What's up Steemians. You guys can do this one pre-season, early-season, or 1-2 sets each w/cardio late-season. Try to push yourselves and get through each segment within 5 minutes. If that's easy then push it to 4 minutes or 3 and so on. If it's too fast, keep 5 as your goal until you hit it. Remember to warm-up your whole body before beginning this workout. If you don't know what to do to warm up, there is a dynamic full body warm-up posted on my page.
You're going to need:
- Barbell w/plates
- 1 Resistance Band
- Any Leg Curl Machine
- 1 Balance Ball
- Front Squat, 3x12
- Split Squat Jump, 3x20ea
- Bench Press, 3x12
- Toe Touches w/plate, 3x50
- Bent Over Row, 3x12
- Wide-Grip Pullup. 3x10
- Plate Curls, x20
- Plate Overhead Hold, 30sec
- Plate Tricep Extension, x20
- Plate Squat & Press, x20
- Plate Shoulder Press, x20
- Glute Ham Raise, 2x10
- Standing Leg Curl, 2x10
- Balance Ball Leg Curl, 2x10
Forearm Circuit
- DB Wrist Extension, x20
- DB Wrist Flexion, x20
- DB Wrist Inversion, x20
- DB Wrist Rotation, x20
Rotator Cuff
- Resistance Band Internal Rotation, x12
- Resistance Band External Rotation, x12
- Resistance Band 90/90 Internal Rotation, x12
- Resistance Band 90/90 External Rotation, x12