#Tokens4Tweets Challenge:|Whaleshares Blockchain Sharedrop and Launch Announcement| Share Your Twitter Voice for BEYONDBITs!

in whaleshares •  7 years ago  (edited)

BEYONDBITs are Powerful Cross-Platform Tokens
Worth Being Noticed!

WHALESHAREs have a new purpose, Whaleshares is becoming its own chain!

Summon a Whale with BEYONDBITs! These bits are powerful Cross Platform tokens that display a unique use case that has been largely underappreciated within the Crypto Sphere. WHALESHAREs can also be used to summon a whale (although they are not as powerful as BEYONDBITs).

While many crypto media platforms laud the thousandth new innovative (but unscalable) cryptocurrency, platforms like BitShares and Steem have given us the capability to innovate and create a token system that would be capable of imbuing the power (and value) of human cooperation into a token backed by steempower...and you.

I believe that Showing this powerful Cross Platform capabilities between BitShares and Steem is an action that will drive an increase in attention, appreciation and market sentiment for both Steem and BitShares. So what are you waiting for? Help me build Voltron...

It is the synergy between these chains that will show the rest of crypto How Fast DPoS Chains really are and what this speed makes possible!

Just in time for EOS...aka Voltron's Shield.

But Building Voltron is No Easy Task...

I need Your Voice and Trusted Network

So onto the Mission, its Rules (and Rewards)

🚀 The Mission

Promote the "Whaleshares Blockchain Sharedrop and Launch Announcement" on Twitter

Step 1: Sign into Twitter
Step 2: Follow @eos_io Twitter
Step 3: Follow @beyond_bitcoin Twitter
Step 4: Post the following post exactly as you see it (copy/paste):

beyond_bitcoin announces the Whaleshares Blockchain Sharedrop and Launch Announcement https://steemit.com/whaleshares/@officialfuzzy/whaleshares-sharedrop-and-launch-announcement #whaleshares #cryptocurrency #bitshares #blockchain #community @bitshares https://twitter.com/Beyond_Bitcoin/status/1022620427489865731

Step 5: Add the following image as an attachment:

Step 6: Post a link to your tweet below in the comments along with the following:

  • Your BitShares Address
  • Number of Twitter Followers

📜 The Rules

Rule 1: You MUST follow @beyond_bitcoin twitter
Rule 2: Your twitter account MUST HAVE OVER 100 followers
Rule 3: You MUST NOT be a suspected Scammer on Steem
Rule 4: You MUST copy and paste the EXACT tweet message provided. Misstatements and misspellings are not guaranteed BEYONDBITs
Rule 5: Accounts Spamming this post will not receive BEYONDBITs

Notice: Rights reserved to add needed rules as required to combat Trollishness

✩ Challenge Rewards

  • Participants in this trial will earn 1 BEYONDBIT for each 100 followers up to a maximum reward of 30 BEYONDBITs.

  • A minimum reward amount will be established based on final payout on this post. If it earns 200$BD and only 1 person participates, this participant will receive 200 BEYONDBITs (assuming participant complies with rules above).

  • Rewards will be capped at 500 BEYONDBITs

  • If this post earns over 400$BD, cap will double to 1000 BEYONDBITs

  • You may Tweet up to 3 times and post them within this thread (only those tweets posted before post payout qualify).

  • Accounts that qualify and have over 10k followers on twitter will earn 5 BEYONDBITs even if cap is reached!

  • ReTweet the original Tweet by https://twitter.com/Beyond_Bitcoin (https://twitter.com/Beyond_Bitcoin/status/1022620427489865731) to earn 2 additional BEYONDBITs.
    Please indicate whether you Retweeted in your comment!

  • All rewards are paid out after this post pays out!

  • The person with the most followers will receive 1 EOSBIT!

21 Million WLS Initial Supply and Sharedrop Distribution

  • Satoshi 10 (Development Team) = 2.1 Million
  • 10% Brownie.pts = 2.1 Million
  • 10% Whaleshares = 2.1 Million
  • 70% Bitshares = 14.7 Million

Whaleshare tokens can be purchased on BitShares!

Join the BeyondBitcoin Communities

Please join in the discussions with us by becoming a member in ANY or ALL of the BeyondBitcoin and Bitshares communities. We have a wealth of knowledge and information waiting for you.

EOSTalk Discord
EOS.IO related community and topic discussions.

Whaleshares Discord
Steemit community discussions, contests and events.

Project Milkbox Discord [NEW]
Project Milkbox community and topic discussions.

Bitshares Discord
Bitshares development community and discussions.

🏆 Your Organic Network is Valuable!

Of course many platforms offer the capability to pay for others to promote your crypto initiatives, but where is the fun in that when there is a platform like Steem where I can leverage cryptocurrency and a community of cryptocurrency lovers...who also have valuable organic networks more likely to have interest in cryptocurrency?

This is even more true when the people who wish to join in the fun are also people who will accept my own Proto-SMT token, the Beyondbit, in return for their efforts! I look forward to seeing more!

Thanks for Helping Build Voltron & for Your Continued to Support!

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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Bitshare wallet: alarconr22
No. Followers: 204

Retweeted original.

My BitShares Address: rckt53
Number of Twitter Followers: 143
And I retweeted the original:

1st tweet: https://twitter.com/Zingybite/status/1023853093849636865

Twitter followers: 688

BTS address: zingybite25

Retweeted original tweet

My tweet: https://twitter.com/KennyCrane/status/1022653453389242369

I also ReTweeted your Tweet.

My BitShares address is kenny-crane

I have 2069 Followers on Twitter.

Thanks for this opportunity!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

BTS: ghayas1
Followers: 6265

Also retweeted...

Tweet: https://twitter.com/iGYousafzai/status/1023384514872139776

My Tweet 1: https://twitter.com/arevalomariana/status/1023068161636278272
My BTS: mariana4ve
RT the original tweet
Followers: 1011

my 1st tweet: https://twitter.com/lerimarlopez/status/1024068492314767361
I retweeted original tweet
bts acc: leribyleri1992
followers 725

I have two twitter accounts

1st tweet from one account
Original tweet retweeted
Followers: 3063

2nd tweet from other account
Original tweet retweeted
Followers: 5154

BTS address- kwadjo-048

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My Tweet 1: https://twitter.com/erickperdomo6/status/1024138879463555072
My BTS: erick777
RT the original tweet
Followers: 815

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My Tweet 2: https://twitter.com/erickperdomo6/status/1024470463051964416
followers: 843
My Bts: erick777

My tweet 3: https://twitter.com/erickperdomo6/status/1024819172201644038
My Bts: erick777

Tweet: https://twitter.com/zarahemla2014/status/1022970195206451202

Bitshares: coriantun1

Followers 3032

retweeted original tweet

Tweet: https://twitter.com/shellylopezced/status/1024795728542162944
Bts: jahelly-lopez10
RT original tweet
Followers 2830



bts - h3o2
followers - 567

retweeted original

Retweet - https://twitter.com/SeanSupplee

Bitshares - bitcoinflood2

Followers 17,200 +



Number of followers: 1,515

Bitshares: dklef44


1st tweet: https://twitter.com/last_opinion/status/1022768469203476480

Bitshares: l-o-r

retweeted original

Followers: 395

2nd tweet: https://twitter.com/JUXTAmusicUK/status/1022779182676406272


Bitshares: atom-collector

Tweet post: https://goo.gl/wwfnDk

Bitshares address: sokia4real

Twitter followers: 964

Retweeted original post: https://twitter.com/Beyond_Bitcoin/status/1022620427489865731?s=19

Finally!!!!! Awesome news

Tweet link:
Followers: 1,935
BTS: djlethalskillz-777


Retweeted original tweet to Good luck \m/

1st tweet: https://twitter.com/Junkfeathers1/status/1022806770463518720
Followers: 2,980
BTS: jnkfthrs
and I retweeted original :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Number of followers: 337
BTS: desmond414
I retweeted original tweet

Twett 1: https://twitter.com/Renegade_Cesar/status/1022887988504797184
Followers: 26k
BTS: julio20119
RT Twett Original

1st tweet: https://twitter.com/Raicelys_Gomez/status/1022911973552529408

BTS: rmgc1982
Followers: 705
RT Original Tweet


Bitshares: crystalhuman420
Twitter Followers 1,328

Retweeted Original Tweet.


No of followers : 1280
My Bts: g-u-t-i

I retweeted original tweet

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

1st tweet : https://twitter.com/kwadwo_Anaman/status/1022981049977118722
Followers : 460
Bitshares: anaman-phil

2nd tweet : https://twitter.com/kwadwo_Anaman/status/1023270799803863040
followers : 460
bitshares : anaman-phil

3rd : https://mobile.twitter.com/kwadwo_Anaman/status/1023896287412989952
Bitshares: anaman-phil
Followers: 459

1st Tweet: https://twitter.com/AngelAsdrubalSC/status/1022982189867298816


My BTS ID: angelasdrubal20

Followers: 701

Tweet: https://twitter.com/CCCEJGGC/status/1023034366832926721
Bts: jengley14
RT original tweet
Followers 275

tweet: https://twitter.com/CoinRunner7/status/1023040989613711360

bitshares: c-r-7

followers: 4692


1st: https://twitter.com/beFrao/status/1022669982554046464

I retweeted

Bts: julio.corder0

Followers: 813

Tweet: https://twitter.com/olapadesam00/status/1022640579799343104?s=19

Follower: 550

Bitshares: samest1

Retweet the original post

Tweet: https://twitter.com/mariangel1608/status/1022679833451606016
Bts: mballesteros1608
RT original tweet
Followers 850

1st tweet: https://twitter.com/NicoRequenas/status/1023209213751975942
RT the original tweet
Followers: 106
Bitshares: nrequena-s

tweet link- https://twitter.com/HawkSeo/status/1023263268520034304
bitshares address- msk14

Tweet: https://twitter.com/Elvendid0/status/1022695365663961088

Follower: 6k

Bitshares: sms3312

Retweeted original

Bitshares: leya-argoz
Followers: 1520
Retweeted the original tweet
Thank you!:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


No. Of followers: 170
BTS ID: organik1

Retweeted original tweet!

Also retweeted the original post
pairmike is my BTS name

Tweet 1: https://twitter.com/josemgutic/status/1023418691269152770

BTS ID: j-o-x
Followers: 301
I retweeted original tweet

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this opportunity! I will study. I resteemed!


Number of followers: 1324

BTS Address: ramvzla1

Retweeted the original tweet

Tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/DipenDear/status/1022724033920610304
Followers: 410
BTS: dpnpl

Link to tweet https://twitter.com/RepostIndie/status/1023916933610123269?s=19

Number of followers 6931

Bitshares spawning-ro

1st Tweet


Retweeted original post

Followers: 461
Bitshares address: ntty1


No of followers : 390
Bts id : marepino25

I retweeted original tweet

Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheRedNiger/status/1024053945398960128
Bitshares: d-empress
Followers: 2069

Tweet https://twitter.com/bastian_jg/status/1024127739958362112
Followers 1308
Bts Address javiersgc-86

1st tweet https://twitter.com/Veki551155/status/1022747424408985600
followers 1.569
bts: telasius1


Are you sure there shouldn't be an @ at the beginning of the tweet text?

My BitShares Address: ladyf0nt
Number of Twitter Followers: 380
And I retweeted the original:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


My BitShares Address: theking-salt
Number of Twitter Followers: 1.405
And I retweeted the original:


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

twett 1: https://twitter.com/AJRatonski/status/1024778395433893888
Followers: 1.8 k
Bts address: anyelo1205

Retweeted original tweet

1st tweet: https://twitter.com/AtomCollector/status/1022749534722695168
Bitshares: atom-collector

retweeted original

Followers: 15.1K


Bitshare ID johnskotts333
Followers 1121
RT as well
Thank you