There are reasons, for those with hypertension, to explore Yoga as a complementary treatment.

in yoga •  7 years ago 

**Guruji B. k. S. Iyengar ** recommends the following Yoga poses (asanas), in particular, for the management of high blood pressure: Savasana (rest position), Virasana (hero pose), Uttanasana (permanent forward folding), Janu Sirsasana ( head to knee pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose), Adho Mukha Svanasana (down in front of dog) and Baddha Konasana (shoemaker or linked ankle pose).


Virasana asana


Janu Sirsasana

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana asana

Adho Mukha Svanasana asana

Baddha Konasana asana

These poses relieve stress and relax the sympathetic nervous system, allowing you to place your blood pressure. There are also several asanas that should be avoided by people with high blood pressure. Vrksasana (tree pose) must be practiced, without weapons raised overhead.

Vrksasana (tree pose)

Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose) must be modified, turning the head to look down, leaving the hand at the waist instead of lifting it up.

uttita trikonasana.JPG

Virabhadrasana II and III (Warrior, two and three), Adho Mukha Vrksasana (full arm balance) and Sirsasana (headstand) should not be practiced to all those with hypertension.

Virabhadrasana II.jpg
Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana III.jpg
Virabhadrasana III


The definitive study on Yoga and high blood pressure is considered to be Chandra Patel and W.R.S. North - published in the newspaper, "The Lancet" in 1975 - in which 34 hypertensive patients participated. They were assigned to either Yoga relaxation methods with bio-feedback, or given a placebo therapy (general relaxation) for six weeks.

As a completely randomized study, the results were very important,
with blood pressure in the Yoga group falling from 168/100 to 141/84 mm. (Normal blood pressure is usually considered to be 120/80 mm).

There are reasons, for those with hypertension, to explore Yoga as a complementary treatment.


Thank you for reading and renew!
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Great to see those yoga postures in your blog and yes yoga has immense power but its needs persistent effort and if you are committed to doing yoga on daily basis then definitely you can see the result.

Thank you.

yes! Totally agree.