RE: Saw the first UFO in a while last night...

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Saw the first UFO in a while last night...

in writing •  5 years ago 

Does meeting an alien have to be physical and in person or could it be on a consciousness level? I wrote a post a while back about a theory of alien sightings and abductions. It discussed the possibility of them being caused from a spontaneous release of DMT in the individuals brain. DMT experiences are often very similar to alien abduction experiences. So perhaps aliens communicate with humans on another realm of consciousness or perhaps individuals are actually communicating with parts of their own subconscious that manifest itself into other beings. Something that I find interesting to think about is that people used to have sightings of fairies, pixies, nymphs, sirens, leprechauns...etc but not anymore. Perhaps aliens are the same beings as the ones in those other experiences but they are just manifested in a different way that suits this point in time.

These are just questions and speculations and alternate theories on the subject. Of course, I'm not suggesting that physical real life aliens do not exist and that sighting arent possible. They could be for sure. I'm just brainstorming.

Have you ever looked into DMT experiences or read the book DMT: the spirit molecule?

I feel like you probably would know a lot about the subject if DMT so I'm just wondering about your thoughts on the DMT - alien connection? If you agree with it or disagree.

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Hey leaky20! Thanks for reading and for the interesting thoughtful comment.
I think an alien encounter could totally be psychological or in one's mind or due to an affect/effect of an entheogen or hallucinogenic drug. I've heard many reports of such, I think certain drugs might make people much more receptive to seeing such and perhaps even open gateways to speak to specific entities, or it could just all be an illusion and part of our own mind tricking us into thinking we're talking to other beings when it's our own consciousness the whole time.

In regard to DMT, I think that's possible though when I dug deep into DMT it seemed to be like it's a theoretical chemical and that no science has ever actually proved it exists naturally within the body, yeah there's the chemical you can ingest, though in regards to it occurring in dreams, birth and death or highly traumatic or intense experiences like some people say, I'm not sure if there's any truth to that or if it's just theory. I'm certainly open-minded to it though and it does make a good amount of logical sense to me that some kind of extreme chemical is released when extreme things happen, we are very chemical creatures.

In regards to fairies, pixies, nymphs, sirens, leprechauns etc I think maybe those beings did exist and went extinct or perhaps they were psychological hallucinations, or maybe they were alien beings from elsewhere? Reminds me of Aleister Crowley when doing his witchcraft occult stuff reporting meeting a being that looked a lot like a grey alien.
I forgot his name, I think it was Ian or Iam or LAM.. Lemme see if I can find it on Google real quick.


To answer your questions, I have looked into DMT a bit, I haven't read the book but I watched the documentary. It's a fascinating subject.
And to echo what I said above, I'm very open-minded to it. I dunno what's true, but I do know that numerous people in the occult world including numerous I've spoken directly to use entheogens to talk to what they believe are Gods or beings from elsewhere... And when I asked if they were open to the possibility it was just in their mind, like the effect of the drug they took, they said "No" they absolutely believe it was a real being separate from them that was communicating with them.

Really makes me wonder, but I admit I don't know.

I heard that as well - that DMT is naturally produced in humans (and many other plant and animal species), with the biggest punch of it happening during birth and death. However, I do not know where I read that so I cant say for certain that it's true or just a theory - so that's a good point you raised.

My understanding is that it is constantly produced in humans in extremely small quantities but that's it's also metabolized pretty much immediately by a certain enzyme. Under high stress the body might stop producing the enzyme that breaks it down and the brain might get flooded with a high dose. This is exactly how ayhuaska works. The ayhuaska vine inhibits the enzyme (monoamine oxidase I believe) that breaks down DMT so people get a long, slow burn, dose of DMT.

People who experience aliens and other beings while on DMT state that their experiences are real and that even though they know they took DMT, that they truely met with the other being somehow. Possibly on another realm of consciousness?

The clinical trial research on administering DMT to patients that was done by Staussman (author of the book mentioned) is super facinating. I wrote a research paper on the subject and submitted it to one of my 4th year psychology classes. Surprisingly it was well recieved by the instructor. I was a bit worried because it's such a fringe subject. I posted it on steemit a year or so ago for fun lol.

Anyway, its an interesting subject. If you do get abducted by real aliens I hope they bring you back so you can tell us about the experience

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whoa, nice one.. never thought about that

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Just a thought and theory :)

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