How much does a Steemit Author Make per Month? Some Interesting Thoughts for Steemit Rookies.steemCreated with Sketch.

in welcome-aboard •  7 years ago  (edited)

As Steemit, the Gateway to Crypto, Grows So Does the Room at the Top for More Steem Stars. What’s Your Path to the Top?

A lot of it depends how much time and energy you spend here. You can get to the top but it's going to be a rough ride.

The past few weeks have seen a huge rise in the crypto worlds market cap. So much money has flooded in and the smart investors and bloggers are finally seeing what Steemit has to offer the world on so many fronts. From financial rewards, sharing information and life stories securely and a great place to be a part of a likeminded community that rewards positivity and punishes dirty trolls in ways no other social media site can even dream of keeping up with.

So if you’re new here Steemit seems like fantasy world that can make turnips turn into nickels and dimes which it absolutely is but please understand it's not easy all the time. Without out doubt you could be the next Steemit Star and see your posts on the trending page daily, racking loads of money.

I have seen some people post for months and months making less than a dollar every time then suddenly they get noticed and one of their posts gets the right attention and BOOM they’re famous and earning rewards that has them bragging on Facebook and Twitter how cool and awesome Steemit really is and they need to sign up ASAP; They wouldn't be wrong.

It takes time and effort. Yes, I know you see simple meme posts making decent or even huge rewards and you want that too, so do I. People who achieve that have been here months and months, maybe since the beginning, and have written many other stellar posts which earned them votes and healthy following because they are trusted to write things beneficial to the platform, minds or strikes an emotion.

Once you have written enough posts to build up a solid foundation and a following of curators with decent or great Steem Power you will reap the rewards of being well known and liked by the community.

I'm just your average user nowhere near the top, I don’t hold a lot of Steem Power, I am now going to start building it back up though. I have had my share of ups and downs, being loved to being shunned. I've had times where I averaged $60+ a post (I peaked $550 last summer) and times where I rarely cleared a dollar. Just scroll down my feed and see.

Steemit is social media at its finest. You have to be active. If you come here, post and disappear you probably won't be as successful as you could be. You need to reply to comments while your post is fresh to ensure it goes in the right direction. Though, if you have the right friends here that might not matter so much but for now it does.

(Image source

Steemit is not Twitter!

This is not a game of having more followers than following. On Steemit, it rewards you to follow more people because those people will show up in your news feed and you can vote sooner, earning more rewards, and comment near the beginning which helps set the tone for following comments and opinions of the post. Always follow the authors you like so you can support them with your votes and comments. Reply to the comments in your posts but be active and give useful comments to other authors, the more active a post is the more attention it will get, that much is like Twitter

As much I love the rewards try basing your growing success with how active the comment section is. If you are new; this is how you'll get the attention of the big players here and your following will grow. Many of the more popular authors love to “Resteem” posts with active, intriguing or important comments that they want to share the opinions of the post as much as the post itself with their following.

View Counts

Don’t worry too much or let view counts get you down. This is only showing you who is logged into Steemit and not actively hiding their online activity trail. If you are Tweeting or FB, Redditing your articles for the sake of sharing a message than possibly hundreds or more could be seeing your article and it just isn’t getting into the Steemit analytics.

The Steemit Pie

is only so big every reward period. Like any job in the world the boss only has so much he can pay out and the harder you work and the more positive attention you receive the bigger the slice you can have. The more people that are buying Steem Power and Powering up will make this place even wealthier for us all.

We want you to succeed in writing. If you are a great author that adds value and keeps things positive without a doubt you will eventually reap the rewards you came for. Your success will attract new investments so we want it for you as much as for everyone else.

There are many things you can do to get known here. That’s up to you to figure it out and execute. Originality and shared true life experiences get a lot of my votes. And cats and animals but not that spam taken off the web, I want to see your pets and animals.

(it’s me)

I look forward to reading and voting for your posts soon. There are tons of advice posts on Steemit you will stumble upon if you don’t search it out. Most importantly get involved with the different events and activities hosted by other Steemers/Steemians/Steeminites comment, vote and participate.

Please leave any other advice or your experience in the comments including links to any useful resources or posts that new and veteran authors might find interesting. I will add some later I’d recommend that get missed. I will be using this post as part my welcome to the people posting in the #introduceyourself section, if your comment is here you will be getting lots of exposure for the foreseeable future.

Welcome to Steemit

Keep at it. Comments, Questions?

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You have so many comments, I'm afraid I'll get lost on your page... Anyway, I'm into Pocket Change... The "other" hard asset...

I wrote a post way back when i was only here a few weeks called "Nickel and Dime your Minnow way to the top" I think i got 50cents. but it did have a good comments.

I'm impressed that you sent a reply so fast... You're very good at Steemit... I just started a few days ago and I'm still learning... You posted some pretty good stuff... Thanks... Pocket Change...

Hi @pocketechange, commenting is a great way to get started here! Plus you can also make some pocket change from that too. I'm going to upvote your post. It's at .01 now and............ .32 cents! Cool!

In the beginning I was encouraged by the upvotes that I got on my comments and you can be too so keep it going!

Thanks for taking a little time to help point me in the right direction... Pocket Change...


Very good advice! I like the part about being available after you post initially to start addressing comments sooner rather than later. It makes sense that people will see the comments being more active and the author actually engaged with the readers which is what one would want.

It's a great way to get on and stay on the trending page. Glad you liked it.
I'm gonna follow you see what you got for us.

I'm brand new to this site so I will be putting up more content hopefully tomorrow. Thank you though for the follow!

Wait till you see what I have going on in my Think Pocket Change, the "other" hard asset...

Hey solarguy"! I'm just another newbie around here, i do really have to admit that i can understand much better they way this website works after your post, thank you so much .

Hey man im glad it inspired you. It has its ups and down.

Hey Solar Guy
I loved your article. Very well written. I've upvoted and followed you

Thank you. Back at ya.

Sage words. I have only been here a month but have quickly come to some of the same conclusions. If you are trying to make a quick buck, this is not the place for you. I actually wanted to get better at posting in a blogging format and got turned on to steemit from a few friends. In the month that I have been here, I have seen the value of the community. Much less negativity than Facebook and other social platforms. Playing the long game keeping what you pointed out here in mind. Thank you for the post.

Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it. Gonna follow u too

Thank you, I appreciate it. Look forward to more good reads and memes.

Boom! Following. This kind of post is why I love it here even though I'm brand new and seeing less than a dollar a post, lol. I've seen some of the drama about bots, and whales voting themselves rewards etc, but still this forum seems overall incredibly positive.

Posts like yours and @aggroed, @kaylinart, and others not only keep me hopeful that I might make more for my content later, but mostly they make me feel welcome like people who have been here for awhile and are doing well, really want new people to do well also.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us!

when you start on steemit, it is really hard to stay faithful to the platform, but finally what you are looking for will come around if you put effort , I hope I someday get there too :)

oh boy... that's a loaded question. To be honest my faith has wavered many times here. There are days I think its gonna crash in the next few hours and the other days I can't help but see the unending potential this platform has. Irregardless of that, Steem has always been a light, a safe bet. Time consuming as it may be, what else was I gonna do with those free hours of my life. Steem will rise and crash like all other coins BUT Steem based on the analytics is going up over the long haul if you got the strength to hold it!! You can get there, I know anyone can.

I know, one of the factors to success for a concurrency is the community, and steemit has one of the biggest and most active ones. I never powered down and I am gonna stay around because after all I believe in it, as you said we are going to live our life and spend some of our free time on it. no big loss and potentially a big reward is on the way

Exactly. if it's your free time being here you have nothing to lose.

Valuable and informative post Solarguy.

Thank you for helping us to get acquainted with the platform. I am glad that it is different from the other majors.

All the best!

I'm glad it helped.

Love that advice, don't worry about views - it's like, the opposite on IG and FB lol

very true.

Thank you for this helpful information! I can barely call what most of my posts get as pocket change! I intend to keep at it though and learn to communicate better with the awesome Steemit community!

Persistance it's all it takes and like the mole patience and time !

<3 it! Super encouraging.

Thanks for checking it out. You got my attention.

Hello! Wow, thanks for writing this article. I'm new here, and I'm looking to share my active acrobatics, travel, and silly poems. I'm looking forward to more of your posts and points of views. Feel free to check out my page and tell me what you think, if you please ;)

Thanks.. I will follow back an acrobat. Looking forward to more.

Voila !!!!

Thank you, this is the best post I have read on Steemit thus far!

oh boy, best post so far, please don't read anything else. I like this position. ^^ I will follow you see what you got for us.

I'm honestly still figuring things out and have limited access to computer. I'm mostly here on my phone. I don't have much to offer as of yet, but thanks for the follow!

Great article your advice will help many noobs who are just getting started. Followed for more great updates.

This is such a quality post man! You definitely deserve my first vote ever, since it's my first day on steemit! I'm also going to follow you. Great job! I live in Belgium btw and one of my goals is to move to Canada one day :) Stay Steemed!

Awesome. Welcome aboard. You will have fun here and Canada is snowy place hope you like snow.

Welcome! Noob here as well. How fortunate for us that we found this great advice so quickly! Off to a good start.

Thank you for your great article. It was informative. At some point I will post a story. I assume it helps when the article is creative and informative. I see you and others have pictures or visuals accompanying the articles. Is there a special way to insert those for us less tech savvy? Do I do a picture in a text box or just copy an paste it after the text? I am a musician . Is it cool to include my trade, pics or website? What is acceptable and what go against any rules? Thanks.

There are some good posts explaining that stuff. Let check and get back to you.

Thank you I look forward to that.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sorry for delay I was out getting groceries when i saw you comment from my phone.

Give this a follow and scroll down the feed. It has tons of useful tips and advice for making the most out of steemit and a better understanding of how things work.

No rules about what you post within legal limits of course but no rules doesn't mean people have to like what you wrote or even be nice about it. lol. So keep that in mind.

Great post with very good advice for Steem beginners, I look forward to more of your writing!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I write what i'm thinking or feeling at the time of posting. It often doesn't do me as well as I had hoped. Other times it exceeds my expectations. I got more lined up. Thanks for checking it out. You gained a follower in the least.

This was a great positive post, it even made to my twitter (not too many do), yes I still Tweet, but not so much now that I found Steemit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Woo Hoo, I love getting tweeted. Thanks man. Will be checking your work out too. Followed.

And who are you on Twitter I can connect with you there too?
I'm @SolarThings

I am also @pqlenator on Twitter too, yes you may follow me there if you wish to.

Good Read @solarguy

Sounds like you have had some experience here on Steemit.




Well, ya maybe. Thanks for the reteem. Will get one back to ya.

Thank you for this!!

No problem.

Lots of great advice here, resteemed :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome Thanks man. It's been on my mind for quite some time now and finally got around to posting it.

Comment 10x more than you post, post frequently, be authentic and vulnerable.


"be authentic and vulnerable."
Absolutely. Making yourself vulnerable is is key when making connections and a must for being authentic. Can't please everyone so just be yourself, be open to criticism and things will find a way to being what they are meant to be.

Now that was a great article. Call me your new follower. What you described in your post is actually happening.

Well done!

Ive read your stuff. Its quality. Why i wasnt following u before now i didnt realize? Fixed!

Thanks for the kind words! I try to give my best :)

Great article. Succinctly written and informative! Perseverance is definitely key. I'm trying to post articles daily, I think that helps. 2 months in and I've seen some great progress.

Keep on steeming on :)

Thanks man

I absolutely agree with your post. In this throw away society, most want immediate success. They do not realise that only over time will you develop your own style - then I believe, the rewards will come. X

You can bank on that. I am!

Great post @solarguy thank you for sharing your insight, I think it's spot on; Steemit and it's Steemians value consistency and presence. I have found a big increase in my responses and rewards when my activity goes beyond my own posts, whether that's commenting, resteeming or welcoming people on the #introduceyourself tag. ... also that puppy is so cute!! Upvoted and resteemed. Have a lovely day!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks @daisyd you know your one of my favs.

But i didn't get a reply from the post i dedicated to you a few days ago. I wasn't sure if you missed it or didn't approve. lol #nameinlights

Oh my lump in my throat, I didn't see it!!!! I've replied on the post but again, thank you thank you thank you, it's little surprises in the form of unnecessary kindness like this that give me hope and courage and energy. I hope you have the BEST day, you've certainly made mine!!!! :)

Nice post and great advice!

I loved this post! It's really helpful, I've been here for a month and I'm really enjoying it, the community is great and there are some great articles.

Keep it up!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm so happy you enjoyed it. Me to. really.

Thanks for the post @solarguy. Everything you say is true and I would also add that us newbies tend to have other newbies as followers. Once our newbie followers gain in Steempower and reputation their votes will count for a lot more and hence our post values will increase. Steemit is a long term commitment and also great fun!.

That is very true and I like many others are counting on it!!!

Excellent post, thank you for sharing. Steemit is nol like twitter or like any other sicial network. And we all enjoy the difference! Will follow your interesting posts.

Sweet... You saw the light, it gets brighter. Hope you got sunglasses. :P

GREAT ARTICLE and POST!! Im new to steemit and very excited about the direction this new platform is taking. one of the features is "...likeminded community that rewards positivity and punishes dirty trolls in ways no other social media site can even dream of keeping up with. Keep up the Great work Sir, you now have a new follower and hope you follow me.

Cool. Followed back glad you liked it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Excellent post with useful suggestion! I absolutely agree with you, "Steemit is social media at its finest". And I like your little dog, really cute! :)

Hehe. It is a very cute dog. It's not mine though. I was sitting on the beach at party and this little puppy was with its owner. It was so small it couldn't walk in the sand because its little feet would sink in too far. That was also fun to watch.

Thanks for reading @tangmo

You're welcome! Yes, I can imagine, that's fun to watch....very cute! ;)

great reading and advice thank you

Happy you enjoyed it.

What an oustanding post my friend, I had to resteem it right away :-) Thanks for sharing the link, great move!!!
It's good to see that we care about the same things. Your post was full of excellent advices! Why did you share them? Because you supposedly have the sensation that people might need them...
Let's keep on providing some helping hands. I think that will provoke a lot of good outcome :-)
Happy weekend!

Thanks Ms. Marly. Your resteem really made huge difference, I'm up followers, comments and rewards. woo hoo I love you.

This posts has been on my mind for quite some time. With the big influx of new authors and really wanting to keep them around long enough feel what we feel, I felt I should share my ideas. You are inspirational too, I get a lot ideas popping after reading some of your posts. ^^
My weekend is gonna be great, I gotta a date with cute girl. ^^

You are more than welcome! To inspire and get inspired - that's probably the very best thing about steemit. Have a great Sunday!!!
I'll check the waves..:)

bla blac nice bla bla the best bla bla. First time icu and already like the frank delivery - followed!

I did brew over it for a couple hours, haha. Thank you fellow earthling. followed you too.

"Steemit is social media at its finest. You have to be active." I'm new here. Excellent post! Followed.

Thanks man. Following you too. I love humorous posts, can't get enough laughs, looking forward to more from you.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Love this post!

excellent. I hope you find the redemption you're looking for. ^^

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good solid advice @solarguy! I've witnessed your ups and down and travelled them with you. Your an intersting guy and I do follow you!

Yes, I won't forget since I knew you too. I don't regret the things I've said but maybe in some comments I could have been a little bit more, hmm, less, ummm. ... I don't think have a problem making myself vulnerable.

Excellent post, Thanks for your kind advises.

I'm glad you liked it.

Nice advice mama

thank you ^^

Wow... I see you do reply to the comments of others... Pocket Change... By the way, I don't feel as lost on your page as I imagined...

phew. If you ever get lost reading my posts please have another shot of whisky, it will become clear. ^^

lol... Thanks again... You're very good at this...

Thank you very much. That's the best explanation I've seen (so far) on how to build a successful SteemIt account.

Thank you for the sharing this information. Gives me more confidence to help grow with this community.

Nice to meet you too!

inspiring, steem it up!

(just took this picture an hour ago :-)

Hey thank you so much for the valuable info. I just joined today and came across your post. Great useful content.. looking to learn more in future!!

Damn man, I am glad I stumbled onto this blog. I just started today and am honestly trying to figure out how this platform works; Refreshing to see that creating good content is the solution; albeit a bit of politics (hopefully not an overload!) Intrigued to see how the Steemit community grows.

Thanks for the awesome post!

Wow, I'm surprised you dug this up. ^^ Might I ask how you stumbled upon it?

Steemit is a much different place now than it was then. I still standby pretty much everything I wrote here but pay outs are a lot less for everyone now which means more work is needed to get noticed. Best of luck with your Steeming, I will follow and check you out.

Hello, Thank you for sharing this article, it was much needed. I was inactive in between and now after reading your piece; I guess I got my share of motivation to start again and be patient.

Thanks, have a great weekend ahead... :)

I'm glad it helped, I've kind of busy to write on steemit these days. How did you find this old piece I wrote?