TripleA Witness

in witness-category •  5 years ago 

There is happening quite a lot in the moment on our Blockchain and it seems that the community is divided into several groups trying to achieve somehow the same goal but with different approaches.

  • We have groups that are using the Steem blockchain to announce a new Blockchain and probably to get investment. Fair thing and we wish them good luck. Getting investments for new Blockchains nowadays is not an easy job and I hope they have enough fundings for marketing.
  • We have groups that are trying to force the witnesses from Steemit Inc. out, as the force is claiming that the Steem used for voting was never planned for voting witnesses.
  • We have groups that are trying in the background to keep this chain whole and gather the interests from all parties to find a working ground together.


1. The TripleA Witness

TripleA is a Movie and TV show review site, based on Steem and Steem-Engine tokens trying to form an alternative platform to make it possible to reward content creators and curators on both sides. During the project, we also realized that a general reward, based on inflation without having the utility for investors is difficult to maintain when the user number is not on a similar level like services without any blockchain technology.

To be able to get more users on our platform we also have seen that we need several parts at the same time to create momentum.

  • Big enough marketing budget to onboard users.
  • Easier onboarding for users.
  • Services and digital products to create enough sink for the token economy.

With the news coming out that Tron may buy themselves into Steemit Inc. we were positive for having more marketing on the Steem Blockchain then before, which would be also positive for the TripleA project.

2. The past

There are a ton of posts about what happened from different views. One thing that we have seen in common is the following part.

  • The community does not want the witnesses from Steemit Inc. being kept on the top 20.
  • Steemit Inc. would be willing to remove their witnesses and votes when they can be sure that no funds may be frozen ever again.

There is in the moment a lot of talk going on behind between stakeholders that are NOT interested in a chain split because it would eventually weaken the whole community for all sides.

As far as we can see, words can be broken and code can be overridden with power. We will have to choose the difficult way to make a ground where we can at least try to trust each other.

3. The statement

@justinsunsteemit mentioned in a meeting with witnesses, Steemfoundation and the KR community that they would be willing to remove votes and witnesses when they can be sure that no fund may be frozen. A statement from the witnesses would be needed.

To start with it, we would like to inform the following to ensure the first step for a trust-based relationship.

The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain.

To emphasize our attention, we have launched our server based on version 0.22.5, which should be a message for Steemit Inc. itself.

4. Thoughts

We think that Steem is a great place. It does have a very diverse community and maybe also some geeky users but it is still a place where people can come together, get information and live together as a big community. We think that we are now on the edge of a lot of changes and that we may not return to the status quo as before. For that too much has happened already. But sometimes change may be needed to move forward.

We will act, as everybody else here on the chain, to do what we think is right. And that would be to try to establish governance on this chain for all participants.

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Smart move. Looks like he is buying older accounts now to make it seem that his witnesses are not sock puppets. You are not fooling anyone here...

I bet my ass that we will see 10 more random older accounts pop up in the top 20 in a matter of days...

That dev365 vote is like a stigma if you get it for a prolonged period of time.

This is exactly what's going to happen. He's going to bribe other witnesses to run his version, which will result in him saying: "Well, those are community witnesses". Community witnesses my ass.

I don't have anything against and their project, but this will be hilarious to watch when actual problems arise on Steem and nobody of the "new community witnesses", will know what to do.

This is pretty much the equivalent of hiring a new software developer and making him Lead Developer or Senior Developer instantly.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Please don't get me wrong, but you are literally saying the Korean community is not a "community." @proxy.token discusses who to vote with the KR members, and it's their decision to support There are other 40 more people who upvoted this witness other than proxy.token and justin, and they are not also in the community?? I'm personally getting tired to see the mindset from yourside that thinks ONLY the people who support your voice is a community...?

Also, the lead dev behind the is a LONG-TIME STEEM DEV in Korean community (even far longer than us - Steemhunt). Please don't think that only you guys are the "qualified" Steem dev or witness runner...

(Self-voted due to the long images above)

How can I vote for something that the man who is ruining and causing tension on a platform that I adore, also voted for? With all due respect it is not about one side pretending another doesn't exist, that is called a strawman argument. It is not "the other side" vilifying the Korean community. Justin Sun's actions are making any vote of his null-and-void. He is persona non grata in these parts. Its not Steemaphopia as you are suggesting. This comment neglects to mention any of nuances of the argument instead the comment is hypocritical and trying to label everyone from "the other side" (your word's) as villains. You are guilty of the very same thing you are complaining about in this comment, in fact, many people such as myself have been very humble throughout this whole experience. Let's not fall into that abyss, the witnesses that are being mentioned as socks are highly suspect and receiving votes from the ninja block and accounts of two different exchanges, the blockchain is very transparent and the proof is there if you want to see, this is not just people attacking all that is Korean.

Justin Sun is an awesome guy if you were to actually look and see what he's done with his own blockchain tron. Which I have been on steem since 2017 and i'll tell you right now he will run it way better than Ned ever did. The witnesses caused this, Justin just defended his investment and stake.

No, my Comrade, only their community is The Community!

Have you learned any history? :D

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

There seems to be a bit of vote shaming going on, in my opinion. It seems a bit like the narrative of the 2016 election in the US, a choice between the lesser of two evils. Guess that's what forks are for.

Novacadian shrugs

@null|Mr. Sun

No, we say the intention is part of a crime. You are guilty.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

This looks like a J.S. Server with a new account attached to it, they probably have admins. o.Ó

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello Hachyn, hows it going? HAtchin, hachin whatever the name is.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Will you publicly discuss upcoming hardfork changes before you run the code ?
Have you made private contact with Justin Sun, or the Steemit Inc team ?
In other circumstances I would be glad to support this witness, I like what you've done with the AAA tribe, but a brand new witness shooting to tenth place overnight with the support of the NinjaMine and Poloniex ? Red flag.

What a pointless spam_?!

The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain.

Such a statement seems a little unnecessary and possibly naive. On a decentralised blockchain where such actions would require a super majority of top witnesses (17 out of 20), there is close to zero chance anyone's stake would be maliciously frozen. If any top witnesses planned such actions they would not remain top witnesses for very long.

If the blockchain comes under threat, it is the duty of the witnesses to protect the blockchain. Under these circumstances, a temporary restriction to particular actions might be deemed necessary until the threat is removed.

If the blockchain comes under threat, it is the duty of the witnesses to protect the blockchain. Under these circumstances, a temporary restriction to particular actions might be deemed necessary until the threat is removed.

This part is what we see different, as some other top 20 witnesses at that time did also.

What was your price tag? This post contradicts itself at least 5 times, but the major flaw is behind the bullet points.

  • Big enough marketing budget to onboard users.
  • Easier onboarding for users.
  • Services and digital products to create enough sink for the token economy.

That indicated a bailout, but it ain't gonna happen.
You rely on the word of someone that forced his own friend and Co. Founder out of TRON in 2019 (by centralizing it) and made every credible developer of STEEMit Inc. leave the company. What the hell are you even talking about when you say or write 'STEEMit Inc.'. There ain't none left besides the TRON F.

AND YOU THINK, he will stick to his word(bait) after you gave him the power to do else wise? Why would he do that and what's the reason he's not doing it on the TRON chain? Last time I checkt, TRON was worth 0,009$? Where are the sinks in the nearly ~700 developed DAPPs for TRON?

Empty words and deceptions, maybe stay with the facts. Only the past can tell the truth and his past is damn dark and dirty.
And last but not least, if he'd bought his STEEM on the exchanges, just like anyone else... how big would your profit have already been compared to now? Think about that for a second.

There's this famous phrase:

Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me.

@exyle heres how you can make top ten witnesses. Ask the Koreans how you can kiss ass like them. Maybe they give you pointers.

To the rest of you... Can we PLEASE Hard Fork already and GTFO.

Having spammers and vote abusers like Virus in top 10 witness spot voted in by ninjamine stake is an abomination.
It's an attack on sanity.

Don't you get that Justin will use these turncoats to push the idea that the community supports him. That there are no sock puppets any more.
He will continue to vote in his supporters and control the chain.

This is a puppet.. you waste your words ;))

But good energy! <3

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Glad to see a new witness project representing another community. I think it is crucial that we have a good diversity of witnesses both in order for more Steemians to feel represented, but also for improved security when the top witnesses don't hold the same views and thus cannot easily collude.

I have two questions before deciding to vote:

  1. I assume you're a team of people? How many are involved with Who are they on Steem? And what are the skills that you have on the team?
  2. Does anyone in the team have blockchain development knowledge and experience to test proposed code for a new hardfork if necessary?

@fredrikaa thanks for stopping by.
I think the following link introducing the TripleA team would help.

Cool, a new witness.

Just wondering why the account is only voting itself and not other developer witnesses?

I could use a witness vote. After getting bumped from 56 to 94 to 86 in all of this crazyness.

You can click this link to go vote:

Bahahahaha. Fucking lmao.

Thank you for the laugh this morning!


What is your opinion on Justin Sun, if its actually as negative as your profile suggest,you'll never see a vote from me and should go get hives.

Dick-Suck Sun is a fucking pathetic little cuck. He's trying to overcompensate for his fucking micropenis by acting like a tyrant over here. Funny thing is, his shitty little empire is going to fall. He's too fucking stupid for his own good. LMFAO. Dumb ass Dick-Suck Sun

You should go to hive anyway, this place has become a heaping pile of shit lol. If you don't like Justin Sun, he uses that "developmental" stake to knock your dick in the dirt. Joke's on him when all that stake becomes worth a few bucks LOL Dick-Suck Sun, you truly are a fucking retard. ;) Tiny-dicked, tiny-brained fucking little bitch. LMFAO

you all are going to break the chain and mess up the economy of the chain, making it worthless.

Have fun wrecking it into a tree!

The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain. < so you are on board with Hive now too? We are waiting for you!

The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain.

Didn't take long for you to break this promise after what you did with the latest soft fork freezing funds for several large accounts such as @blocktrades

I am 100% for the Korean community having witnesses, but not like this. How this witness was voted in makes it only marginally better than Justin's sockpuppets. The Korean community is playing with fire in terms of their future token value in attempting to appease Justin, and his eventual dismantling of the STEEM chain. If you all think downvotes are bad, I hope you will enjoy your subpenny STEEM.

As one of the top witnesses on Steem now- Can you tell me how you feel about these changes to the terms of service? Some open and honest communication would help during these trying times.

Do you agree with these changes? Were you consulted at all before they were changed? Do you really believe people need written permission to promote each other? Am I seriously not allowed to promote anything that isn't Steemit?

If you can't answer these questions that isn't a good look for the future of steem...

User Conduct

14.1. When accessing or using the Services, you agree that you will not commit any unlawful act, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using our Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not:

14.1.7. Use our services to promote third-party platforms or to promote each other without our written permission.

We have groups that are trying to force the witnesses from Steemit Inc. out...

Lol... what a heap of BS... let me fix this for you, it should read:

The original consensus witnesses are trying to protect the blockchain from Justin Sun's sock puppet witnesses taking over

You're not fooling anyone with a new witness account and pretending it's a legitimately voted member of our distributed community. This account has very few votes compared to lower level witnesses that have put in years of work supporting this chain.



We have groups that are trying to force the witnesses from Steemit Inc. out, as the force is claiming that the Steem used for voting was never planned for voting witnesses.

"Witnesses from Steemit" <-- You mean sock puppets sybil attacking the chain? And this isn't some empty claim. It's well documented.

because it would eventually weaken the whole community for all sides.

You sure about that? Imagine a chain split where all the apps, all the users, and all the community move to the new chain. All that would be left on Steem would be Justin and his sock-puppets. Seems in that situation, we win, he loses.

As for your statement, is there no situation where you might take direction action to protect the integrity of the chain? None at all? So if the chain was attacked and value destroyed, you'd be okay with that happening on your watch as an elected witness?

For other things, they are just different opinion from your side (and we must value for all different opinion, right?)

This account has very few votes compared to lower level witnesses that have put in years of work supporting this chain.

--> This account is new, but the Steemians to run this witness node are the long time devs and business people who created many things. Also, the @proxy.token is not just one account, but for being backed by more than hundreds of accounts from KR community. I don't think it has any rule for like "only such days of run witness" can be the main witness... am I wrong??

So it is a matter of opinion whether exchanges should vote on DPoS? Because your Sock 'Witness' is also powered by Poloniex votes.

You can turn it as you want, you've lost your face. This matrix of lies you've presented here, just to hide the fact that you've been bribed. Everyone can see what's going on. I hope it was at least worth your body weight in gold, otherwise you're a complete idiot.

Do those long time devs and business people realize they are threatening the chain by not speaking out against an individual who is okay with centralizing the chain? Do they realize how that puts everything built here (including their businesses) at risk?

v0.22.5 was implemented as part of a sybil attack and complete take over of the Steem blockchain using lies and deception with centralized exchanges (who have since reversed their stance). By supporting that, it signals to voters what you think is acceptable as a witness for the Steem blockchain (complete centralization and take over). That, I can not support.

Are you seriously still here baiting people and being a jerk? Justin is a legit businessman and you're out here being mean. The only sock puppet you should worry about is the one your load goes into. Justins witness nodes will upgrade just fine now buzz off back to your little cesspool of hives.


Justins witness nodes

Do you even blockchain? One person running all the nodes on a DPoS consensus chain is not a blockchain. It's a centralized database run by one person who is fine with censoring content on Steemit.

Whether or not Justin is a legit businessman isn't the question. The way he thinks about blockchain technology is. Anyone who still supports his actions doesn't understand blockchain (IMO), and I think they will eventually learn the hard way.

Blah blah blah. You have no idea what your talking about. Tech is tech. You've grown complacent and idealized some concept of higher moral ground thats totally unfounded. Get over it. Move on.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

You're just a fucking retard with a low IQ. You are either too ignorant or too fucking arrogant, to accept the truth in all of this. Dick-Suck Sun is lashing out because of his micropenis. He's power drunk and he's abusing a system that shouldn't be abused. If you honestly think he's a good force at this point, you're even more fucking retarded than you already come off. SMFH.

Your opinion. It is not the reality of planet earth as you think.

This serves as a response to any of your comments.


  ·  5 years ago (edited) can you confirm that you will not allow something like this to ever happen again?

I also question why you would run 22.5 when 22.1 is the same with the exception that it wasn't part of a hostile takeover. If you are for the community and not supportive of a tron takeover, why not select a community version?

I approved as witness.

Posted using Partiko iOS


The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain.

Translation: You’re a Justin Sun sock puppet.

Great initiative. Voted!

Voted, but check your node. You missed your first block.

So why are you voting for him? What a fucking idiotic thing to do.

"I voted you into the top 20 before you even know how to turn your witness node on"

Just as stupid as Justin Sun @clayop

I helped them to setup witness node, and my vote is when they are waiting for new blocks after missing a block. So technically, I voted for them as I realized the node is working.

After my resignation there's no Korean witnesses. is the first new one and I want to fully support this move regardless of Justin's vote.

Where I am from, supporting (or not supporting) someone solely based on the race is referred to as racism.

Appreciate the response.

Don't get me wrong. Despite of cultural differences, I don't vote for witnesses who have poor performances. Triple A team represents Korean community, can suggest their opinions to STEEM community, and I expect Triple A can increase diversity in the witness group.
As I told, Justin' vote is indifferent from mine. I voted before he did, and I don't want change my decision just because other's vote. If I think it degrades the decentralization, I can revoke my vote, but this moment isn't the case.

I'm surprised to see you take this position, Clayop. I thought blockchain technology wasn't supposed to be about race or nationality but about voluntary contributions from diverse people all over the world?

True. So what I want is to represent Korea community's (and their stakes) opinions. If shows negative performances, or damages decentralization, I can reconsider my vote.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Dude none cares about the vote of Justin.. he can buy STEEM and vote as much as he wants! The Ninja Stake should not be a voting power and at the very first of all things... Exchanges should not vote. Poloniex is still in the Justin Sun Mix, you approve that? Think that is a good thing?

He was willing to buy STEEM on the 'Black Market' by overtaking the leftovers of STEEMit inc., then all the dev. of STEEMit saw them selves forced to quit their jobs and after all that damage he used 3 exchanges to overthrow governance. Even Financial Times and Bloomberg called em out on that and yet you side with him. How do you explain that to urself?

You might love this movie: The Devils Advocate

TripleA Witness가 상위 증인이 된 것을 축하 합니다.
앞으로 증인으로서 스팀과 유저들을 위한 많은 일을 해 주시리라 믿습니다.

한편 스팀짱에서도 zzan.witnesses로 증인 대열에 합류하고자 준비를 하고 있습니다. 상호 존중과 더불어 증인 업무에서 긴밀한 협력이 이루어져 스팀 발전에 이바지 할수있기를 기대 합니다.

다시한번 축하드리며 그간의 노고에 감사드립니다.

Man, you guys fucking suck.

I hope Steem community would evolve with a variety of culture and ideas including US Europe SEA and all

Thank you for your service!

@tipu curate 2

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 10/20 - need recharge?)

Cool! Go for it!
I think is really awesome project.

You do realize that you are in violation of the new ToS? Or did you already get written permission to promote and @justinsunsteemit?


I think a lot of things you say are very good, but when there are interests involved, nothing will turn out well, for me, and using a living example of the world, steemt must be like the creation of a nation, and that must comply two initial things, forming a Republic and establishing clear rules; Here in Steemit changes the rules from time to time according to the convenience of power groups that have quotas of power, nothing good sadra of something like that. Stability that is what you have to try.

I will be posting on both blockchains. Steemit and HIVE. Time will tell how both blockchains develop...

Quieres hacer algo productivo para ti/por ti en esta cuanentena?, Listo a que te presento anda a este link:

Hello, please consider supporting my friend and long-time Steemit guy @mrviquez with our @block-buster witness and congrats on the continued success on Steem.

Thank you for helping the blockchain remain active, and I appreciate your thoughts on the situation. I do agree, absolutely, that no one should ever have their funds threatened! It was the main reason for the creation of cryptocurrencies. I do not agree, however, that accounts should make promises not to vote. Voting is essential for community members. If the Steem blockchain were to start over tomorrow, it would obviously do things differently. Voting rights belong to everyone, including large stakeholders. Rather than exclude anyone from the voting process, we should focus on the unfairness of the voting system. To show my appreciation for you running a witness node, I am voting for you. I believe it was very irresponsible for so many witnesses to shut down their nodes. The first priority of a reliable blockchain, is to keep the ledger live and updated. Thank you!

we agree with you 100% and will support your decisions.

HIVE Could Face a Massive Class Action Lawsuit for Intellectual Property Theft


A group of rogue members of the Steem blockchain community have unilaterally copied the intellectual property of millions of content creators without even the slightest decency to even attempt to seek their consent...

스팀의 독수리 오형제를 찾아라/스팀짱 풀보팅 이벤트입니다.

독수리 오 형제 하면 무척 친근한 말입니다.
독수리 오 형제는 일본 다쓰노코 ...


I want to share with you something, can i have your discord or any contact? so that we can communicate. My discord ID same @mehta

Hi, how are you doing? Two days ago, I voted for your witness '' with my account and proxy and I explained why I voted on it in this post:

In the post, I also discussed some things that may be worthy of further discussion in relation to the steem blockchain. Kindly take a look. Where possible, you can share your thoughts as well.

I also started a witness on steem called 'surpassinggoogle'. I announced it here. Where you decide to support it, that would be inspirational.

Is there a group for steem witnesses that is current? I will like to join. I am on discord as 'surpassinggoogle#1660'

Your boy Terry

The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You agree to an entity, that will shut down your newly created witness anyway. Because with 3days in and out, the chain will be raped by another Justin every week. Kinda until STEEM is worth 0.00000000001Cent and then all witnesses will shutdown anyway. Actually that is what Justin Sun said in one of his first Tweets. We will go to TRON together , because STEEM will be worthless by then.

Can‘t be, no one is that stupid, wolf is right. This is another Puppet. And finally a place to drop my downvotes, that is what I see.

 i upvoted you as a witness kindly follow me on fanbase

"The team behind TripleA and the witness server will NEVER involve nor confirm any action or code that could freeze or limit the stake of anybody on the Steem blockchain."

Took you less than 30 days to prove that statement to be total bullshit and that your a lair,
