Witchcraft Wednesdays: Witchcraft vs Wicca

in witchcraft •  7 years ago 

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So I went over what witchcraft is last week, and this week I want to tackle a very difficult subject - Witchcraft vs Wicca.

Popular belief is that they are one in the same, and that both is and is not true. While all Wiccans are witches, not all witches are Wiccan. Wicca falls under the umbrella term of witchcraft and paganism, and is a nature-based religion that revolves primarily around the worship of a God and Goddess. There are also commonly aspects of needing to study before initiation and practicing in a group or coven, but not always.

Witchcraft does not inherently need to be religious, though it can be. It can even include religions such as Christianity and Judaism, though I will go over that in another post. As I stated in my post last week, all witchcraft is at is core is the idea that we can manipulate the world around us with our natural energies. Anything beyond that is up to the individual and their personal practices.

But it begs the question; why do so many people confuse the two, even inside the community?

I think the answer is very simple. Many people looking to get into witchcraft who were not raised in it turn first to books, especially if they're trying to keep it hidden and their internet might be being spied on or they generally have no privacy with their computers as with many minors who are looking to get into witchcraft. These books are readily available at most public libraries, or in many cases going to a Barnes and Noble or similar book store allows you the ability to at least peruse without buying.

Now, this is where things get tricky. Many books you see that are marketed towards witchcraft are actually books on Wicca or are at least heavily flavored towards it. This is mostly because they were written in the 90's or earlier, when the line between witchcraft and Wicca was a lot more blurry than it is today. And in many cases because they are said to be for beginners or at least appear as such the people reading them don't know the difference and don't understand that all things related to witchcraft need to be taken with a grain of salt. These books talk about the Rede, the 3 Fold Law, the idea of Do No Harm, and other things that are not inherent to witchcraft at all and are in fact religious aspects of Wicca.

Because of this, myself and many other witches I have talked to believe this is why many beginners either turn fully to Wicca or at least incorporate many parts of it into their early craft and why people both inside and outside the community often believe the two are one in the same. From the perspective of an outsider trying to read these books as a good resource to understand what's going on because the internet is not available to them or they don't know where to begin when using such a vast resource it's easy to see why that kind of confusion happens as well.

So just remember - all Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccan. Non-Wiccan witches don't believe in the 3 Fold Law, they can and often do use their powers to curse people, and in many cases they really don't appreciate being confused for Wiccans and given the spiel for not following Wiccan rules. Don't assume someone is Wiccan just because they say they're a witch or practice witchcraft, as my mother used to say "When you assume all you do is make an ass out of you and me." :)

If there are any other topics you'd like to see me discuss in posts like this please let me know, I'd be happy to do so in the future ^^

Please take everything I say with a grain of salt. A big part of witchcraft is essentially critical reading. That is, not blindly following what anyone says even if you consider them to be any kind of authority figure. Look at every bit of information you take in and decide for yourself if that is something you want to abide by.

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There are so many facets to Witchcraft, It's why I consider myself a solitary eclectic. It suits my personal beliefs. Wicca is, or seems to be more specific in all of it's tenets. Thank you for bringing up this subject. I think the media and Hollywood hype have much to do with common misconceptions- Much like the differences between Satanism, and Witchcraft. I haven't seen your other posts, I will go back and take a peek! :)

Exactly. Wicca is a facet of witchcraft, and should not be confused with the greater whole. I also consider myself to be solitary eclectic because I incorporate many aspects of the craft into my personal system that no one label outside of that can really encompass it all. I also think that the media and Hollywood seem to be contributing to that, but more in the sense that witchcraft is evil and all that jazz as opposed to witchcraft and Wicca being the same practice. To be fair, however, just as Wicca is one facet to witchcraft so is Satanism. Like any religious structure Satanism is subject to some people forming cults around the belief system and abusing it, but most Satanists are just like anyone else in witchcraft - they want to be free to practice their beliefs without judgment or persecution and their beliefs are extremely misunderstood because of the media.

My only other post was last Wednesday when I gave a short introduction to what witchcraft is to the best of my ability to describe it. But Witchcraft Wednesdays are a thing I plan on doing for as long as I can to cover a variety of topics within witchcraft itself and hopefully help dispel some of the myths about it :)

Awesome @sigilmancy! I look forward to reading more from you on the topic! I have difficulty finding people that have an honest and traditional interest in it. Even on Facebook, the groups I have found are just full of uninformed posers I guess is a good word. Like, after they saw certain movies or tv shows, they follow it as the latest fad, or it becomes "trendy," rather than a deeply-rooted belief system. Glad I came across your profile.

Thank you! tumblr is a great place to look if you're at all interested in that, many of the big names there are great people with actual rooted belief systems as opposed to the Facebook groups. I know what you're talking about with them, that was my experience with a lot of trying to look into witchcraft at first using the internet and they're just as useful as the books I talked about. Great if you know to look at what they're doing with a critical eye and take it with a grain of salt, bad for newbies looking to actually get interested in things and oldies looking for more people like themselves.

Oh, okay, I've never even gone to tumblr, I will check it out!

If you need help or want the names of good people to follow let me know, tumblr can take some getting used to but it has by far been the greatest internet resource for witchcraft I've ever come across because of the people there ^^

Okay, cool, thank you... I will get an account set up later on this afternoon... gotta go to the store soon (blah, it's cold!)... Are you on there with the same profile name @sigilmancy?

It's cold here too, so I feel that one XD

I have a few blogs on tumblr but my witchcraft related one is over here since my main is under another name (sigilmancy was taken) and my main is kind of a random mish-mash of my more 'typical' life with like fandoms and junk.

I'll add another guess as to why people mistake the two. I suspect that, just on first glance, the fact that both words start W-I and have a C in them makes people assume that the words are related.

I also want to mention, and I hope you don't mind, that the phrase is actually "One and the same", not "One in the same".

That could also be the case, the words are very similar to one another and that can cause confusion between the two.

I don't mind, but where I grew up we always said "one in the same" so I suppose it's probably more of a slang/dialect thing :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh? Where did you grow up? Is it possible people were saying "one 'n the same?"

I'm such a troublemaker, sorry, telling people that what they know to be true isn't. :P

Michigan, about an hour from the Canadian border. People tell me I sound Canadian all the time, especially because I picked up slang like calling a Tim Horton's a Timmy's instead.

It is possible that people were saying that instead, yes, but I've always written it "one in the same" without problem. You're not a troublemaker, I actually find it interesting because language in general fascinates me ^^

Oh good! Yeah. I'm from Wisconsin, and the way I say it, it definitely sounds like won'nthuhsaim, which could be anything really.

Personally I think it's also a matter of culture: Wicca is far more common in english-speaking countries (understandable given it started as a reconstruction of celtic and pagan beliefs from the British Isles, and its creators were british for the most part) and featured strongly during the revival of witchcraft in the 60's and 90's; a lot of shows and urban fantasy series of the era take that as a backdrop or use elements from it at least once.

However, it's not as universal as it seems. In say, latin countries, "brujeria" or witchcraft calls to mind botanicas and people clad in white, Santeria (itself also a religion) Espiritismo or devotion to Santa Muerte depending on where you live; and Wicca and similar beliefs are rather unknown. Here in Venezuela for example, where Espiritismo and Santeria are what the mainstream associates witchcraft with for the most part, if one reveals they're a witch it will have people thinking about wearing white, smoking cigars and sacrificing animals rather than the Rede or the Do No Harm.

That 's interesting @keepingtarotreal! It makes total sense, and as I was reading your reply, I was reminded of Vodou/Voodoo, and how in my experience here in the US, (probably again because of Hollywood), it's looked at as strangely as say- Santeria- with bloody chickens and raising zombies from the dead; But in Haiti, it is a very important religious belief system. They are all IMO very fascinating cultural beliefs!

Awesome! I've got alot to say. Love your names essence. Your beliefs you lay out. Freedom of expression. My name is the essence of my own Sigil. I'm following you now! And, keep an eye out. A friend of mine and I are working on a documentary of post laveyan satanism. Funded by the church.. Of Satan. I'm no satanism, but I do believe in supporting the cause. Whatever that may be. Keep up the good work.

Thank you! I've followed back, and I'll happily keep an eye out. Satanism isn't actually as bad as people make it out to be, their core beliefs are not too dissimilar from the idea of modern feminism in a good way and most Satanists I've met are the most chill people so I'm actually interested to see such a documentary that will hopefully paint them in the light not many get to see. Keep up the good work yourself, I'm excited to see what it will bring :D

Yes, momentum is sure building! There's alot of controversy around the subject. And alot of fingers being pointed, rooted in misunderstandings. We know this. Thanks for the follow! One lucky thing, is the parliament building here in town. It's a literal mason temple, shrouded in mystery. Filled with sigils and symbolic value. We will be shooting a few scenes in there. Check out the Winnipeg Parliament building, there's all kinds of documentaries and whatnot on some of the symbolism.