Day 999: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: 999

in wherein •  4 years ago 

Day 999: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: 999

This is really truly a big milestones... An awesome achievement! Freewrite have been continuing for the past 998 days... And this is the 999 day... Wow... Well done to all freewriters and thanks a lot to @Mariannewest and @freewritehouse for keeping this going strong...

9 is Chinese means longevity... Or forever... Which is a good thing... And have three 9s means forever and ever until the time ends...

So I wish freewrite 长长久久which means forever and ever...

I remember I started my first freewrite on Day 26 and here's that super funny post. I remember I wasn't sure about freewriting at all... And I thought it is only for writers... And I am no writer at all... But Marianne has been encouraging me and inviting me to just freewrite... And then until now... You can see everyone of us actually is a freewriter at some point...

So if you have never freewrite before, just try it... After a few times you will see the magic happens...

Happy freewriting and happy Friday!

If you know nothing about this cool 5-Minute Freewrite Daily Challenge, you should check out @mariannewest's introduction post to this cool challenge by @mariannewest.

Drop by @mariannewest's page for the daily prompt!

[WhereIn Android] (

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