RE: Steemchiller goes witness! Let's make Steem safe again ;)

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Steemchiller goes witness! Let's make Steem safe again ;)

in witness-category •  5 years ago 

Lucky you that you have seen zero hate speech. I guess you really sheltered yourself from seeing that. How, I do not know. It was everywhere. Particularly in group chats, and by many of "our" so called esteemed members and leaders. It was all there, racism, threats, name-calling, swearing, everything. Many of those chats could be (and were) seen by many. Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is a logical fallacy.

And who pray-tell do you think programmed those bots to spam users' blogs and their posts? Wouldn't be any of the same people would it?

Wouldn't be any of those people who threatened to fuck Justin and his team, would it?

Don't you know where that phrase originally came from? It originally came from chat and not from Justin. Justin just responded to it. But oh the mockery when he did.

If these people were civil, if they didn't lie, slander, defame, threaten, spam, or engage in other nefarious activity against Justin, then I agree. It was not acceptable to censor them.

However, if they did engage in that type of behavior, this then becomes a whole other issue.

I am sure Justin has an excellent legal team, who have gathered sufficient evidence to support all of his actions.

But of course, believe whatever you like.

Also, this is not the first-time posts or users have been censored on Steem.

Also, Justin didn't create the stake which he bought.

But well you know, if you want have to give the people something to love...and something to hate. Right? Isn't that how it works?

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