The Warrior
He was an official who had spent years in the mountains battling the insurgents.
Many times he had been about to die and that had led him to pose metaphysical questions and worry about the afterlife, to the point that he had begun to obsess about what is after death, there was hell or paradise?. He to knew that there was a wise in a cave and decided to go visit him.
When the spiritual teacher saw him asked:
- What do you want from me? Can I help you with something?
A little anguished the warrior replied:
- Lord, in these last months, perhaps I see the face of death up close, I have often asked myself if there are hell and paradise.
The hermit interrogated acutely:
- And who asks me that question?
The Warrior replied:
- A warrior, an official who defends borders.
The hermit asked derogatory:
- Are you a warrior? With the look you have? With that lack of composure and wolf expression?
The official was stupefied. He could not assimilate what was happening.
- And I'm sure you're as cowardly as you idiot, you know, added the wise.
- Enraged, at that moment the official drew out his sword.
The hermit shouted:
- In this instant, the doors of hell are being opening!
The official understood; a beam of light illuminated his understanding.
Regretful and ashamed, he sheathed his sword. Then the hermit said to him:
- Now the doors of paradise are being opening.
The official changed his profession. He stopped killing and begin to enjoy the peaceful existence.
Violence through violence will never be eliminated. Violence is hell. Never hate can be overcome by hatred, but only overcome by love. Peace and love are paradise.
Thank you for reading and participate!