Vocab-ability Prefix–321 (un__ = not) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in vocab-ability •  6 years ago 
Each daily “Vocab-ability 1x1” post has 2 main features, as follows:  

One “Vocab-ability” entry

By spending 5 minutes reviewing today’s “Vocab-ability” entry (below), you can learn the vocab roots and many high-level English words.    

One “Vocab Practice” exercise (for UpVotes

By spending another 10–15 minutes, you can practice using today’s words by composing your own sample sentences. Your practice efforts will be rewarded with UpVotes.     (See “Vocab Practice” rules and notes below)    Today’s “Vocab- ability” entry

With this ‘Mini-Guide,’ you can identify the components in the “Vocab-ability”  entry above.

(To facilitate your quick reference, the ‘Mini-Guide’ has been minimized. For the full "Guide to Entries," right-click here.)

      Introduction – For "Intro to Vocab-ability," right-click here
      Guide – For full "Guide to Entries," right-click here
      Index– For "Index" to all Chapters and Sections, right-click here

Note re Copying each Entry

Each separate post in the “Vocab-ability”  series consists of one entry (one text-box). To use any of these “Vocab-ability”  entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download them by clicking and dragging the text-box that you want to use, and then print them out.  

Note re Free Use 

Please feel free to download the above text-box, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If “Vocab-ability”  helps you or your students to increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose.   
(I hold the copyright to the original “Vocab-ability” guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use of all the material contained in this post and in all other “Vocab-ability” posts on Steemit).

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  1. Unnatural:
    What happened in the rafters with Becky and Henry was so unnatural to the extent that school children ran out with squishy, octopus-like things attached to their heads.

  2. Unfamiliar:
    I'm a little unfamiliar with how this grammar thing works, with the logic used within the long sentences, and with my inability to comprehend what I don't understand.

  3. Unrelated:
    When a person tells you that your opinion is the same as a fact, it is time to change the subject to something unrelated to whatever you two are discussing.

  4. Ungrammatical:
    If I, the guy who sits alone watching a blond girl eat her sandwich and read a paper, were to notice my ungrammatical sentences before passing them along, how much time do you think I'd spend editing?

Good work!


  1. Is genetic modified or unnatural vegetables are good for health, this is a topic of debate.
  2. Please guide the nely appointed person as he is Unfamiliar with the place.
  3. Pleae stope talking about the believes you have this is Unrelated to the topic of discussion.
  4. You should check your homework as I can found lots of Ungrammatical sentences.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!

My Vocab Practice

1.-After the operation, his mouth and body looked unnatural

2.-People and unfamiliar places are sometimes the remedy for loneliness.

3.-For totally unrelated reasons, the two boys agreed in the same place.

4.-The problem with this sentence is that besides being ungrammatical does not reflect what you want to say.

Good work!


  1. unnatural
    Her smile was very unnatural.
  2. unfamiliar
    He had an unfamiliar look even if he was Romanian.
  3. unrelated
    Everything he wrote was unrelated to our theme of the project.
  4. ungrammatical
    His post was very ungrammatical and that made it hard to be read.

Good work!


  1. After the coroner's inquest into the death of the popular actor, a verdict of unnatural death was issued.

  2. It took me three months to adapt to my new job, as I was unfamiliar with the work processes.

  3. The physics teacher was reprimanded by the school principal for showing videos which are unrelated to the curriculum in class.

  4. Although colloquial language is often ungrammatical, it is the preferred style of communcation for conversation in everyday life.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good work!


  1. I think that consumingunnatural fruit drinks causes more harm than good!
  2. Most ground breaking ideas are develop from unfamiliar challenges.
  3. The fall in the price of crude oil is unrelated with the increase in the production electric vehicles.
  4. When delivering a public lecture, being ungrammatical is short selling yourself!

Good work!

Good point about "fruit drinks." Most juices manufactured and then sold in packages are utter garbage, filled with all sorts of oils and sugars.

The only fruit drinks I ever drink are made from fresh fruits, peeled and cut before my eyes, then dropped into a blender. And I always say "Hold the sugar!"

That kind of great drink is available everywhere here in SE Asia.

You have said it all @majes.tytyty

In some climes, immature fruits like oranges plucked from the trees and then injected with some from of chemicals (carbide) in a bid to make them ripen sooner... It's just sad what some persons/companies do for quick or huge profits!


  1. Unnatural:
    Artificial Intelligence is the most unnatural form of artificial world.

  2. Unfamiliar:
    The priest at the wedding party was unfamiliar to most people who had come from the diaspora.

  3. Unrelated:
    After losing all his bet, James found himself unrelated with betting.

  4. Ungrammatical:
    Most first learners of a foreign language are so ungrammatical that it is annoying conversing to them.

Good work!


  1. Too much makeup makes some naturally beautiful girls look so unnatural
  2. I guided the intern with the office area and lobbies as he was unfamiliar.
  3. I am one of those persons who can change any ongoing conversation flow by bringing something totally unrelated in between
  4. I love my boyfriend, but he is such an ungrammatical kind of person.

Good work!

Too much makeup usually makes girls look ugly. A bit is okay.

As for love, I have yet to meet a woman who loves me for my in-depth knowledge of grammar!!! (Maybe I should study more .... :-) )

heheheh :P


  1. I mainly purchase fresh produce when grocery shopping because most packaged foods contain too many unnatural ingredients.
  2. I found myself on an unfamiliar road and realised I must have missed the turnoff.
  3. When suffering from 'writer's block' some find it helpful to go and do something completely unrelated for a while.
  4. To be grammatically incorrect is to be ungrammatical.

Good work!


  1. I prefer my natural look than the unnatural one displayed in most magazines.
  2. It can be stressing for some people, but me I love to be in unfamiliar places and discover new things.
  3. I don’t like when I ask a question to receive an answer completely unrelated to my demand.
  4. When I read a blog that is full of errors and ungrammatical I stop, and I never come back to that blog.

Good work!

Natural is best!! Anyway, I hope you keep reading my blog. Thanks!

I will :)


  1. I don't feel comfortable wearing unnatural hair.
  2. I got lost when I went to look for someone in an unfamiliar neighbourhood.
  3. James and I are unrelated.
  4. Don't mind my ungrammatical statement because English isn't my native language

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Good work!

By the way, your statements are always well-written and very clear. For a non-native speaker, your English is excellent.

(But, of course, you should continue taking part in Vocab-ability. I really appreciate your efforts!)

I need to enter my work before 23 hours of the post?

I noticed it first time :( and has been presenting my work late mostly.:(

Hello, Vibes

That "23 hour" limit was part of my original plan. As the series progressed, it has been stretched and streeeeeeeeeeetttttched further, so that now, I have no problem if you post your entries within 48 hours!!!

So, don't feel bad about your late work. ☺ Just try to get it done within 48 hours, and all should be fine.


ohhhhhhh thatss great, 48 hours is good and I can follow it :):)

Why are you losing money by sending huge bid in end? If you have extra steem then feed me.. Chck roi must before sending bid. Stop losing your steem and of other as well. :(

In fact, my use of SteemBot Tracker is quite profitable. Last year, I spent quite a bit of time, effort, and Steem, learning the ins and outs of the bidding process, and now I can bid successfully and profitably.

If you end up losing some money on one of your bids, please do not blame me or anyone else. The inherent nature of the bidding process means that you are taking a risk.

The trick is to minimize your risk, and to limit any losses to minor losses. By doing so, you can maximize your profits. It takes a bit of practice, but if you spend some time on it, you will learn, and it will become easy for you to profit.

I’m sorry if you lost any Steem on your recent bid. Rest assured, it is never my intention to make money off of other’s losses. In fact, I do plenty to help others profit. This platform is a community, and we can all succeed together.

Best of luck.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ok sir thanks for understand ♥

I appreciate your thinking and for the word"COMMUNITY"
Really we are workink in a community and can understand it's broadness when we spent few month on this amazing blockchain.
It occurs with some users to lose some sbd or steem (in rare case) by bid but it is easy also to back up by chatting on discord or given site.
I think it is not a big issue. If I am not wrong then every bots returns the value of bid. This also helps to maximize repu.
Thank you big brother @majes.tytyty for your great thinking.

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