Playing with the zooniverse snapshot APNR app i had found several impalas.
What´s zooniverse and zooniverse snapshots ?
Zooniverse is an image verification program carried out by human volunteers.
Wherever the machines still do not have the capacity to discern, humans are necessary to perform the classification of images.
Probably under this verification layer there is a Machine Learning program that allows machines in the future to be able to identify "models" by themselves.
Zooniverse snapshots is a project within zooniverse that seeks to identify mammals in different areas of Africa.
You also can play this scientific game registering in Zooniverse, selecting your favorite activity and checking forms, letters or images.
Where are the Impalas?
The question of the horns (these do not have) made me doubt, but all stay clear when I find in wikipedia the image Three Impalas drinking CC by Derek Keats
Are they or are not they the same animals?
Well, after this hard day of safari, I think I'll have dinner and I'll be able to go to bed.
Good dreams to all.
Thank you very much for your company and time.
Grateful for the comments, votes, smiles and re-steems
Grateful for the comments, votes, smiles and re-steems