimos años desde que se empezó a notar el deterioro del país yo estaba empezando mi carrera de la universidad, comenzaba a notar que los precios subían cada vez más y se empezaban a formar colas en los supermercados y establecimientos, el agua se ausentaba más y las fallas de luz eran más constantes. Desde ese momento cada vez veía lo difícil que sería terminar mi carrera universitaria, y así fue. El transporte se agravada más, los costos para mis clases y materiales se elevaban, muchos eran los días que se cancelaban las clases por cualquier problema que se presentaban y así cada día se complicaba mas pero poco a poco supe sobrellevar las cosas y dar lo mejor de mí, hasta que después de 4 duros años me pude graduar. Luego de eso me casé y tuve un hermoso niño, el padre tuvo la oportunidad de irse a Colombia 2 meses antes del nacimiento de nuestro hijo pero los trabajos que conseguía eran matadores y con un pago más bajo que el sueldo mínimo, tuvo poca suerte y por lo tanto se tuvo que regresar. Las cosas han estado complicadas, más que todo por la comida y las medicinas, si algún venezolano de un día para otro se enferma y les tiene que realizar una operación de inmediato sería una situación muy difícil y peligrosa porque las clínicas privadas son bastantes caras, donde más o menos una operación sobrepasa los 500 dólares, y ¿dónde se podría conseguir esa cantidad? donde actualmente el sueldo mensual es de 5 a 10 dólares. Todos tenemos miedo de que se presente esa situación y no tener los recursos económicos para solucionarlo.

Presentemente tenemos que buscar comida todos los días para 12 personas, que incluyen mis padres, y mis hermanas con sus familias. Entre todos nos apoyamos y aportamos. Pero se ha hecho bastante difícil, con decirles que solo he tenido solo arroz y lentejas para las comidas principales, durante varios días. Pero esto es una montaña rusa, algunos días nos va mejor que otros pero debemos agradecer que nos tenemos el uno al otro y que el amor es todo lo que importa.

Hola @lisgarcia bienvenida, gracias por comentar...

Es terrible saber todo lo que pasa ahora en Venezuela y que los gobernantes esten con las manos cruzadas sin ayudar a las personas de tu hermoso país, espero que hoy pude ayudar con algo para algunas cuantas personas, seguiré tratando de ayudar y espero que mas personas se unan, ya que ahora mas personas conocen todo lo que esta sucediendo en Venezuela.

Si hay alguna cosa que yo pueda hacer por ti házmela saber...!!!

Dear @lisgarcia

I would like to thank you for opening up and sharing your life story with us.It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels to see what is happening in your country :(

Hope noone close to you will suffer or die.

God bless Venezuela


ººVENEZUELAºº ciertamente, no es un secreto que estamos en el centro de una dura situación política, económica y social, han sido días difíciles, estas ayudas desprendidas son positivas siempre que en realidad vayan dirigidas a las personas correctas. Espero todo lo mejor para ustedes con su iniciativa.
Gracias por la invitación a este post @crypto.piotr

Hola @slwzl gracias por tu comentario..

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

Con mucho gusto pasaré la información.
Gracias por responder @edgarare1
Saludos cordiales.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ººVENEZUELAºº amigo gracias por estar pendiente y enviarme esta invitación @crypto.piotr cabe mencionar que el venezolano se ha vuelto periodista en todo el sentido de la palabra, muchas veces nos encontramos como ustedes sin tener una información concreta y veras por que las televisoras nacionales tienen prohibido informar la realidad, dicha realidad que muchos tememos que sea mas fuerte de la que se dice.
Yo soy de Venezuela y sigo en este mi país creyendo de que la libertad se aproxima
Ah sido muy conmovedor leer este post y saber que muchos a nivel mundial se duelen por la difícil situación que estamos atravesando, realmente afirmo cada palabra descrita antes en estos comentarios por mis hermanos venezolanos, no ha sido fácil permanecer de pie a saber que muchos familiares están lejos buscando un mejor futuro exponiendo su vida sin ninguna garantía, es lamentable como miles de niños se anexan a la estadística de desnutrición, como miles de hogares se disuelven porque es más fácil conseguir un plato de comida que 4 que multiplicado por 3 comidas al dia es mas duro, que ironía al saber que tenemos todo cómo salir adelante y solo por que alguien no le da la gana miles pagan los platos rotos, si estudiaste o no de nada sirve por ambos es común vestir roto y algo tan vital para el ser humano como la luz y el agua nos vuelve tan frágiles e indefensos ante las enfermedades, los que somos padres solo nos cuesta respirando profundo y ocultarnos las lágrimas y la desesperanza para poder mostrar una buena cara a nuestros hijos, para que sus pequeños corazones no sean llenados de odio hacia nuestro país.
En mi post mas reciente comparto acerca de como mi familia y yo atravesamos este apagón nacional, por supuesto viendo el lado positivo para que el dolor se menos un abrazo @edgarare1 gracias por la iniciativa, ya con prestar atención a nuestro clamor es suficiente! en nombre del pueblo de venezuela gracias

ººVENEZUELAºº friend thank you for being pending and send me this invitation @crypto.piotr it is worth mentioning that the Venezuelan has become a journalist in every sense of the word, many times we are like you without having a specific information and you will see why the national television They are forbidden to inform reality, this reality that many of us fear is stronger than what is said.
I am from Venezuela and I am still in this country believing that freedom is approaching
Ah it was very moving to read this post and know that many worldwide suffer from the difficult situation we are going through, I really affirm every word described before in these comments by my Venezuelan brothers, it has not been easy to stand up to know that many relatives they are far away looking for a better future exposing their life without any guarantee, it is unfortunate how thousands of children are annexed to the statistics of malnutrition, as thousands of homes dissolve because it is easier to get a plate of food than 4 multiplied by 3 meals at day is harder, irony to know that we have everything to get ahead and just because someone does not want to pay thousands of broken dishes, if you studied or not of anything is useful for both is common to wear broken and something so vital to the being human like light and water makes us so fragile and helpless in the face of illnesses, we who are fathers only have a hard time breathing deep and hiding our tears and the hopelessness to be able to show a good face to our children, so that their little hearts are not filled with hatred towards our country.
In my most recent post I share about how my family and I went through this national blackout, of course seeing the positive side so that the pain is less a hug @edgarare1 thanks for the initiative, and to pay attention to our cry is enough! on behalf of the people of venezuela thanks

Hola @aniita gracias por tu comentario...

Lo se, es terrible todo lo que esta pasando en tu hermoso país, me gustaría haber podido hacer algo mas por todas las personas de Venezuela, por ahora pude hacer un pequeño aporte y ayudar a que mas personas puedan ver todo lo que esta pasando en Venezuela y puedan sumarse para apoyar mas..

Por mi parte estoy en disposición de seguir ayudando, cuenta con ello...

si muchisimas gracias por ser bendecido y bendecir a otros, estoy segura que Dios recompensará su corazón generoso, Dios te bendiga amigo!

Asi es @aniita es de mucha ayuda la labor que realiza el amigo @edgarare1 sigue pendiente de sus notas para recibir su apoyo y aqui te dejo el mio.


Hi my friend. I am a freelance illustrator with base in Venezuela. Is not new the thing that Venezuela is living the worst crisis we have never had. just to summarize: poverty, an incredible inflation, corruption everywhere (starting in senior government officials), lack of medicine and food... we have a lot of problems. one week ago we had a blackout of 5 days, did you imagine how many people died for this blackout at the hospitals? How can a country develop with this kind of problems? I know, Is not easy but I think that something bad we can transform in something incredible good. People generally put the focus on the most negative pespective of problems and the Venezuelan people ends up being a victim who complains about everything dissatisfied. This crisis is the worst misfortune we have but at the same time is our best blessing, we should overcome this crisis, learn and grow up. So our challenge is change something really bad in a great opportunity to be better that yesterday. It is my view, I mean avoid to complain and work more.

When I feel down I remember the phrase of Albert Einstein:

"We can not expect things to change if we keep doing the same things.The crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations, because the crisis brings progress. Creativity comes from anxiety as the day comes from the dark night. E 'in the crisis that is inventiveness, discoveries and great strategies. Who overcomes crisis overcomes himself without being 'passed'. Who gives the crisis its failures and difficulties, violent his own talent and gives more value to the solutions to the problems. The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence. 'Inconvenience of people and nations is the laziness in seeking solutions and ways out. Without crisis there are no challenges, without challenges life is a routine, a slow agony. Without crisis there is no merit. In crisis emerges the best of each, because without crisis all winds are only mild breezes. Talk of crisis means increasing it, and be silent in the crisis is to exalt conformism. Instead, we work hard. Let us stop, once and for all with the only dangerous crisis, which is the tragedy of not being willing to overcome."

Hello @abrahmatan thanks a lot for coming...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

OMG! jejejeje but here we are so many! jejejeje. Thanks a lot for your explanation and the good idea to help us. Have a wonderful day!

Hey my friend you don´t have to vote anybody, just comment ...!!!

My job is to vote everyone, ok, don´t worry about voting by you...!!

Dear @abrahmatan

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


Thank for your feedback my friend! We must to overcome this situation. I know that we can do it!

Sorry if my write was difficult to read. I am going to use better the separate blocks of texts. Have a good day my friend.

Thank you for being so responsive @abrahmatan

Hope you will have a great week ahead,


Primero que nada muchas gracias por el apoyo a nosotros los Venezolan@s @edgarare1 y @steem-bounty. Es muy dificil explicar con palabras como nos sentimos ante tantos problemas que tenemos: Políticos, Económicos y Sociales.
La situación esta asi amigos de Steemit; creo por lo que he escuchado en la mayoria de los otros paises del mundo les alcanza para vivir con un "Sueldo Minimo"no con muchos lujos en cambio aqui en Venezuela con el sueldo que gana un trabajador al MES; sirve para adquirir Tres (3) ó con suerte Cuatro (4) paquetes de Harina precocida (Harina PAN). Y lo más lamentable según mi punto de vista es que; asi logremos que cambie el gobierno estaremos todavía con los mismos problemas ya que estos se han vuelto parte de nuestra sociedad.
Pero bueno ahora más que nunca los Venezolan@s debemos de unirnos y apoyarnos como lo somos una gran Familia.
Suerte con esta Hermosa Iniciativa @edgarare1 y que la misma pueda llegar a muchos miembros Venezolan@s de Steemit puesto que con el dinero extra que logramos conseguir por este medio es como aliviamos dichos problemas.
" Dios nos Bendiga a Todos."

Hola @franciscana23 es un gusto oír de ti, gracias por comentar...

Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

hi! i don't know if i come by this post too late, but im form VENEZUELA and well i'm a lawyer but, currently a stay at home mom taking care of my 5 months old son.

what can i tell you about how living in Venezuela is? well is not easy, we just went through the worst blackout our country has ever been through, and we have issues to make enough money to buy food or medicine (if you can find any when you have the money to buy it), so yeah is not fun to live here.

My baby's daddy and love of my life just received his paycheck for the the half of the month, he was payed 12$ that are supposed to be anough for us to buy food and baby stuff for at least 15 days, LMFAO, yeah I made miracles and manage to buy:
1 chicken, 1/2 Kg of beef, some vegetables and a couple of little bags of condiments, and yeah that is supposed to last 15 days for my family of 4 (baby's daddy, mom of baby's daddy and me plus the little kid) I wasnt able to buy the diapers i need for the kid or to buy him the fruits that he needs.

thank god for steemit it gives me a way to ear some money to buy the stuff my kid needs.

anyway i post this just to spread the word on how we live here, im a lucky woman being able to afford food and having a healthy family, but there are other that far worse than me and that just breaks my heart!

Saludos @victoriabsb .
Eres joven y fuerte y se ve que tienes los pies bien puestos sobre la tierra.
Eres sin duda un ejemplo para muchos.
Que dios te siga dando el aguante, las fuerzas y la sabiduría para lograr sacar a tu bebe adelante.
Disfrútalo el tiempo pasa muy rápido.
Te estaré siguiendo y leyendo tus post.
Ahora mismo estoy esperando recargar mi RC.
Así que... Nos vemos.

hola! muchisimas gracias por tus bellas palabras, en realidad no espero ser un ejemplo para nadie más que para mi hijo, si crece muy rápido ya no parece un bebe de 5 meses sino un hombrecito jajajaja

Dear @victoriabsb

Thank you for sharing your story with us. It is really saddening to see what your country is going throught. Heartbreaking.

You speak such a good english. How come? Are you using some quality translator or do you indeed operate english so well?

My baby's daddy and love of my life just received his paycheck for the the half of the month, he was payed 12$

That's more than minimum salary in Venezuela, right? and yet it's surely not enough to survive. Would you mind sharing with me what does he do for living? Just curious.

ps. did all those ingridients cost 12usd? Oh ....

God bless Venezuela. Seriously I cant imagine how difficult it must be to live there now.


Hi! even tho, i do sometimes use a translator to help with some words (google), whose meaning escape my knowledge , i learned english in high school so, i work very well with english and also autocorrect helps a lot! lol

That's more than minimum salary in Venezuela, right?

Yes, 12$ way more than minimum wage here, our monthly minimum wage is of just shy of 6US$ at the current price of the US$, my boyfriend works in PDVSA as a coordinator of logistics for operational oil rings, he has a degree that is similar to a bachelor degree in the US, is call Senior Technician in Oil Rings from an University, just 2 years from an engineering degree, his monthly salary is 24US$ approximately, so we are lucky enough not to have to survive with just 6US$ a month but, as you can imagine 24US$ a month are not enough for a family of 4 (my BF, my Bf's mom, my baby and myself), i'm a lawyer, but currently my work is to stay at home and taking care of our 5 months old, so we just have to work around the difficulties and try to find money in other places like Steem or selling our old stuff .

Like i said we are lucky we are professionals and have knowledge enough to make a living in the difficult economical situation that our country is in, but is important for people outside our country to know, that if the 2 of us with our college degrees and with at least my BF good work, are having trouble to make a living, imagine those who don't have the same luck as us, i know of people that have more kids and only the 6US$ a month income i sincerely have not idea how they do to live like that.

ps. did all those ingredients cost 12usd?

yes! we were lucky to go to kind of a farmers market and find some good pricing on the vegetables, also the chicken was cheap just 2US$ the kilogram (it weighted 2KG) usually the chicken is 3 to 4 US$ the kilogram.

Dear @victoriabsb

Thank you for your amazing reply. I appreciate it greately. Hope your family didn't suffer much during your latest (two times?) blackouts.

as you can imagine 24US$ a month are not enough for a family of 4

I'm really trying to figure out how people do actually manage to survive in those conditions.

Truly saddening.
Yours, Piotr

my dear @crypto.piort

Thank you for your amazing reply. I appreciate it greately. Hope your family didn't suffer much during your latest (two times?) blackouts.

lol 2 times would have being fine, but today marks the 3rd time this week alone that we lose power, it just keeps coming and going, and im lucky enough to have the power coming at some points like right now, cause my sister lives in another state and she hasnt had any since monday.

Hello, I congratulate you all for your initiative and your human quality demonstrated through this activity carried out through steemit and steembounty.

In my case, I am one of the millions of Venezuelans who have to leave the country in search of an improvement.
I am a doctor, and it is regrettable but true, in my country we are not valued as professionals.
I'm in Colombia now, I'm not working my career yet, but I hope I can do it soon.
Although I am working on something that has nothing to do with my profession at all, I have been able to help my relatives who are still in Venezuela, minimally have what is necessary, something that in my country could not.
I hope that Venezuela will once again be that great nation that it was, where everyone wanted to be, that it was a world benchmark for places to invest, live, grow humanly and professionally.

Thank you @edgarare1 , @knirky and all those who collaborated to make this real.

Hello @franyeligonzalez nice to hear from you...!!

Just keep pushing step by step, here there are many people to help, so everything will be change ...!!!

Just never give up...!!


Thanks @edgarare1 for bringing this initiative, most people of the rest of the world don't know how hard is the situation here, the day to day situation here is a matter of survive and having people in other countries being informed about the situation, and even better, giving the people another mechanism to support Venezuelans is something we thank from the deep of our hearts.

The most hard things for me is the public transport, which is nonexistent and very dangerous, i have to travel a lot by walking and wasting a lot of energy and time just by going anywhere i have to. There is a lack of cash money, the banks only give you enough to barely pay the bus for some days and you have to wait in a row of people of hours and hours for the bank to give you a maxium of 2$ in cash.

All the money you earn is not enough even to have a proper diet, there's always a lack of protein in our diets because meat and eggs are really expensive.

It is hard for me also in the College because there's now a lack of professors because of the bad salaries.

I could be here counting and counting problems all day, i'm sure my Venezuelan brothers have already told a lot of them already.

God bless this cause, i hope it can help many people and emotionally support many more.

Please always stand with the Venezuelan people. Thank you

Ánimo, @nelsonchalbaud.
I can attest to every penury you enumerate here. Imagine to be a college professor and suffer all the limitations the students go through.
I am one of thsoe professors who gave up because teaching is not longer possible in our universities and surviving becomes your number 1 priority.
I am confident young talented people such as yourself will see the change and enjoy what you deserve.

Thank you @hlezama i give my thanks to you as i give it and support my professors. They're heroes to me, going to work every day for a miserable salary but doing it still for the childrens and students formation is something to applaud. You are my hero too, for going to an unkown country and teaching to a different culture people. God bless your work, i hope you can return soon to this, your home. Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, Nelson.
I have not left the country, actually. I plan to,but we have had all kinds of complications. I quit teaching at UDO for all the reasons you know, but, among other things, have not been able to get all the documentation that is required in other countries. There are many good teachers in other latin american countries who have been unable to do what they know best due to stupid technicalities.

Hello @nelsonchalbaud nice to hear from you...

I´m just want to say thank you so much because your so stronger guy and you are tremendously working well...

That´s awesome my friend, Just never give up for nothing and continues pushing and pushing, Many people are here to help, so let´s do everything to be successful.

Steemit is an incredible platform where you can get your goals, so, you are in the right place...

Please always stand with the Venezuelan people. Thank you

For sure, consider it done my friend...!!

Dear @nelsonchalbaud

I would like to thank you for opening up and sharing your life story with us.It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels to see what is happening in your country :(

Hope noone close to you will suffer or die.

God bless Venezuela


Hola , @edgarare1,
Como si no fuera suficiente,hace poco pasamos casi cinco días sin energía eléctrica, lo cual nos genero un stress enorme y creo que en general eso es lo mas peligroso, nuestro estado mental, de ver tanto deterioro y muchas veces no poder hacer nada. Por otro lado la misma situación va generando una depredacion interna, casi que podemos sentir que todo en mundo esta a punto de atacarte y es que cada quien esta en la búsqueda de la su supervivencia. Así que es muy buena tu iniciativa. Gracias.

Agradecida con tanto apoyo @edgarare1 dándole tanto apoyo a los venezolanos, en estos días le dije a unos amigos del colegio vamos a reunirnos a tomarnos un café como hacíamos antes, vernos las caras un rato, y casi todos me dijeron sacra no nos queda ni medio extra para salir a tomarnos un simple café, nos da vergüenza pero todo lo gastamos en alimentos para la casa, esa es nuestra triste realidad, mucha gente reporta lo mismo, como nos han cambiado la vida, pero seguiremos siendo los amables y sonrientes, chistosos venezolanos .

Thankful with so much support @ edgarare1 giving so much support to Venezuelans, these days I told some friends of the school we are going to meet to have a coffee as we did before, to see each other's faces for a while, and almost everyone told me we do not have any sacra half an extra to go out for a simple coffee, we are ashamed but we spend everything on food for the house, that is our sad reality, many people report the same, how they have changed our lives, but we will continue to be kind and smiling, funny Venezuelans.


ººVENEZUELAºº Hola buenas tardes, reciban un cordial saludo, les escribe Erikson Gutiérrez, Padre de Familia y progenitor de 2 hermosas niñas, T.S.U En Informática, Profesor titular adscrito al Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación (MPPE) de Venezuela e Instructor de Artes Auditivas de la Universidad Experimental del Sur del Lago adscrito al Ministerio del Poder Popular para Educación Universitaria Ciencia, Tecnología (MPPEUCT), tengo el honor de dirigirme a todos ustedes a través de esta prestigiosa plataforma digital y pedagógica para manifestarles mi experiencia en este tiempo donde en nuestra historia se escriben lo más oscuros capítulos.
Debo iniciar manifestando que no existe intención alguna en mí de escribir otro libro de lamentaciones puesto que ya está escrito en la biblia, sino de contarles el más crudo y duro testimonio de mi vida en esta mi prodigiosa nación Venezuela, con el cual más de un venezolano, estoy seguro que se identifica.
Asimismo, comienzo a relatarles uno de los acontecimientos que me marcaron para toda la vida, despedir a mi esposa después del proceso de alumbramiento de mi segunda bebe producto de negligencia médica y falta de personal calificado y con vocación de servicio, cabe mencionar que la escases de medicamentos es una de las frustraciones que sientes al presenciar momentos duros como estos y ver como nadie hace nada, simplemente es una estadística más, y uno tiene que tragarse todo ese coraje y seguir adelante pensando en los más pequeños que no tienen culpa de absolutamente nada, otra de las decepciones que más me lamento es por el miserable sueldo que no alcanza par nada y aunque tengo 2 trabajos no es suficiente para sostener mi hogar mis hijas siguen pasando penurias, lamentablemente este gobierno ha sido el causante principal de tantas muertes injustificables, de tantos abusos económicos y sociales que nos afectan sin duda a cada venezolano, podría asegurarles que 8 de cada 10 venezolanos se siente oprimido tanto políticamente como social y hasta emocionalmente por
este régimen, personalmente agradezco su gran corazón al prestar atención a la causa de todos los venezolanos. Dios te bendiga @edgarare1
ººVENEZUELAºº Hello good afternoon, receive a cordial greeting, write Erikson Gutiérrez, Family Father and parent of 2 beautiful girls, TSU In Computer Science, Associate Professor attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (MPPE) of Venezuela and Instructor of Auditory Arts from the South Lake Experimental University attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education Science, Technology (MPPEUCT), I have the honor to address all of you through this prestigious digital and pedagogical platform to express my experience in this time where Our history is written the darkest chapters.
I must begin by stating that there is no intention in me to write another book of lamentations since it is already written in the Bible, but to tell you the most crude and hard testimony of my life in this my prodigious nation Venezuela, with which more than one Venezuelan, I'm sure he identifies himself.
Also, I begin to tell you one of the events that marked me for life, lay off my wife after the birth process of my second baby product of medical malpractice and lack of qualified personnel with a vocation for service, it is worth mentioning that the lack of medicines is one of the frustrations you feel when you witness hard moments like these and see how nobody does anything, it's just another statistic, and you have to swallow all that courage and keep going thinking about the little ones who are absolutely not to blame nothing, another of the disappointments that I regret most is the miserable salary that does not reach par and although I have 2 jobs is not enough to support my home my daughters continue to suffer hardships, unfortunately this government has been the main cause of so many unjustifiable deaths , of so many economic and social abuses that affect us without doubt to each Venezuelan, could assure you that 8 out of 10 Venezuelans feel oppressed both politically and socially and even emotionally by
This regime, I personally appreciate your great heart by paying attention to the cause of all Venezuelans. God bless you @edgarare1

De verdad que muchas cosas podría escribir en un post pero siento que seria un quejon mas, uno que habla y nada hace, me agobio al pensar que mis estudios nada han valido que el sacrificio de mis padres fue en vano, soy del Sur del lago de Maracaibo una tierra visitada frecuentemente por el sol, donde el salpullido esta presente cada dia, en donde los zancudos aprovechan que no hay luz para salir al acecho y no es un lujo usar aire acondicionado, en donde el que tiene un carro es como si no lo tuviera porque son tan caros los repuestos, cauchos y mantenimiento que es mas que lo que debe estar guardado que al ruedo, en donde también cabe mencionar que no todos los días se puede ir a clases porque cuando no es la falta de energía eléctrica es que llueve y nuestros niños a juro se enferman, comprar una medicina es casi que el mismo lujo de tener un teléfono, y hablando de telefono desde hace 4 años no se que es comprar y tener uno, asimismo otras veces no se va a la escuela porque en casa no amanece desayuno y si acaso amanece esta incompleto, mas de una vez he tenido que omitir mi cena para estirar la harina para el desayuno, es lamentable ver como mi pais se cae a pedazos, suelo en el que crecí y en el que una vez imagine que mis hijos se sentirían orgullosos, en una oportunidad me entristecí profundamente al ver como una niña del 3er grado de escolaridad se desmayo frente a mis ojos y le pregunte que le sucedía y ella me dijo "no he comido nada desde ayer que almorcé", eso me partio el corazon, pero mas el saber que lo que tenía en mi bolsillo no alcanzaba para comprarle algo y ayudarla, la tome en mis brazos y solo pude llevarla a su casa indignado. Esta situación, el hecho de pensar que a algunas de mis hijas les pueda suceder, me pone mal, muchas veces que llego a casa las consigo sonrientes porque ellas obviamente desconocen la situación del país, pero tengo que escuchar sus vocecitas demandandome comida cuando llega la tarde y solo me toca respiran y decirles muy pronto les hare su fiesta, muy pronto les comprare sus patines y todo lo que me pidan, mi hija mayor le encanta cantar ella es la mas consciente de la situación puesto que tiene 10 años, no puedo ocultarle el sol con un dedo, hace dias me insistió en que le comprara un cuaderno y le mandara a coser sus zapatos de la escuela, solo la mire y le dije después mami, despues te compraré unos nuevos, ella molesta me mira y me pregunta ¿papi porque nunca tienes dinero? escucharla decirme eso fue muy desgarrador..! a lo que tuve que inclinarme y responder con mucha paciencia, "hija no es que nunca tengo es que no me alcanza..! o comemos, o arreglamos los zapatos, en fin estas son algunas de las situaciones que a diario tengo que experimentar y seguir con mi cabeza arriba, puesto que no soy un fracasado y que trabajo con ahínco y honradez, después de la muerte de mi primera esposa, Dios me premia con una hermosa mujer con la cual me case por segunda vez devolviéndole la figura materna a mis hijas, @aniita fue la mujer que ayudo a vendar mi corazón para que sanara mas rapido, junto a ella hemos creado un jardín con 4 flores, nuestras hijas la mayor de 10 años "Mariana", la segunda de 7 años "Marcela", con mi segundo matrimonio "Maria Laura" de 4 años y "Maria Gracia" de 2 años; mi refugio después de Dios, son mis hijas, de no ser por ellas no se que seria de mi, pido desde lo hondo de mi ser para que todo esto pase rápido y pueda darles un hogar y el futuro que ellas se merecen, te envío un abrazo @edgarare1 me despido después de lavar mis dedos con lagrimas escribiendo esta publicación.

Hola @eriksongutierrez Es un placer conocerte.

Gracias por compartir parte de ti, lo sé, es muy triste todo lo que está sucediendo en tu hermoso país Venezuela..

Espero que sigamos en comunicación, estaré intentando volver a ayudar con mi pequeño grano de arena para todos mis amigos Venezolanos.. Yo soy de Mexico así que es un placer para mi apoyarlos ..!!!

Continúa siguiendo las publicaciones que hago muy pronto volveré a postear algo nuevo para Venezuela. Será un placer apoyar de nuevo.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Dear @edgarare1, it is a great initiative that you are proposing. If we talk about problems among Venezuelans you will find a long list of applications to receive this help, I am not sure if a community or an individual account will be the one you will choose to grant this help, but I can be sure that you will try to apply a fair criteria in your decision.

There are many needs that we face every day to try to bring bread to our table, the lack of medicine and the hyperinflation that consumes our salaries. I am from a small town called URACOA, in my community I am one of the few that knows steemit and comes to this social network trying to find alternatives against this crisis. It took me a lot of effort to get where I am, even though I have not been very successful on this platform, however I have not stopped waiting at some point to reach the goal of improving my economic situation.

In my house we settle with the salary of my wife that s preschool teacher, salary that is not enough to buy a chicken, like most Venezuelans. I know there will be many better prospects or candidates to receive this support than you are proposing and I would feel blessed to be considered for this help.

The problems of Venezuelans are not a secret for the world and the exodus of Venezuelans who daily leave the country in search of opportunities to feed their families speaks for itself, those of us here only pray to God so that this situation will happen and we will have a triumphant VENEZUELA again.

God bless you VENEZUELA will know how to thank such a noble gesture.

Greetings @fucho80. Greetings from Cumaná. I have friends in your region, Tucupita. I know things can get a lot worse over there due to communication and transportation issues. Todos cruzando los dedos para que esta pesadilla termine pronto.

Saludos amigo mio, he estado en Cumana en un par de ocasiones, linda ciudad. Tienes razón amigo por lo que observamos todo esta en franco deterioro, es posible que todo este problema crezca, pero seguimos confiando en Dios que todo pasara pronto, recuerda que cuando la noche es mas oscura es porque empieza a amanecer.

¡Dios te bendiga!

con cariño.

Dear @hlezama

I love to see how supportive and responsive you are buddy. And I really enjoy the fact that you're so very mature with your comments.

Steemit needs more people like you.


My dear friend @cypto.piotr, it is always encouraging in circumstances like this you find people who support you and understand your situation, that is why this platform has become an escape valve for many in Venezuela, because beyond what it generates economically They create strong friendship bonds that will last forever.

Everyone is thanked for the unconditional support they are willing to give us.

Thank you my friend.



Thanks friend...

Hello my dear friend @fucho80 nice to hear from you

Thank you very much for sharing part of you with all of us ..

There will always be a light at the end of the road to guide us, it is just time to have perseverance and continue the step, never give up for anything ... And thank you very much because you keep fighting day by day to achieve your goals and keep your family in a good place. Just keep that strong thought in your mind to achieve what you set out to do and never give up steemit. This will give a positive result.

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets.

There will always be a light at the end of the road that guides us, it is time to have perseverance and continue the step, never give up anything ... And thank you very much because it continues to struggle day by day to achieve it. Your goals and keep your family in a good place. Just keep that thought strong in your mind to achieve what you set out to do and never give up Steemit. This will give a positive result.

Wooo appreciated friend @edgarare1, thank you very much for that motivating message, I really appreciate your gesture with this initiative and also for the personalized message you give me. With regard to steemit, it has become a beacon in the middle of the fog that illuminates the road, this has become a means of struggle to help my family and although as I said in my comment of entada, I have not been so successful, however I maintain the hope that here some day I will succeed.

About the maneuvers, let me explain a little how they will be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more rudders they will have.

Excelent brother! I think it's fair to do it that way and to whom God allows me to receive more votes congratulations. Anyway I want you to know that initiatives like these fill us with hope and give us the energy to keep moving forward, besides helping us to find and strengthen relationships within this ecosystem called steemit, through a similar initiative I met a good friend with a big heart called @crypo.piotr.

God bless you, bless your family and the fruit of your work!


Dear @fucho80

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela




I believe I never appreciated a sunrise more than during those dark days. Being completely relied on sun and start light was no easy. Working early trying to have something to eat because you just couldn't go buy things, no debit or credit card could be used, no cash since is really hard to obtain and almost exclusively used for public transportation. No water either, making lines for certain wells in the municipality.

After all that, when the sun started to set in the horizon, you just hope tempeture gets lower so you can rest at night. You save you batteries from cellphones to hear the radio from time to time and get some news while at the same time you wait till you are able to communicate with your relatives and know if they are ok. It comes to 12:00 and you are still awake, being vigilant since bad men take advantage of bad situations like these.

As a family we spent the rest of our time together, trying to keep the children busy and well, even making them laugh and playing. I'm grateful no urgencies presented during those days, we were lucky but many weren't and were caught in the middle of hard times alreay. Some lost beloved ones. Even today we are waiting for the water serviced to be restored but ew've manage to buy food at least.

I hope this give you an idea of our days. thanks for wanting to support Venezuelans, appreciated.

Greetings, @gaeljosser. You have accurately described all the anguish and anxiety the great blackout produced in all of us. Sadly, there are still some people living this picture every single day and night. It is a real war-like situation.
Si este caos sirve para que la pesadill termine de una vez, bienvenido sea.

Hello @gaeljosser, we all have similar problems but the specifics, not counting the separation of families motivated by the exodus of young people who leave in search of improvements, but we must continue in the fight forwards, since there is no harm that lasts 100 years or body to resist it, soon we will see the light, we must have faith and hope,

Hello my friend @gaeljosser nice to hear from you...!!

Yeah, I know, everything is terrible, I know when you want to get something for your family but you can´t because your pockets are empty..

The big hope is family. Our support and they make us stronger ..

Keep working well, you are making a tremendous work here to care your family ..

Let me say something: About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person know that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, Let´s do it.

Dear @gaeljosser

Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

God bless Venezuela


Dear @edgarare1

I absolutely love your initiative. Will definetly help you get some serious traffic to this publication. Respect!

It's worth to mention, that 100STEEM in a form of bounty isn't going to permanently improve other peoples lifes. But it shows people of Venezuela that some out there cares about their faith.

I've learned that when we go through difficult times in our life, knowing that there are people willing to help or simply showing that they care can be a "game changer".

The idea of sharing bounty with Venezuelans, who are willing to share their life story is brilliant :)

@edgarare1 I wonder how's Mexico ecomony doing right now? Do you feel like it's getting better or worse? Do people worry about strong migration from Venezuela? Im sure some of them do.

I also would like to recommend other post published just yesterday by @reverseacid: Venezuelan Economic Crisis: An Outsider's Perspective

LINK (open in new window):


Thanks @crypto.piotr for the invitation

Gracias @ crypto.piotr por la invitación

Hello buddy! Thanks for the invitation! That's great news!

Hello friend Piotr, thank you for the invitation and for always being aware of Venezuela, God bless you

Ciao my dear friend @crypto.piotr It is a pleasure to receive a great comment from you..

I absolutely love your initiative. Will definetly help you get some serious traffic to this publication. Respect!

Sounds wonderful, thanks a lot for your support..

Well, the economy in Mexico is not good, some people say that it´s changing but sadly it doesn't.

Many Mexican people emigrate to the next Country US looking for a better future, but it is not the same for them, many people live in that Country without permission, not working visa, and always their human rights are broken, just because they are immigrants.

We are all human and we must treat everyone in the same way.

Do people worry about strong migration from Venezuela? Im sure some of them do.

You right...!! And I´m sure, It could be that some people worry, but this should not be the case either. We should be happy because many people from different countries choose our country Mexico to live the rest of their lives.

Many people are welcome here in our place ...!!!

Let me ask you for an extra favor, could you please help me voting each comment for Venezuelan people....? the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets.

Venezuela.... Mexico welcomes you with their open arms.

Dear @edgarare1

I love your replies. Always so kind and warm.

the economy in Mexico is not good, some people say that it´s changing but sadly it doesn't.

I wonder how is your situation? You're trying to help others, but can you actually afford to do it? Just curious what is your life situation.

We should be happy because many people from different countries choose our country Mexico to live the rest of their lives.

That not how immigration works. Look at europe. Most of those who will come will be the ones who are not capable of working / criminals etc. (people brave enough to run away from country).

Regular people will mostly stay homes and continue to suffer. You really don't want those kind of refugees. Trust me.

Let me ask you for an extra favor, could you please help me voting each comment for Venezuelan people....?

I will do it gladly tomorrow (need to reacharge my voting power)


Hello my dear friend @crypto.piotr nice to hear from you again and welcome...

thanks a lot for showing your support all of them...

I wonder how is your situation? You're trying to help others, but can you actually afford to do it? Just curious what is your life situation.

About your question, and to difficult answer ... I´m just a simple worker, not reach but always trying do something more for people, I consider that we all are equals, this small support it not about money..

This is what I am, I like to help others no matter if my pockets are empty at the end, the important thing is to extend a helping hand to whoever needs it...

If I can explain more, in 2012 I helped a person who was about to die, he needed a kidney to be saved and nobody wanted to help him, the person who said he would help, didn´t do it at the end.

When I met him he explained his problem and also what happened before the donation with the person who would help him.

At that moment I told him that I would do it, that I would give him a kidney, in that moment he offered me money, a house, a car for the help I would give him. And I said NO. This is from my heart ...

So, This is the best explanation I can give you my friend...

Another amazing comment @oivas and for that explanation.

in 2012 I helped a person who was about to die,

You're very noble person. I hope you do not help everyone who needs it. Always find those who not only "are in need" but also know how to show appreciation (not everyone does).

ps. did you really give this guy your kidney? Does it affect you life now? Is this guy still in touch with you? WOW.

Appreciate your time buddy

Hello my friend @crypto.piotr

Yeah, I´m in communication with him, now we are brothers as he says ...

Before I did the donation he adopted a baby and I consider that he is a noble person, also he is always helping people like you or me on steemit ...

He is married with a Canadian girls ....!!!

I´m feeling really good and really happy, my life is the same and nothing changed, may be now I´m a better person ..

Sometimes we meet up for dinner in his house ...!!!

If you have a new project let me know, I would like to collaborated helping our community ....

Dear @edgarare1

I´m feeling really good and really happy, my life is the same and nothing changed, may be now I´m a better person ..

Im really highly impressed. Your gesture is just mindblowing.

If you have a new project let me know, I would like to collaborated helping our community ....

You already found out about Project #hope hehe :)


Already haitians are worst

Dear @quaquelique

In what way are they the worst? Because their economy struggle so badly and they are poor? or just because those are dangerous people (living dangerous lifes)?



Excellent initiative of @ steem-bounty and yours @ edgarare1, It is a way to provide help to my beautiful country.

It is no surprise to anyone that here more than three years ago, there is an economic and social security crisis. Each day that passes is closing more gaps.

I'll summarize in a few words the crises we're going through:
1.- In the economic: with a minimum monthly salary the most you can buy are two kilograms of meat. Something that is not logical in any country in the world.
2.- In the Social Security Part: Unfortunately if you have a lot of money you count on the help of the institutions that provide security to our country; but otherwise, the only thing you can ask for help or assurance that they do not steal or abuse your rights is "God".

It is very sad what we are going through in my Venezuela. The only breath we have left is that of a popular saying here, "There is no evil that lasts 100 years, no body that can resist it.

Greetings and thank you very much for the help you can give to Venezuela.

Saludos, @fuentesjo3006.
Yo diría que ni siquiera teniendo dinero te salvas de ciertas desgracias aquí. He visto gente que tiene los medios economicos para costear gastos médicos (la peor pesadilla de cualquier venezolano hoy día) y aún así mueren o se agravan porque no hay acceso a lo que sea que necesiten para mejorar su salud (medicamentos, equipos, especialistas, etc).
Que le dejamos al 90% de la población que carece de recursos!
Esperemos que con 20 años sea suficiente y no tengamos que esperar 99


Hello @fuentesjo3006 Thanks a lot for coming..

Everything is terrible, bad governments bring bad results for people and their families...!!

Yeah, hyperinflation is destroying life in Venezuela ....

I´m just want to say something, Just keep your mind stronger and keep working well here on steemit, the result will be positive for you and your family... Just don't give up... Many people are here to help.

This is Hope ...

One more thing: About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person know that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

Dear @fuentesjo3006

Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

God bless Venezuela



Como venezolana agradezco toda iniciativa que busque apoyar a mis compatriotas... Muchos de nosotros empleamos steemit como herramienta para obtener una entrada económica extra que por pequeña que parezca ayuda, sobre todo en tiempos tan difíciles...

La mayoría de nosotros somos gente trabajadora, emprendedora, talentosa que busca la manera de conseguir lo necesario con esfuerzo propio. Nos ha tocado a muchos emigrar a otras tierras y nos hemos encontrado con solidaridad y buena voluntad, y tu post da fe de ello... Mil gracias en nombre de los venezolanos... ¡ Un abrazo fraterno!

Buena suerte

Gracias @r2cornell por tus buenos deseos...

Hola @oscarina

Increíble saber de ti, y muchas gracias por tu comentario que esta increíble.

Lo se, conocí algunos amigos Venezolanos antes de conocer Steemit, son personas muy amables que considero que son como el pueblo Mexicano de donde yo soy.

Se que esta buscando una mejor vida emigrando a diferentes países abandonando su país natal, que triste puede ser eso para muchas personas...

Pero siempre hay una luz de esperanza para cada persona de Venezuela, y lo que es mas impactante para mi es que siguen luchando para mantenerse de pie, eso es lo que me gusta... Nunca te rindas por mas difícil que este la situación, siempre encontraras la oportunidad para mejorar y ahora lo tienes aquí en Steemit, esto te dará el resultado para mantener tu vida feliz.

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras. Hagamoslo ahora.


Greetings @edgarare1.

First: thanks for the initiative to provide a little help for those people who fight and persevere every day to keep the family in welfare and that all this situation in one way or another can be overcome.

Telling you about all the problems we live in Venezuela is a long issue. And honestly, it would depress anyone. To me, in a very particular way, a hole is made in my heart just by seeing so many injustices and so much lack of love for my neighbor. It seems that the most serious thing that Venezuela has is not only the bad direction and political action, but also the lack of empathy (many do not hurt the pain of others), we are in the society of individualism "(Sadly) ...
A sample of our problems in Venezuela?
Here is the link to a post I wrote ....


Thanks and regards...!

Saludos @edgarare1.

Primero: gracias por la iniciativa de brindar una pequeña ayuda para aquellas personas que día a día luchan y perseveran para mantener a la familia en bienestar y que toda esta situacion de una u otra manera pueda ser sobrellevada.

Segundo: Contarle de todos los problemas que vivimos en Venezuela, es un tema largo. Y sinceramente, deprimiría a cualquiera. A mi, de manera muy particular se me hace un hueco en el corazón con solo ver tantas injusticias y tanta falta de amor al prójimo. Parece que lo más grave que tiene Venezuela no solo es la mala dirección y acción política, sino también la falta de empatía(a muchos no les duele el pesar ajeno), estamos en la sociedad del "individualismo" (Tristemente)...
¿Una muestra de nuestros problemas en Venezuela?
Aquí te dejo el link de un post que escribí....Hace un par de días y con dolor de cabeza imperante de tantas cosas que han pasado y nos han afectado.

Gracias y Saludos...!

Hello @pialejoana thanks a lot for coming...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Hola @edgarare1 . Si, lo importante es seguir adelante... A Dios gracias doy por haberme unido a esta inmensa red, me ha permitido crecer en experiencia, conocer muchas personas alrededor del mundo y además de desarrollar una estabilidad económica . No puedo decir que tengo dinero para todo, pero al menos los alimentos y las cosas fundamentales nunca han faltado para mi familia; mis letras y mi trabajo( Sobre todo en Steemhunt) han podido darme alas para volar y soñar en un mejor porvenir a pesar, de la realidad que me rodea. No se si pienses que soy algo ilusa (quizás mis 26 años incidan en ello), pero es mejor sujetarme a que todo estará mejor , que sujetarme a tristezas que solo avivan pesares.
Gracias por el interés en nuestra situación; Saludos...!

Hello @edgarare1 . Yes, the important thing is to move forward ... Thank God I give for having joined this immense network, it has allowed me to grow in experience, meet many people around the world and also develop economic stability. I can not say that I have money for everything, but at least the food and the fundamental things have never been missing for my family; My letters and my work have been able to give me wings to fly and dream of a better future. Despite the reality that surrounds me. I do not know if you think that I am something deluded (perhaps my 26 years affect it), but it is better to hold on to everything that will be better, than to subject myself to sorrows that only inflame regrets.
Thanks for the interest in our situation; Regards...!

If one does not have hope and a vision of a better time ahead then all is really lost. keep the faith and dream of a future of a better situation for all Venezuelans.

He is absolutely right. Right words ...! Thanks for your support...

Dear @pialejoana

Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

God bless Venezuela


Hello @crypto.piotr ... Thank you for your words and beautiful good wishes. Hopefully Venezuelans can have a better tomorrow ...! Regards...!


ººVENEZUELAºº Hi Edgar!💞 I love your desinterested initiative, Big Thanks!👏🏻 When it comes to talk about problems here it comes as much things as I feel I will go crazy! I prefer to face up things with positive thinkings..but life conditions are worse each day, I had to come to internet looking for a source of income in a currency that wasn't mine due to the fierce hyperinflation, all what most people is doing these days is spend all their earnings to barely eat, it is very hard living in a collapsing country right now.

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Hello @jenina619 nice to hear from you again...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

Thank you so much for helping my people☄ blessings👼
I'm trying to keep my mind busy involving myself in online projects and spreading the word about fundations helping animals, but it's scary how many are depressed and sad of not leaving the country when they could, I hear this everyday.

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Love your comment @jenina619

My dear Jenny @jenina619 :)

Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

Hug. Piotr


This is really a great initiative. We appreciate the work you're doing for help some people. Hope that crypto help can go to a family that is in this situation.

We invite you read about us and considering supporting for future donations. We are working with some foundations and communities from Venezuela to do the best work to help most of the people. Read more: https://steemit.com/dtube/@aid.venezuela/x0ec6v0i


Hello @aid.venezuela

Thanks a lot for your comment, I really appreciate it...

We invite you read about us and considering supporting for future donations. We are working with some foundations and communities from Venezuela to do the best work to help most of the people.

Consider it done, it will be my pleasure ...!!

Interesting project @aid.venezuela

I will follow you closely. If you ever need help with some extra reach/exposure to your posts then I will be glad to help. Just send me memo with link to your post and I will either promote it with larger audience or at least drop a comment + upvote.


Hi @edgarare1,

Thanks a lot for this wonderful initiative. This account is run by @achim03 who is not from Venezuela. The Project @help.venezuela is upvoting all the posts of selected Steem Users from Venezuela to motivate their activity on Steem and also to give them some financial reward.
We will gladly resteem your post and make it visible to the people we are supporting.

Best regards,

I receive the support of this community @help.venezuela, I am very grateful, I will be more attentive with you to give my little support too

Hello @help.venezuela Thanks a lot for your support..

That sounds wonderful, thanks a lot for reesteem it ...

It can help more people,

Huge thanks @achim03 for your amazing job helping more people from Venezuela...

You have my respect...!!

Me parece hermosa tu iniciativa! puedo decir entonces que los mexicanos tienen el corazón dividido entre el taco y la arepa , muchas gracias.
En estos momentos de crisis que vivimos cualquier aporte es sumamente necesario, yo tengo poco tiempo en steemit pero espero crecer lo suficiente para poder ayudar a los niños en situacion de calle y a las personas mayores que necesitan medicamentos importantes para seguir viviendo.

Hola @pandicornio muchas gracias por tu comentario. Love it...

Solo manten tu mente motivada y nunca te rindas por nada en el mundo. Aquí hay muchas personas para ayudar, ahora estas en una plataforma en la cual podrás alcanzar los objetivos que necesites alcanzar solo continua con el gran trabajo que estas haciendo en Steemit.

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.


Thanks to my friend @akomoajong I hear this wonderful gesture by Venezuelans, I am from Venezuela so there is much to say, I have three children of which one of them is already in another country working very hard for his future and to help us, since at home we are my two daughters and I, a greater one that thanks to God works and a teenager who needs all our support for their studies.

The situation is difficult, each family lives it differently, in my case at least food is not missing but there are many things that we need and can not acquire, Steemit has been fundamental for me, I have met wonderful people who have given me their unconditional support Thanks to them, I'm still active because Steemit does not really give me much because of the high prices we have in Venezuela, but my friendships at a distance and things like that motivate me to continue here and fight every day, always with good hope. high because I know that Venezuela will soon be free again.

I could say a thousand things more but the whole world knows that in Venezuela is going hungry and that people die for lack of medicines, every day I ask God to keep my family healthy so as not to go through the pain of not having the medicines for your discomfort, I hope that every child and adolescent who today has this crisis has a better future and does not have to take his bags and go to another country.

Although the internet and basic services fail every day I will continue to be active and grateful every day, thanks @edgarare1 for your great heart

This is a pleasure for my to hear from you @jennimorillo

Everything is terrible, bad governments bring bad results for people and their families...!!

Yeah, hyperinflation is destroying life in Venezuela ....

I´m just want to say something, Just keep your mind stronger and keep working well here on steemit, the result will be positive for you and your family... Just don't give up... Many people are here to help.

This is Hope ...

One more thing: About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person know that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

You are right the idea also to be still in steemit is to support. thanks for your words!

Dear @jennimorillo

Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

God bless Venezuela


Thanks to you for the unconditional support you give to the Venezuelans, a thousand blessings for you and your family!

Ouups! I not from Venezuela but my friend @jennimorillo is.

Personally, I think it is a great idea to support people and communities and Venezuela is certainly a good choice.

On the other hand, I think putting such a large amount of Steem as bounty was not a great choice, @steem-bounty takes 10% of the bounty for herself which already reduces the bounty to 90 Steem.

Believe me Steem bounty is a great service and I equally use it but perhaps you could have delegated Steem Power or buy Steem Power delegations or give out SBI units to these Venezuelans. I do not think Liquid Steem will motivate these Venezuelans to be active on Steem but it will help them of course.

Anyways, the deed has been done but I have you consider these suggestions next time.

Always nice seeing people giving a helping hand 👍🙏👏

Cheers Edgar! 🍻

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Hello @akomoajong nice to hear from you my friend...

Thanks a lot for your comment and your suggestions ..

That´s wonderful ...!! Consider it done next time my friend ...!!!

Thank you so much because your are working incredible well helping people with the SP Delegation...!!

Great! Anytime my friend 😊

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Dear @akomoajong

I love to see how supportive and responsive you are buddy. And I really enjoy the fact that you're so very mature with your comments.

Steemit needs more people like you.



Buenas noches @edgarare1, antemanos te agradezco a ti y a @steem-bounty por esta gran ayuda que nos brindas a los Steemias Venezolanos.

Ya que en estos últimos años la crisis económica nos a afectados a la mayoría de los venezolanos (Clase Media y Baja), ya que a los de la Alta sociedad y a los enchufados de este Gobierno "Socialista", cada vez le va mucho mejor.

Un ejemplo que es la realidad, los trabajadores de las principales empresas de Venezuela, ganan aproximadamente de dos a tres sueldos mínimos mensual; aquí se cobra quincenal, por lo cual un sueldo quincenal alcanza es para comprar un kilo de queso y un kilo de Harina. Esto es el ejemplo mas claro, de que no hay ningún ente regulador de los precios y cada quien vende al precio que le provoque.

Este es uno de los ejemplo mas comunes, donde el sueldo de un trabajador no alcanza para pagar ni la comida de la semana de una familia.

Somos un país rico en minerales, aquí hay Oro, Coltan, Diamantes, Aluminio, Hierro entres muchos mas. Y los únicos que se benefician es un grupo de venezolanos muy pero muy pequeños.

Que Dios meta sus manos por Venezuela.


Hola @salazarcag es un placer para mi saber de ti...!!

Increíble saber de ti, y muchas gracias por tu comentario que esta increíble.

Lo se, conocí algunos amigos Venezolanos antes de conocer Steemit, son personas muy amables que considero que son como el pueblo Mexicano de donde yo soy.

Se que esta buscando una mejor vida emigrando a diferentes países abandonando su país natal, que triste puede ser eso para muchas personas...

Pero siempre hay una luz de esperanza para cada persona de Venezuela, y lo que es mas impactante para mi es que siguen luchando para mantenerse de pie, eso es lo que me gusta... Nunca te rindas por mas difícil que este la situación, siempre encontraras la oportunidad para mejorar y ahora lo tienes aquí en Steemit, esto te dará el resultado para mantener tu vida feliz.

Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras. Hagamoslo ahora.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

As a VENEZUELAN people i proud.
Its a great initiative and motivation for us... @edgarare1

Hello @maxi01 thanks a lot coming...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person know that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

This is good of you...I'm spreading this😊

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Hello @ajorundon

Thanks a lot for your support and reesteem it...

I really appreciate your work...

Very generous of you, Venezuelans have my support. It's a problem in this world that socialism and governments for the people often lead to people suffering because of greed. I have no idea what's going on there as we can't believe the news but I do know the root of Venezuela's problems lie not in it's people but in a few evil people. The poor people are suffering and they need help.
I read that in the 50's Venezuela was wealthier than Canada. They had everything going for them, then like many countries, some corrupt leaders and outside forces changed everything. We all hope for the stability and prosperity of the country in the future.

Hello @crypticat

Thanks a lot for your amazing comment, Yeah, everything you said is right, bad governments bring bad results for good people.

Well, Venezuela has everything, but everything is just for bad governments and that is really sad..

People´ life are dangerous...

Hope for Venezuela....

One day I'd love to go but now just isn't the time. Next month I'll be in Bogota for a few days. Let me know if there is anything we can do from there, I understand there are a few refugees in Colombia.

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Thanks a lot for your support... Sounds wonderful ...!!!

Consider it done my friend @crypticat

I would like to asking you for a huge favor for them... Could you please vote each people´comment from Venezuela...? the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets.

Also, I would like to ask you if you could keep in touch with my good friend @crypto.piotr he is working incredible well helping people from Venezuela and people who need a big up on steemit, we can contribute together helping a lot of people here for a better community ...

Done, at least the ones so far. Good luck!

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Such an excellent comment @crypticat

I really love the fact that you're so very mature with your responses :)

Enjoy your weekend buddy

Hey @edgarare1, what a great idea for helping out in this awful situation. I've resteemed to help (:

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Hello @pushpedal

I really appreciate your support and thanks a lot for resteemed

Thanks a lot for your help ...!!

He tenido el privilegio de conocer a algunas personas del gran país de Venezuela aquí en steemit. Son personas orgullosas y me he dado cuenta de que no piden ayuda fácilmente.

Parece que se juntan para ayudarse mutuamente; compartiendo lo poco que tienen con su compatriota. Nosotros, aquí en steemit, necesitamos aprender de esto y compartir lo poco que podamos.

Gracias @ edgarare1 por tu iniciativa. ¡La necesidad es grande!

end of post graphic.png

I have had the privilege to get to know a few people from the great country of Venezuela here on steemit. They are a proud people and I have noticed that they do not easily ask for assistance.

They do seem to come together to help each other out; sharing what little they have with their fellow countryman. We, here on steemit, need to learn from this, and share what little we can.

Thank you @edgarare1 for your initiative. The need is great!

Dear @r2cornell

You are absolutely right, I think that came out in some way to survive in the midst of all the needs we have. It is not easy friend. Nothing easy to fight against a very well organized group of criminals who are occupying positions in the government.

I am very grateful for that vote and several here I know that they are, every penny counts for us. Here at steemit we have been able to find a way to bring food to our homes, doing something that many of us like and that is being able to write and read to others.

A big fraternal hug from Venezuela, my good friend.

Thank you. Wish I could do more than I am doing.

Such an excellent comment @lanzjoseg

I really love the fact that you're so very mature with your responses :)

Enjoy your weekend buddy

Hello @r2cornell nice to hear from you...!!

Thanks a lot for coming and show your huge support to Venezuela, also thank your for your amazing comment.

Yeah, you right people from Venezuela are helping each other, but as you said we are here to show them our high or small support..

I would like to asking you for a huge favor for them... Could you please vote each people´comment from Venezuela...? the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets.

Also, I would like to ask you if you could keep in touch with my good friend @crypto.piotr he is working incredible well helping people from Venezuela and people who need a big up on steemit, we can contribute together helping a lot of people here for a better community ...

Hope to hear from you sooner, and huge thank you for your support and resteemed ...

It looks like I am following both you and @crypto.piotr already.

I used a lot of voting power yesterday and have been letting it rebuild. I have some Venezuelans that follow me and I try to get to their blogs. I have recently cleaned up my followers list and should have a little more time to be proactive in getting to followers posts.

Also you (and anyone else) can Join my Discord group, and then open a private channel to communicate with me. You can leave links to new posts and it helps remind me to have a look at you blog. There is also a post promotion channel. Do an introduction and you will be eligible when we select Post-of-the-day (we actually do not always select one daily).

Invite link:https://discord.gg/begquDc (Thanks to @reverseacid I have been able to this invite link so I no longer have the expiration problem.)

For some reason these invite links stop working after awhile, but I am sure going to discord and opening a private channel will work even if the link for my Discord server stops working.

Hello @r2cornell
I am sure I could be of help with the discord problem.

Discord provides a few options when sharing the channel link. You can go to setting and change the time limit on the expiry of the invite link from whatever it is set to forever. This will endure that your discord links never expire.

Hope I could be of help.

Thank you very much. Took a bit but I did find it.

Thank you so much for your help my friend @r2cornell...!!!

That´s awesome...!!

Thanks for invite me to your discord group ... I will take a look...!!

Your very welcome. Hope to see you on Discord! Please note I changed the invite link today and it will not expire

Thanks a lot my friend @r2cornell...

I came to discord and leaved some private message

I hope you can find them... Thanks a lot for showing your support all Venezuelan people... You have all my RESPECT ...!!!

Yes i read them. Let me know if there is anything i can donto help or support.

Thanks a lot my friend .

Consider it done @r2cornell

Im glad you're following me as well @r2cornell

I've read several of your comments and you seem to be very wise and kind person. I'm glad to have a chance to get to know you closer.


This is an awesome activity to help those who want help. Everybody knows how hard it is in Venezuela, so what we can do is sit and watch or try to help step by step. As you mentioned, "something is better than nothing..."

I really love your comment @diogosantos ...

You´re completely right... Helping step by step we can move the world

thanks a lot for your great comment...

A very valuable act of solidarity, @edgarare1. As a Venezuelan who still resides in his country, gestures such as his raise the spirits, because they indicate that the situation we live in Venezuela has an echo and is attended by people willing to help.


Our country is a territory full of enormous possibilities and wealth, which for a long time was a point of reference in several aspects, such as the oil economy, and democratic development. Unfortunately, certain errors and deviations produced critical situations in our society, which were manipulated by a resentful left, which lives anchored in the past and ambitious for power. With promises and ideological manoeuvres it affected the conscience of a large number of inhabitants and led them to fall into the "spell" of a charismatic warlord who promised justice, equality and prosperity. All this was nothing more than a masquerade to establish a regime of real impoverishment of the economy with expropriations, confiscations, authoritarian and totalitarian control of public powers, gigantic and corrupt bureaucracy, purchase of conscience (clientelism), debasement of services (including education), electoral traps and a long etcetera.
Today, after almost 20 years of growing nefarious effects in the political, economic, educational and cultural spheres, we have reached the hardest and highest point of the crisis caused by this regime, which emulates the worst historical examples (Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, etc.).
The immense reality of hunger, lack of medicines and health care, unemployment, hyperinflation, violence and insecurity, which could be described as a provoked social "catastrophe", is known internationally. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs. Bachelet, has just presented a report that officially reveals much of this atrocious and desperate reality.
All this abysmal situation of misery and opprobrium can only be transformed by defeating and leaving this regime, with the decisive political participation of the great majorities of the Venezuelan people, as has been happening, and with the effective and frank support of the international community, which has also gained strength, in order to restore and consolidate the democratic society, welfare and progress, which should never have been abandoned by the "siren songs" of a deception disguised as "socialism".
Attitudes and actions such as those that are encouraged from this post can help greatly to alleviate urgent needs that we are going through.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Hello @josemalavem thanks a lot for coming...

I would like to make something more than this...

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up for nothing ok, everything will change for a better life ...

Dear @josemalavem

Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

God bless Venezuela

ps. Did you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.



Gonna spread the news

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My friend @khussan nice to hear from you...

Thank you for your support and resteemed ...

I really appreciate it a lot...!!!

I have invited few venezuelans from telegram but i dont knoa if they can make it in time

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Friend, one more time I answer the comment, leaving a link about the situation in Venezuela, I was trying to post on the Steem bounty platform but I got an error, so I did it here and I share it with you so that you can read it and to know that we think one by one the Venezuelans, I do not know how to enter into their reward but I hope to be part of it. Thank you.


Hello @chinotattooart thanks for coming.

Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

Such an excellent comment @chinotattooart

I really love the fact that you're so very mature with your responses :)

Enjoy your weekend buddy and thx for sharing that link


I am from Maracaibo, Venezuela. I'm here in Steemit since one year and it costed to me too much to get the karma i have today. Good bless the people -and the bots- who suported me in every single post i've made.

    Right here -in Venezuela- i'm in a very hard position. Just one week ago was the longest blackout in Venezuela's history which derivated in many lootages around Venezuela. The day after energy came on, it was too hard to find some foodstore open. In my house is no water, so i'm forced to live in parent's house meanwhile i have nothing to feed in my apartment.

    I don't know, these people -from both sides of political ideology- don't want to give each other. And we, the people, are the big losers, we -not only Maduro- are isolated by right-wing governments around the world. Trump blocked our economy and he will still doing it because that is what he wants. Many of venezuelan has been forced to emigrate and face the xenophobia in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Canada and United States. Some of them has returned back, many of them did so to leave again and the other many preferred to stay here.

      It's a madness here, i am very affraid about a civil war in Venezuela. Trump wants so, not us. Better pray for not happening.

      Hello my dear friend @maikelblogo ... Nice to hear from you and thanks a lot for coming here..!!

      First of all, keep with an stronger mind, we always try to fight with different kind of challenges and many bad things are happening around the world..

      So, keep strong your motivation, because you are now in a better place here on STEEMIT, this is the future for many people around the world, also I´m pretty sure this is the solution for many problems that are happing in this life...

      Bad governments exist everywhere my friend, but it can´t stop us to continues improving our knowledge ..

      Just don´t give up for nothing my friend, many people are here to help, So, I´m trying to give my small support for now and thinking a new strategy to help more in the future for sure...!!!

      Keep in touch my friend, let´s do a better community ...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. Let´s do it ...

      Thank You @edgarare1!!!

      Bad governments exist everywhere my friend, but it can´t stop us to continues improving our knowledge ..

      Yes, for sure. All history have more bad people than good ones. These last live too short...

      You are tremendously right my friend, but don´t worry about that, this technology can stop them in the future... Blockchain is the future for us...

      It is impressive what many do on this platform for my country, for my fellow countrymen.
      Thankful forever.
      It's hard, I tell you briefly, I'm a nurse and doctor by profession, graduated from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela, and despite having those professions that are very well seen and valued in every country in the world, there was no way I could to live with dignity in my country of origin.

      Thanks to steemit, the world of cryptocurrencies, I must say, I have had information that helped me to weigh many situations, but in spite of that I had to emigrate, I currently have a few months in Colombia, a country that has given me the possibility of improvement and to be able to support my relatives, and even some friends through steemit, with my contest, which is not much with what I can help, but I know that something is useful.

      As the friend says @edgarare1 ago is something, worse is nothing, a very Venezuelan phrase. Thanks for this initiative.

      I know that it is happening very hard in my country, even my mother, grandmother, in short, relatives are there, I left the country, for the same obstacles of the government I left without professional papers, because to be able to legalize and have valid international are charging a fortune and did not have for it, it's crazy all. But just as grateful for the opportunities offered in my country as in Colombia, from where I hope to be able to help many more.

      Thanks @crypto.piotr for recommending this publication, Thanks for the constant, permanent support, you are very valuable.

      Thanks @sfcq240788 for the great support.

      Thanks @knircky for allowing steembounty to be a real tool to strengthen the steemit community and to unite global ties, which even without knowing each other are ready to help.
      for everything, that life continues to fill you with many blessings, health, economic improvements, and much more.

      Hello @josevas217 thanks a lot for coming...

      Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

      Dear @josevas217

      Thanks crypto.piotr for recommending this publication, Thanks for the constant, permanent support, you are very valuable.

      I'm glad to hear those kind words.

      Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

      It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

      God bless Venezuela



      First I want to congratulate you and thank you for the initiative, few people stop to see the needs of others to extend a helping hand, in that sense I wish that God will multiply what you have heartily disposed as help, you are absolutely right about technology blockchain as a method of support and I am a proof of them because steemit is the means that God has used to minimize the economic impact that we live in Venezuela.

      Regarding the current situation of the country there is a lot to say and many versions, I even consider it dangerous to give an opinion if your opinion is negative for some who maintain power could end up in jail. But lately I have encouraged myself to bring a little truth to light as you will notice in my blog if you review it, and when I say truth I mean that I do not adhere to any political side but to the reality that hits us every day which is worse than a nightmare. All public services are degraded or non-existent in most sectors. Inflation is so high that no matter what your profession, your salary will only be enough to eat a little and nothing else. Insecurity at levels I've only seen in movies. We practically live in a country without a law; the law is only applied when it is for purposes favorable to the government.

      One of the things that I observe with concern is the attempt to leave the current government, not that I agree with the current government that is mainly responsible for the situation, but that I consider that the plans of the opposition to organize a march to the presidential palace only seek bloodshed to use as a pretext as it happened in 2002 in which they managed by bloodshed to temporarily remove the then president from power.

      I want the current government to be changed because it has proven to be inefficient, but I don't want civilians to give their lives for it, especially when it is planned by other people who will take power knowing that it will be on the blood of innocents. In my opinion we are trapped in a dead end where the only viable solution is for an international community to organize serious elections in the country and supervise them, it is the only viable solution that I consider but I know will not happen because the international community turns a blind eye, so there is nothing left but to continue being whipped by this chaos that addresses all areas of our lives or abandon the country and the family as thousands or millions of Venezuelans have done. I hope I have not extended much, greetings and blessings.

      Hello @jesusjacr thanks a lot for coming...

      Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

      Dear @jesusjacr

      Big thx for sharing your story with us. My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current situation in your country.

      It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels.

      God bless Venezuela


      Saludos hermano, mi nombre el Alexander soy de Sucre Venezuela, y es un gran proyecto se te agradece mucho la ayuda por parte de todos los usuarios de Steemit que son parte de esta comunidad, Por lo menos a esos y a los que de disponen a ofrecer ayuda a esos Venezolanos que mas la necesitan, Saludos y respetos para usted.
      Por favor le pido que lea este post hecho por mi sobre lo que pienso de estos momentos aca en Venezuela.

      Greetings brother, my name is Alexander I am from Sucre Venezuela, and it is a great project you are very grateful for the help from all the Steemit users that are part of this community, At least those who already have to offer help those Venezuelans who need it most, Greetings and respect for you.
      Please, I ask you to read this post made by me about what I think of these moments here in Venezuela.


      Just keep your mind motivated and never give up ok...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it..

      Dear @chinotattooart

      I would like to thank you for opening up and sharing your life story with us.It is saddening and hearthbreaking on so many levels to see what is happening in your country :(

      Hope noone close to you will suffer or die.

      God bless Venezuela


      Thank you for using steem-bounty for this. I am adding 10 steem to this bounty

      Thanks for supporting this project Mr. @knircky

      Amazing to see your selfless act. Much appreciated @knircky

      I love how supportive you are @knircky :)

      Cheers buddy

      @edgarare1, I want to appreciate your contribution and for sure you will be backed with the blessings. Keep up the kind work. And hope that fellow people of Venezuela will come out of this crisis soon.

      Posted using Partiko Android

      Amazing comment my friend @chireerocks ..

      thanks a lot for the blessing and your support...

      Welcome and thank you so much for your kind response.

      Hola @edgararel agradezco a @crypto.piotr haberme traido hasta aquí para agradecer a todos aquellos que de alguna manera muestran preocupación por nuestro hermoso país. Lamento habernos conocido en estas tristes circunstancias. Mi problema es el mismo de todos mis hermanos. Soy docente de profesión 30 años de servicio, jubilada con la satisfacción de haber aportado a los jóvenes de mi país. Al igual que a mis hermano, me invade la impotencia de no contar ni siquiera con un salario digno para alimentarme . No pretendo hacer un show de todo los sucesos, sigo trabajando en @steemit, tratando de crecer en esta plataforma a pesar de los graves problemas a nivel de comunicación pero aquí estoy, dando lo mejor y preparándome para retomar mis labores cuando este régimen caiga. Todavía tengo mucho que portar. Gracias. Saludos cordiales. Abrazos dese Caracas-Venezuela.

      Hola @belkisa agradable saber de ti, gracias por tu comentario...

      Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

      Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

      Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

      Thank you @crypto.piotr
      for sending the link, but if the requirement to participate in this event is to speak ill of my country, "NO Thank you I DO NOT WISH TO PARTICIPATE" gives sadness as Venezuelan brothers refer to my beautiful country in a derogatory way, @edgarare1 and thank you for your idea but I think MEXICO needs a lot more help than us, nothing to name the issue of drug trafficking, and entire peoples where they can not live in peace because crime kills them from nothing, those who send there are the GREAT POSTERS OF DRUGS.

      Forgive me but I do not see where people are doing nothing but talking about their struggles. I have gotten only the impression that the people of Venezuela here in this post have a great love of their country.

      To hide the truth allows it to fester. Bringing the truth to the light can help make things better.

      All countries have there own issues. What I am impressed with by this being started by someone from Mexico is just that... @edgarare1 is not the state, just like the Venezuelans here are not the state. They are all human being...some in a struggle and some trying to help.

      I am deeply saddened by your words. It sounds like you would like the world to ignore your great country. They kind of have been doing that. Here on steemit we are all equals. many helping others. Or rather people helping people.

      Exactly friend @ r2cornell, it seems that this man lives in another Venezuela or the one of 20 years ago, or does not want to see the sad reality, it will be that he does not have relatives who lack food, medicine or money, unless he works as a minister or someone important to the government that has no need, I do not understand

      Dear @r2cornell

      I also dont know what @rigmelendez3 had impression that this post is promoting "to speak ill of my country".

      Forgive me but I do not see where people are doing nothing but talking about their struggles. I have gotten only the impression that the people of Venezuela here in this post have a great love of their country.

      I actually had exactly the same impression and I admire @edgarare1 for his efforts and engagement (even replying to all comments must take him several hours of his life and he get nothing in return).


      Thank you so much @r2cornell for your magnificent explanation ...!!

      The best antidote I know for worry is work. The best cure for weariness is the challenge of helping someone who is even more tired. One of the great ironies of life is this: He or she who serves almost always benefits more than he or she who is served.🤗

      I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I can't change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit.😊

      Resteemed, Upvoted and Followed 👍

      Thank you so much @edgarare1

      I don't want to live in the kind of world where we don't look out for each other

      Your words touch my heart and soul so deeply 😊

      Thanks for appreciation 🌼 @trando

      You're always welcome @whatsontrend

      Dear @whatsontrend

      I love to see how supportive and responsive you are buddy. And I really enjoy the fact that you're so very mature with your comments.

      Steemit needs more people like you.


      Thanks, @crypto.piotr

      But with my comments, I can only help mentally If I want to help, then I have to jump to support by donating some money to Venezuela People who are struggling from the crisis.

      Hello @whatsontrend nice to hear from you...!!

      What an amazing comment, pure metaphor and strong motivation for others...

      Thanks a lot for your wise words...!!!

      Thanks to you for a step towards Good Work 🤗🌸

      Dear @edgarare1
      It has really been very emotional for me to participate in your publication, read and vote in each of the cases exposed (although my support is more spiritual and emotional than material).

      Your pacifying and balancing attitude is admirable.
      Prevent this meeting from becoming a political debate.

      I thank @crypto.piotr for their invitation.

      It was wonderful to meet people like @r2cornell not only for their altruistic way of giving materially but for dedicating words of comfort and personal interest.

      In summary, this meeting more than material help has served to relieve many (what is good).
      And as I said before, spiritual, emotional and mental strengthening.

      I can only say; a big thank you!

      @mariita52 it is very emotional for myself as well, and I am not living it. Maybe I just allowed myself to feel a little of the pain. There were times when I had to stop reading to recharge my own energy and that of my voting power.

      All in all it was worth the time I took to read most if not all comments. There were times when I could not find the words, while other times they just flowed out of me.

      Little is said on the news, so this has given me the opportunity to learn how most are struggling. Struggling yes, but with inner pride and determination intact. It has also showed me that no matter one's education, the work they did, or station in life, all are sharing this difficulty together.

      I believe it was you that I shared the Prayer of Saint Frances (song lyrics). I carry the original prayer embedded in a token I have on my key ring. Let us all, no matter our belief system seek out those words (google it), and adapt it to our lives.

      Godspeed @mariita52 and all the peoples of Venezuela.

      Thank you, sir, it's really an honor to receive your support.

      God promises help at the right time, he does not personalize himself but he uses people to give that help and that is evidenced in cases like his. who lets himself be used by God

      As one participant in this beautiful meeting said; The motto of my country is where a person eats, eats two and more.

      At least that motto in my case has not disappeared, nor will it disappear.

      And I do not want it to disappear from the mind of anyone who has enjoyed the privilege of giving.

      Because, it would be to lose the best motive that God has to give blessings.

      Thank you for giving God something to bless and that is your salary.

      Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

      Count on my prayers and greetings now; And if God allows it for eternity.

      Dear @mariita52

      It has been such a pleasure to read your kind comment. People like yourself are the reason why I love spending hours here on Steemit.




      Hello friend @edgarare1, excellent initiative, and many thanks as always to @crypto.piotr, for always being ready to help anyone who can.

      The truth is, it's a lot to tell, so many things happen in Venezuela that commenting on them all would be a very long comment. But a way to summarize, the economic situation for no one is a secret that this difficult, in my particular, work more than 15 hours daily on the Internet to earn some extra money and meet the basic needs of the home, is something quite exhausting on many levels, both mentally, as physically, and the conventional work what they pay is not enough for anything and because many of us see ourselves working hard on this type of platform on a daily basis whenever possible.

      I am not a person accustomed to express this type of situations, because every crisis that exists is where the best opportunities to undertake, although many of them have to have some capital, this is always the way to solve and get ahead, is very difficult and is what I try to do every day, undertake my own business model to generate a passive money that allows a better way to cover expenses and help those who can to support each other, daily work on that, in the union is the real strength to combine talents and get ahead.

      I continue to fight and have faith, that the situation of my country changed for the better, many take the path of emigrating, which I do not see very easy, I have seen many positive and negative testimonies of how my people are going outside their land and it is not easy at all, others would like to emigrate but do not have the money and others simply continue to work hard day by day apostanto to change things and gather what you can, to be able to undertake, the time will come to see the light I'm sure of that.

      Thank you very much for this publication for taking my people of Venezuela into account to support them, it is not about how much you are willing to give for that support, but the intention that you have and I value that intention very much and I know that all who read this publication think the same, again many thanks and many blessings to you @edgarare1 and to my dear friend @crypto.piotr for the invitation.

      Hello @lenonmc21 thanks a lot for coming ..

      Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      Dear @lenonmc21

      to my dear friend crypto.piotr for the invitation.

      Don't even mention my friend :)

      My heart is with you guys. I can hadly imagine how difficult it must be to have hope in current circumstances.

      Thank you for sharing your life experience with us. Those are indeed very sad days for Venezuela and I can only hope that noone close to you will suffer or die.

      God bless Venezuela

      This is such a wonderful thing that you are doing @edgarere1! I have happily Upvoted and Resteemed this post. My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone who are directly effected by the troubling situation in Venezuela. I hope that one day those who have the power to make a change will be able to come up with a solution to better the lives of all the people of Venezuela.

      I love the Steem platform and how no matter where you are, you can reach millions of people all of over the world. It all starts with one person and then another, at some point that one person can grow to a collective of millions of people making small changes. Those small changes together make a huge impact.

      Bringing awareness and showing support in our own way is a great start. Last week part of my entry for the Pay It Forward Contest was sharing a post from a young man by the name of @gabofic. He shared his harrowing experience in Venezuela without electricity for 5 days. I would like to also share the link to his post. So that others who are not fully aware of the situation will hopefully have a better understanding of that is really happening there. Thank you @edgarere1 for creating this post!

      Link to @gabofic's article: My Experience In Venezuela And 5 Days Without Electric Light

      Thanks a lot for coming @shari-loveurlife..

      You´re right, many people are here to help, I love your motivational comment ....

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      Dear @shari-loveurlife

      I love to see how supportive and responsive you are buddy. And I really enjoy the fact that you're so very mature with your comments.

      Steemit needs more people like you.


      Thank you very much @crypto.piotr and @edgarare1. For this initiative 100.000 STEEM for VENEZUELA.
      I'm not sure I'm in the time frame to participate, but nevertheless I have faith in the Scriptures that "in all labor there is fruit. Therefore I will participate with great expectation.
      Venenezuela's situation is not easy, it is a situation that demands a daily faith in God, the lack of the most basic is appreciated in many people. With all this, many people are getting the best of them by practicing solidarity with the most needy and among that group of people is the Venezuelan Foundation "Vida Abundante", located in the Urbanization La Virginia, Municipality Paez, Acarigua. Portuguese State, who Saturday to Saturday for more than a year give free breakfast and lunch to each child of the nearby communities, who are among the most needy of the city.
      Their page (I can send the link to the private one).
      Any kind of collaboration is welcome.

      Hello @juliocesar thanks a lot for your comment...

      Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      Thank you for dropping by @juliocesar7 and sharing your opinion on that particular topic.

      Yours, Piotr

      It's an excellent idea because it will help two instead of one and is enough @lanzjoseg to share between two, thank you for an excellent initiative and eager to help @edgarare1. Each of those who tell you here just went through the many nights of darkness due to blackouts for lack of maintenance and investment of the current bad government that we have. Thank you for that support.

      Thank you for our post as a recommended read @edgarare1

      It's important for those with reach and the means to spread awareness to turn people's eyes onto important issues like this. The situation is quite pathetic, that a leader would put his own people through such misery and continue to do so under the guise of asserting independence.

      All of us together need to bring this economic reality to the forefront because while everybody knows what is happening, not too many seem to care. I applaud you for your efforts and once again thank you for helping promote our article to create more awareness for just how bad the situation is. Cheers!

      Posted using Partiko Android

      Hello my dear friend @reverseacid nice to hear from you...

      Just keep your mind motivated and never give up, many people are here to help ...

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      Such an excellent comment @reverseacid

      I really love the fact that you're so very mature with your responses :)

      Enjoy your weekend buddy

      This is good for us, thank for helping my country. I have a big problem, it too difficult for me buy a smartphone, so I can't create quality content to the #steem blockchain. I don't earn enought money to buy buy it so is this is an opportunity , that is good buy a phone with #STEEM.

      hello @yonikar thanks a lot for coming..

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      Thanks @edgarare1 for the great initiative!

      Love your comment @trando ...

      It is a pleasure to help people ...!!! Thanks a lot for the motivation message...

      Thx for dropping by @trando

      Thank you for using steem-bounty for this. I am adding 10 steem to this bounty

      Hello my friend @knircky

      That´s awesome. Thank you so much for showing your support... Many people in Venezuela are waiting for this gesture and gratitud ...

      You have my respect...!!

      I would like to asking you for a huge favor for them... Could you please vote each people´comment from Venezuela...? the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets.

      Also, I would like to ask you if you could keep in touch with my good friend @crypto.piotr he is working incredible well helping people from Venezuela and people who need a big up on steemit, we can contribute together helping a lot of people here for a better community ...

      Hope to hear from you sooner, and huge thank you for your support and resteemed .

      Amazing gesture @knircky

      Respect! :)

      Its a great incentive for the people from VENEZUELA. But I think that such incentive should be for all the community with low SP/ or who are new to this platform. anyways great idea. keep it up.

      Hola, @edgarare1 , soy Bioanalista (Laboratorista Clínico) con 30 años de servicio en un organismo público en el que los salarios son tan bajos que ni para comer decentemente alcanza; la verdad me siento agradecida por tu gesto solidario para con nosotros los venezolanos. Una cosa es lo que te puedan contar y otra cosa es vivir hoy día en nuestro golpeado pais. Tengo 52 años y me da dolor ver a la generación joven salir corriendo de lo que en otro tiempo fué una maravillosa tierra de gracia hoy arruinada por la codicia y la maldad de algunos pocos, pero eso es harina de otro costal. Sufrimos mucho la escasez de los alimentos y la hiperinflación que nos está matando lentamente. Aún teniendo un trabajo estable de casi 30 años de servicio, hoy vivo muchisimo peor que cuando estudiaba e inclusive, cuando comencé a trabajar. Los servicios básicos (luz, agua, telefono, internet), son todos controlados por el estado y son pésimos. Todo se ha vuelto tan costoso que hemos dejado de comer muchos alimentos. Las universidades del estado la mayoría estan paralizadas y queriendo ser controladas por el gobierno. La salud está en muerte agónica, los hospitales sin insumos ni personal, casi todo ha emigrado a otro pais buscando un mejor futuro y los pocos que aqui quedamos, trabajamos con las uñas, soy profesional de la salud y lo vivo dia a dia. Son tantos los problemas que tenemos, amigo, se me iría la noche enumerándolos pero simplemente te puedo decir, este, es un pais hermoso, con gente buena y trabajadora, solidaria asi como tú, gente que sonrió en algún momento y que hoy ve su vida reducida a escombros, familias separadas por un egosimo de pocos, tristeza por ver destruido un pais y nuestra calidad de vida. Gracias por preocuparte, me considero agradecida por ver esta iniciativa maravillosa de querer ayudarnos. Te abrazo con mucho cariño y te considero un hermano venezolano. Steemit es una pequeña ventana que se hace grande y aunque no resuelve el todo económico, si lo hace en mi parte espiritual, he conocido mucha gente buena en esta plataforma y aqui sigo y seguiré luchando por publicar buen contenido y enaltecer el nombre de mi pais. Gracias nuevamente, eres una gran persona, gracias por preocuparte y ocuparte. Dios te bendiga enormemente.

      Hello, @ edgarare1, I am a Bioanalyst (Clinical Laboratorist) with 30 years of service in a public body in which the salaries are so low that even to eat decently enough; the truth is I am grateful for your gesture of solidarity with us Venezuelans. One thing is what they can tell you and another thing is to live today in our beaten country. I am 52 years old and it hurts me to see the young generation running away from what once was a wonderful land of grace today ruined by the greed and wickedness of a few, but that is another matter. We suffer a lot from the shortage of food and the hyperinflation that is slowly killing us. Even having a stable job of almost 30 years of service, today I live a lot worse than when I was studying and even when I started working. The basic services (electricity, water, telephone, internet) are all controlled by the state and are terrible. Everything has become so expensive that we have stopped eating many foods. Most state universities are paralyzed and wanting to be controlled by the government. Health is in death agony, hospitals without supplies or personnel, almost everything has migrated to another country looking for a better future and the few that we are here, we work with our nails, I am a health professional and I live it day by day. There are so many problems that we have, friend, I would go night enumerating them but I can simply tell you, this is a beautiful country, with good and hardworking people, as well as you, people who smiled at some point and today see their life reduced to rubble, families separated by an egosimo of few, sadness to see destroyed a country and our quality of life. Thank you for your concern, I consider myself grateful to see this wonderful initiative of wanting to help us. I embrace you with a lot of affection and I consider you a Venezuelan brother. Steemit is a small window that becomes big and although it does not solve the economic whole, if it does in my spiritual part, I have met many good people in this platform and here I continue and I will continue fighting to publish good content and praise the name of my country . Thank you again, you are a great person, thank you for caring and occupying yourself. God bless you enormously.

      Una excelente profesional y nos describes una realidad que vivimos los venezolanos dia a dia, es frustrante ser universitario y que el dinero no alcance para comprar lo más básico. Apoyado tu post @marybellrg

      Excelente iniciativa @edgarare1... Muchos comentarios ojala podamos seguir creciendo juntos.

      Asi es mi querida @lisfabian una realidad muy dura, no poder comprar lo más básico para la familia, es angustiante, te dejo mi apoyo, no es mucho pero aqui estamos.

        ·  6 years ago 

      I are not from VENEZUELA,
      But I really appreciate your approach.
      UPVOTE and REsteemit.

      That´s ok my friend @cloudblade, no problem ...

      Thank you so much for showing your support to Venezuela, They know right now that many people are here to help them...


      -Hola y muchisimas gracias por esta invitacion y por tomar en cuenta a las personas que en estos momentos la estan pasando mal,si de problemas en mi pais quieres saber hay muchos que sobresalen como el tema de que aqui casi nadie tiene para comer dignamente o muchos ni siquiera lo hacen.

      -En mi particular el problema mas grande que tengo hoy en mi pais es el tema que en las calles hay mucha violencia por parte de funcionarios armados y que en cualquier momento se crea un pleito y solo queda irse de ese sitio,las muchas cuestiones de los servicios como la luz que como muchos saben se fue durante 4 días seguidos en la mayoría de el país y aun no lo han recuperado por completo y el tema de que cuando hay algo falta otra cosa por ejemplo el gas o el agua y muchísimos servicios que son normales pero acá parecen un lujo.

      Fuera de la crisis sin precedentes que vive mi país hoy en día Venezuela es un país muy lindo donde hay muchísima vio diversidad lugares turísticos y todo lo que un país debería tener sin embargo de 5 años hacia acá hemos ido de mal en peor y para muchos de nosotros los venezolanos se hace una odisea tan solo el hecho de comprar un kg de carne o de queso.

      -De nuevo agradezco mucho su invitación y les deseo lo mejor de el mundo por esta iniciativa tan humanitaria gracias por todo el apoyo.

      Hola @stellafranco gracias por tu comentario...

      Solo manten tu mente motivada y nunca te rindas por nada en el mundo.

      Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

      Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

      Love your pic.. @mariluna ...

      Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

      Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

        ·  6 years ago (edited)


      @edgarare1 Es complicado el tema de ayudar a tantos, pero no es imposible. unidos podemos salir adelante , mas que los temas económicos que son vitales para mi país, creo que se trata de la hipocresía social que viven mucho. me refiero que aun cuando en algunos momentos observamos muestra de apoyo entre los ciudadanos de nuestros poblados, vemos una realidad o mas bien el engaño donde hemos estados sumidos por mucho tiempo que es el desinterés por el bienestar en el prójimo. Ya que históricamente uno crece aplaudiendo a los tramposos y oprimiendo a los justos.

      pero no todo es malo, porque apenas estamos viendo los primeros rastros de luz, de amor al prójimo y ayudas desinteresadas para nuestra gente. En mi camino he conocido personas increíbles de nobles corazones, que padecen como todos. Que aun siguen sacrificando lo que no tienen para darlo a los demás, digamos que son héroes sin capas. ademas familiares que pasan mucho trabajo sin remuneración en esta situación ya que es imposible que no nos afecte a todos por igual.

      Agradecido por la ayuda desinteresada @edgarare1. y al que logre obtener la ayuda decirle que tiene en sus manos de ayudar a los suyos. es importante sacrificarnos por la humanidad para eso es nuestra existencia.

      Hola @jacos gracias por tu comentario...

      Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

      Hay muchas personas aqui que pueden ayudar, solo es cuestión de tiempo para que se logren unir a esta comunidad y poder apoyar a muchas personas que lo necesiten.

      Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

      Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

      Desde hace algunos años VENEZUELA está pasando por una crisis, económica, política y social, que se ha venido agravando con el pasar de los días, nadie se imaginó siquiera, que uno de los países con mayor riqueza del mundo, estaría viviendo lo que ahora. El país que un día fue el de las oportunidades para mucha gente, ve como se alejan de él, en busca de mejores condiciones de vida, porque ahorita aquí no es la mejor.
      En estos momentos tener un trabajo o hasta dos no garantiza llevar el alimento a nuestro hogar, tenemos que hacer magia para poder sobrevivir, es fuerte escribirlo en estas líneas, pero es la realidad, cada día estamos más y más pobres, sin poder satisfacer las necesidades básicas, pero todavía estamos muchos aquí, luchando día a día y con la esperanza que vendrán tiempos mejores, y toda esta pesadilla que ahorita tenemos quedara solo como eso, un desagradable sueño.
      Muchas gracias a @edgarare1 por su apoyo.

      Hola @mariarodriguez gracias por tu comentario..

      Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

      Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...

      Muchas gracias por esas palabras de aliento, que en ocasiones como estas, son tan importantes para no flaquear… y de nuevo MUCHAS GRACIAS.

      Vamos a continuar luchando juntos para poder alcanzar una vida mejor y sigamos ayudando a mas personas y con una comunidad unida se alcanzaron mejores resultados @mariarodriguez

      Un gran país, con talento humano, maravillas de la naturaleza, personas de gran corazon, con sueños, anhelos,y metas que todos desearíamos alcanzar. La situación se ha vuelto dificil para muchos (por no decir todos), se nos ha despojado de las cosas mas basicas, electricidad, agua...
      Conseguir los alimentos fue en un tiempo una carrera de suerte y de espera eterna en colas frente a los establecimientos. Ahora, no es tan dificil, donde vayas lo consigues, pero el salario minimo que nos ofrecen apenas nos alcanza para una o dos cosas y se supone que con eso debemos aguantar todo un mes...
      A pesar de todo, los venezolanos tenemos esperanza. Esperanza que el día de mañana sea un día mejor, muchos cuentan con sus proyectos, con sus emprendimientos, pero la situación hasta eso nos ha obligado a abandonar...
      Venezuela es una historia de puntos suspensivos, donde pareciera que no fuera a haber final, y con el corazon en la mano vemos como nuestros familiares y amigos se van yendo poco a poco y nosotros nos quedamos a la espera...
      A la espera de un mejor mañana, de días mejores, de volver a ver a esos familiares con lagrimas en nuestros ojos. Eso es Venezuela, que de ser tan grande, ha quedado reducida a sueños rotos, a familias separadas, a niños sin ilusión, porque en eso nos han convertido.

      Pero a pesar de todo y de todo lo que nos han arrebatado, seguimos con la frente en alta sabiendo que podremos salir adelante, con la confianza en Dios siempre y sabiendo que el nos ayudará a superar todas estas dificultades que han rodeado nuestros días.

      Gracias por la iniciativa, muchos hemos usado steemit como una herramienta para conseguir un poco de ingresos alternativos y apoyarnos.
      Saludos :)


      Hola @chiminguito gracias por tu comentario..

      Existen en el mundo infinidad de problemas pero ahora solo me queda decirte que estas en el lugar indicado, ahora hay muchas personas para ayudar y solo es cuestión de tiempo..

      Nunca te rindas ante nada, y continua haciendo el gran trabajo en Steemit porque esto es el futuro para alcanzar el éxito que necesitas ...


      Also not from Venezuela, but spreading your initiative!

      Carry on!

      Thanks a lot for your support my friend @aezakmi

      What happened in venezuella all the saddle upset. He's pushing people into a gunfight. There is a huge income injustice.. It's a nice article that draws attention to these problems.

      You right @sipahikara, everything is really sad in that Country..

      Many people are in dangerous and also the hyperinflation is destroying everything..

      Mi hermano, te saludo desde Cancun Quintana Roo, @edgaare1 , Es bueno saber que mas gente se esta sumando en apoyo a Venezuela, es un orgullo saber que eres un paisano y que tambien te preocupas de estos temas.

      Te mando un abrazo y comparto una contribución, no es mucho pero es mi granito de arena a esta noble causa.

      Hola @sfcq240788 es un gusto conocerte, eres la primera persona de Mexico que encuentro en Steemit...

      Increíble verdad...!!

      Tu sabes que los Mexicanos nos apoyamos en todo, sabemos de la necesidad de otras personas y apoyamos en lo que podemos, ahora Venezuela necesita de nuestra ayuda y espero que muchas personas mas se puedan unir en apoyo a ellos que tanto lo necesitan...

      Muchas gracias por tu apoyo hacia Venezuela, y no te preocupes acerca de tu aportación .. estoy seguro que mucha gente esta muy feliz de saber que pueden contar contigo también...

      Yo estoy tratando de acelerar mi nivel de SP para que mas adelante pueda yo hacer delegaciones a las personas mas necesitadas, y en un futuro espero que podamos trabajar juntos...

      Muchas gracias, y cuenta conmigo para lo que necesites...!!

      Abrazos desde Oaxaca, Mexico...!!!

      Keep up the good work

      Love your comment @thereviews ... thank you..!!

      Thanks a lot for coming here...

      Thanks @crypto.piotr for the invitation

      Thanks for dropping by @fjjrg


      Cuando conozco de actos como el suyo me hace sentir orgulloso del gran corazón que existe en el mundo.
      Venezuela es un pais que afronta una situacion tan dificil que es ampiamente conocida, creo que lo mas duro a lo que se enfrenta mi pais es el hambre.
      Amigo mio todo lo demas podemos guapear pero con el estomago vacio no se piensa, uno no razona. Imagine cuando es un niño el que vive esa situacion.
      Cuando camino por las plazas veo a niños en situacion de calle y eso me desmoraliza.
      Me hace preguntarme cuantos dias tendra ese niño preguntandose porque, porque vive esto.
      Gracias por el apoyo, que Dios bendiga su vida y que continue lleno de existos.
      Saludos a su amiga, una hermana que consiguio en Mexico una mano amiga!

      Los chamos son los que más sufren, @jdbs.
      Mucha frustración se experimenta al no poder darle respuestas lógicas, claras. Todo se reduce a una negative ante cada cosa que piden, que necesitan.
      Es quizás uno de los aspectos más crueles de esta mal llamada revolución: el haber creado una generación de niños acostumbrados a las migajas, literalmente. Sin mayores aspiraciones que pasar el día, sobrevivir.

      Es terrible oír eso mi amigo @hlezama ...

      Espero que esto cambien en un futuro, y que la tecnología que tenemos ahora pueda ayudarnos a cambiar el sistema y los malos gobiernos que existen en todo el mundo, esto sera para bien de las nuevas generaciones para que no tengan que vivir lo mismo y solo pase como una historia antigua.

      Muchas gracias por cada palabra que escribes amigo @jdbs..

      Solo continua motivado y nunca te rindas por nada en el mundo.

      Acerca de los steems, dejame explicarte un poco como se van a distribuir. Cada venezolano que comente recibira votos por cada una de las personas en sus comentarios, entre mas votos tenga cada persona es igual a mas steems.

      Esto sera distribuido por steem-bounty al final de siete dias finalizando el post, hazle saber a cada persona que entre mas votos tengan en sus comentarios mas steems sera enviado a sus billeteras.

      Gracias por su disposicion y trabajo realizado.
      El apoyo que hoy nos das a la comunidad Venezolana es increible.

      Muchas @jdbs

      Es un placer para mi tratar de hacer algo que pueda estar cambiando las vidas de las personas paso a paso y que en un futuro muy corto, todas las personas puedan tener lo que hasta ahora les esta haciendo falta...

      Perhaps you might consider a delegation to @votovzla. They curate posts from Venezuela.

      Hello @novacadian

      Consider it done, I´m following @votovzla

      Thank you, my friend, for considering our work.

      Hello @enrique89 Nice to meet you,

      Thanks a lot for your comment,
      Well, let me work harder and bring my SP hight, And I can a delegation ..

      Thank you so much because you are helping people and that is amazing for me.

      If I can help, consider it done...!!

      Hi @novacadian

      I just realized that they received 5k delegation from @mariusfebruary :)

      This surely will help them a lot .


      Very good initiative, although I am not from Venezuela, but it is difficult to at least not feel or show solidarity with the situation of our brothers. Hopefully initiatives like these have a strong support in the blockchain

      Hello @josecito thanks for coming.

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      @edgarare ...First of all I want to appreciate your work, your commitment and your kind support towards community and for people of Venezuela. I hope that definitely Venezuela people will come out of this problems very fastly. Keep up the good work and God blessed you.

      Posted using Partiko Android

      Hello @ravisarikonda thanks a lot for coming..

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      hola, te cuento Venezuela esta pasando por su peor sistema político y social, por culpa del gabinete presidencial gobernado por maduro y su gente, ellos tienen al pueblo tan ignorante con bonos y esas cosas.. gracias por tu ayuda se te agradece

      Hello @jerdep thanks a lot for coming.

      About the steems, let me explain a bit how they are going to be distributed. Every Venezuelan who comments will receive votes for each person in his comments, the more votes each person has, the more steems they have.

      This will be distributed by steem-bounty at the end of seven days ending the post, let each person knows that the more votes they have in their comments, the more steems will be sent to their wallets. So, let´s do it.

      That's really great

      Posted using Partiko Android

      thanks a lot for your support @salimbur

      Hello dear friend how are you Hope you will be very good Had to thank you But you have not seen anywhere from 3 days Thank you so much I think about you many times a day .You have helped me a lot It just makes sense This thing does not happen to everyone You are a strange person Your heart is so cute Allah will make you easy.

      Posted using Partiko Messaging

      Hey my friend nice to see you here @chwaqas ... Well, I was a little busy this time, so trying to help more people in this awesome community and friends from Venezuela ... Nice to hear that my little support is working for you, So nice...

      La verdad no soy venezolano, soy colombiano, pero también me preocupa la situación de nuestros hermanos venezolanos. Ahora más que nunca unidos en oración y en iniciativas como esta que marcan la gran diferencia. Felicitaciones por tu gran iniciativa.

      Hola @jorcam bienvenido,

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario y soporte para nuestros amigos de Venezuela que están pasando por un mal momento ...

      Espero que mucha gente se pueda unir a mi para hacer un proyecto mas grande y ayudar mas a los Venezolanos y a todas las personas que lo necesiten en esta comunidad...!!