in writing •  4 years ago  (edited)

The Princess turned on the charm throughout the meal. Jay didn't know if it was a royalty thing or a Pacific islander thing. The way she always treated those who were effectively employees, with the utmost respect. While she treated those who were her social equals, and even superiors, with undisguised disdain. They spent half their time comparing photographs of their children. When the meal concluded and he'd paid the substantial bill, plus a large tip, Nef followed him to their car. Ignoring him as he opened the rear door for her she sat in the front passenger seat. His heart lurched. There was more. How stupid of him to think her making him the unwilling CEO/President of Kreuz Electronics, was the bad thing. When if he'd thought about it, he'd have known it was a mildly distasteful precursor. Jay should have also wondered what was in that briefcase she'd had him carry.

"Will you take me to the park?" She asked sliding over, closer to him.
Nef rested her head on his shoulder briefly.
"Which one?" He asked, his voice flat and emotionless.
She pulled out her phone. Activating the tracking software, before showing it to him.

It took barely a second or two to enter the coordinates into the satnav. What the hell did this have to do with Tianni and Cassie? Surely whatever reveal she planned would be connected to what they'd been doing today. They drove in silence. Every so often he sensed her looking at him. He kept his eyes on the road ahead. His mind thrashing around in endless circles, as he fought to get to grips with a problem he didn't know anything about. Jay didn't trust himself to look at her. There were far too many questions bubbling inside him. Fortunately it was only a ten minute drive to the location. As they drew up to park, Lev and Miles parked beside them. He spotted the kids. Jacob, showing off again, Tianni laughing at his antics. Cassie, shy like her mother, holding on tightly to Miss Boyle's hand and Sophie's as they swung her between them. An image of pure bliss to ease his troubled soul. He reached for the door release. The Princess grabbed his arm.

"There's something you need to see first Jay."
The briefcase was open on her lap. She handed him the file it contained. It felt so heavy in his hands. Jay stared at it.
"What is it? I'm not opening it until I know what it is." His voice cracked as emotion choked him. "I won't take no for an answer."
This time she stroked his arm.
"I understand." She sighed mournfully. "It's over two years of intensive investigation. It's all the remaining evidence that Bradley Kreuz drugged and raped Sophie, then blackmailed her into sleeping with him again. That of course was to make her infidelity more provable. There are pictures and video files. He filmed it all of course. Then used that to force her to betray you and Dale. She knows about it. I'm going to leave you here, we'll expect you when we see you."
He nodded mechanically his head filled with a thousand images, ideas and even more questions. Most of which boiled down to, how would Sophie have let him know, without it setting off the volcanic eruption forcing its way from the depths of his soul. Things fell into place. Small incidents over the years, that he'd put down to women's things. Well rape certainly fell into that category. He couldn't even talk about Nando's heroic death without choking up. How much harder would it have been for Soph to open up about something like this.
"Thank you."
Once he'd said it, he knew he meant it. No matter how impossible that seemed. She kissed his cheek softly. Wiped away the lipstick. Before exiting the car without another word. He must sat there for a long time. His unfocussed eyes pointing at the file. He needed some air. Jay climbed out of the car, feeling old and tired. His expensive lunch ejected from his stomach as he crouched over the hood of the car.
"Take a deep breath." Miles advised him.
He and Lev were still there. Standing beside their vehicle. Jay wiped his mouth. Lev handed him a bottle of water to rinse it out. It almost choked him.
"Did you know about this?" He asked tonelessly.
"Only the broad details. No specifics." Miles answered matter of factly his gaze wandering off to the left as he spoke.
Jay followed the line of sight. Princess Leilani was standing there, looking concerned. The smell of the smoke stirred up the storm in his brain. One of the park workers was burning cuttings in an oil drum. Before he knew he was moving Jay found himself beside it. He tossed the envelope in.
"Hey you can't... Whoa man." The groundsman backed away his hands held up to fend Jay off.
The look on Jay's face must have told him this wasn't someone to be reasoned with. He pulled out his wallet extracted all the cash. Handed it to the man. Who accepted it cautiously.
"I'm just going to watch it burn."
"Sure man whatever... There's over two hundred dollars here buddy. If there's anything else you wanna burn let me know."
The last recognisable fragments dissolved into ash and melted plastic. He'd reached the center of the hurricane. Jay walked briskly back to the cars. Miles and Lev standing where they been all this time. All the parts of the puzzle had fallen into place.
"Where is he?" Jay demanded. "I don't give a fuck if I have to take on the entire FBI. Where is he?"
Miles gave a grim smile.
"He's all safe and secure Jay. The FBI owe us a few favors. This will use up all of them. We'll take you to him. The two of you can have a private chat. Discuss old times, without any interruptions."
Saying this Miles opened the rear door of the car ushering Jay in.

Her heels were digging into the grass as she tottered over to her friends and the children. Leilani looked back as the car screeched away. She'd done the right thing. Hadn't she? There were debts that had to be paid. As Bradley's father had discovered this morning. The last of those who'd financed the attempts to subvert Tuvah. That comfortable anonymity he'd enjoyed for years had come to an abrupt end. Once he'd been gutted of every bit of information he possessed, he'd be gutted in the showers of a penitentiary. Money and power would see to that. For once it was for the betterment of mankind rather than its detriment. Damn it. She leaned against a bench and removed her shoes. That was better. Some problems were that easy to solve. Others took a lot longer and their echoes lingered well beyond. Sophie had spotted her approach, joining her friend with a tight smile on her pretty face.

"Well?" She murmured.
"He didn't even look. Just threw them on a fire. Watched them burn. Didn't even check the contents."
"How was he?"
"Hard to say Soph. You know what he's like. Keeps it all bottled up." She paused. "I'm going to change the subject now, if you don't mind. How have our little monsters been today?"
Sophie linked arms.
"Let's go and ask them."

Seething wasn't the word. Raging didn't scratch the surface. Krakatoa was a party popper compared to his internal conflagration. He'd checked his firearm at least six times. It was displacement of course. He wasn't going to use it. Unless anyone was stupid enough to get in his way. They pulled up outside a grey three story building. Lev opened the door for him as he controlled his breathing as best he could. The big Russian grinned.

"I have baseball bat in trunk?"
That would be too quick.
"Thanks for the offer Lev, but I'll pass. Where is he Miles?"
A nod from his now friend and they were heading in. Two flights up to the second floor. Along a corridor with empty offices to both sides. They stopped at a door. No different to any of the other doors. Miles quickly unlocked it, then thrust something into Jay's hand.
"These might come in handy. He's in there. Has no idea what's going. Lev and I will wait outside for you. Take as long as you like. He's behind the door to the left."
"Thanks mate."
"What are friends for?"
Jay gave a chuckle.
"Mostly taking the piss out of me. I owe you one. I'll see if I can get Nef to give you both a pay rise."
"I earn enough as it is thanks. Give the fucker a good thorough workout."
Jay entered the offices. He stepped through the locked door to the room containing Bradley, who was pacing the floor. Pulling on the MMA gloves. He'd be able to hit a lot harder with these.
"It's about damn time." Bradley exclaimed before he recognised Jay. He swallowed nervously. "I know my rights. You can't hold me here. I want a lawyer."
"Nice to see you again Dudley... Or is it Didley." The annoyed expressions crossing that face pleased him. Jay stretched his hands waggling his fingers. "Wait. I'm seeing if I can remember. What did she say to you? Oh that's it. Scream and shout as much as you like. No one's coming to help you. That's what you said to her wasn't it?"
There was the fear. That would soon turn into terror and panic. Bradley backed away.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Where's my lawyer?"
"Oh Bratt you don't need a lawyer. You're going to need a good surgeon though. I'll be only too happy to jog your memory about the past." He flexed his hands again. "Big and buff as you are Tad, I can kick the shit out of you in a fair fight. This will not be a fair fight. I promise you, you'll be pissing blood by the time I'm through with you. I always keep my promises. I don't want you to look on this as revenge. I want you to look on it as a valuable educational opportunity. I'm going to teach you all about excruciating agony. You should probably take notes. I'd love it if you put up some form of resistance. I don't expect it of course. You whiny pansy."
Brad held up his hands as the groundsman had done. Backing away into an inconvenient wall, he then began to edge along.
"I have money. My dad knows people who could make your life hell."
Jay laughed.
"Correction Chet. You had money. Your dad knew people, who are now being interviewed by the authorities. No one knows you're here you sack of shit. Any last wishes?"
Before the man could draw a breath to speak, Jay was all over him. After five or ten minutes of punching and kicking him around the room, Jay got more scientific and experimental. When the handsome face had become a mass of macerated flesh and bruises, the howls, shrieks and screams became a lot quieter. That was a shame. They'd sounded like music to Jay's ears. He moved on to creating another happy tune.

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