RE: Yellow Vest Movement, France: 65.000 police officers and military mobilized to stop further riots.

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Yellow Vest Movement, France: 65.000 police officers and military mobilized to stop further riots.

in yellow-vests •  6 years ago 

Dear @friendly-fenix

Thx for your long comment. I loved it. I wonder how things will play out in upcoming weeks. Macron seem not to have any idea or willingness to address the problem and it's only getting worse.

I already watched few videos about "Tlatelolco massacre". What a nightmare :/

Piotr I also rather not discuss immigration or where Im from it is very sensitive and complicated

I agree with you. Let's not talk about it.

Thailand is apparently questionably a democratic country I heard...?

Yeah, very questionably.


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Hey Piotr, thanks for being a cool guy. I have some technical problems so if Im not "hyper-active" on steemit, it's because of this, always something right? =(

Yeah we will see. what happens, glad you watch some of that history, we can only learn from history and try to improve...But it has a tendency of repeating it self... But you are probably right this would never happen in France, and not in Mexico either not now, the newly elected president is humanitarian and popular amongst the people and he is planning many social reforms to improve the country!


Im sorry for such a late reply @friendly-fenix

I just realized that I missed bunch of comments lately. Just wanted to thank you for keeping in touch with me.

Hopefully you had a great weekend,

Yeah, it was a good time to rest. I have mainly been resting...
Thanks stopping by, I see that you are very active around here now?!

hi @friendly-fenix

I see that you are very active around here now

Im trying to engage and support those who are also active and mostly if they share similar interests towards crypto and blockchain.

My goal is to build strong community, assuming that knowing right people from within industry will help me create more business opportunities in the future :)

That's my idea and strategy. Hope it will work out just fine :)


Interesting, Im here to learn and do some light socialization, this is still an experiment too me, I wanted one year to figure out what kind of platform this is/was... If its safe, what the purpose is, the intentions of the creators and the community here... Etc etc...

business opportunities in the future

That sound intelligent, probably a smart strategy.

Thanks Piotr you are a friendly person!


Hi @friendly-fenix/

I wanted one year to figure out what kind of platform this is/was...

And what your impression? You joined exactly one year ago :)

I hope you're going to stay.

Thanks Piotr you are a friendly person!

And vice versa. You're a really kind and friendly Fenix :)


Thanks and good question piotr... You have also been very friendly and thanks for being so helpful! I will give you the nitty-gritty:

I think it has been fun and interesting, I think people should try it, it's really different from old social media, since it's not necessarily attached to your real name/persona and you can make crypto from using steemit these things are good.

And I think if used responsibly virtual communities like steemit can replace things like twitter and facebook at least up to 90% , I understand people who still would need things like facebook to keep in touch with relatives and friends in other parts of the world, (but FB's business ethics repel me and I think people should look for more ethical communication platforms).

Steemit is interesting because you can express yourself more freely, you can make new friends, you can join teams, you can raise funds for projects, as I see it this is probably what new social media will look like in the future a bit more anonymous, blockchain-based, rewards for interesting content.

One positive thing is that I learnt to write a lot better, and in ways I think I became a slightly more grateful and less arrogant person from using steemit...

It's weird, but I believe it to be true...

Of course there are also some negatives, all the stuff you wrote/write is stuck in this blockchain forever for everyone to see and analyse, and when there is "money"/crypto involved people get angry sometimes there is a lot of competitive behavior, cronyism, cult-like-digital-tribalism, abusers and enablers, drama and even "war", well virtual "flag-wars". 😔

But I think most of the problems can be fixed and what causes drama could be addressed, things can get even better and more amazing!

My recommendation to you piotr and everyone is to be a bit careful with this new medium and enjoy it responsibly, try to create some healthy boundaries and stick by those... Maybe create a few different profiles and try different methods of using steemit?


I truly always enjoy reading your comments @friendly-fenix

I understand people who still would need things like facebook to keep in touch with relatives and friends in other parts of the world

Exactly. I think majority of people only use fb messanger already. Only because most of my relatives/friends are still there. It's just a matter of time before many of them will delete their accounts and then I will say 'bye bye' to facebook too.

One positive thing is that I learnt to write a lot better, and in ways I think I became a slightly more grateful and less arrogant person from using steemit..

I also like the fact, that Steemit is ... increasing our "attention span". People who like to scroll through facebook/instagram/twitter lose their attention easily in real life.

My recommendation to you piotr and everyone is to be a bit careful with this new medium

Thank you for your kind words. I indeed am very careful and Im avoiding many sensitive topics.
